Thursday, January 31, 2019
business math paper -- essays research papers
Annuities Businesses, monetary institution, and other organizations invest in annuities to effectuate money to pay such expenses as bond debts, notes due, or filiation dividends. They also invest in annuities to provide for future needs, such as new facilities and equipment or employee retirement benefits. Individuals may purchase annuities, such as an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), or an insurance policy, from insurance companies, financial institutions, or securities brokers. An banausic annuity is a series of regular fees where individually payment is made at the end of the payment head. The payment period is the length of time between payments. Payments are usually made annually, semiannually, quarterly, or monthly. The term of the annuity is the length of time from the beginning of the first payment period to the end of the last payment period. The quantity of the annuity is the uniting of all payments plus their accumulated interest. Thei r amount is also called the cash value. The amount of an annuity can be found by using the measurement of an Annuity table. The table lists the value of an annuity of $1 compounded at various rates for various time periods. To find the amount of an ordinary annuity using the annuity table, multiply the payment by the grab table value. The interest earned can be found by subtracting the sum of the payments from the amount of the annuity.For example Brian purchased an ordinary an...
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Evolution Of Management Essay -- Organization Management Industry
Evolution of Management In this publisher I will be explaining the evolution of management from the beginning of the industrial revolution to resign which includes Classical School of Management, the Human Relations/ behavioural School of Management, Theory X and Y, the Scientific Approach, Contingency Approach, and Theory Z. I will also be comparing the classical style and the present style to each other and to my current work environment. The Classical schooldays of thought began during the Industrial Revolution around 1900 and continued into th e 1920s when in the buff problems related to the factory system began to appear. Managers were unsure of how to train employees (many of them non-English speaking immigrants) or deal with increased labor dissatisfaction, so they began to test solutions. Traditional or classical management focuses on efficiency and includes scientific, bureaucratic and administrative management. bureaucratic management shoots a rational set of structuring guidelines, such as rules and procedures, hierarchy, and a clear division of labor. Scientific management focuses on the unrivalled best way to do the job. Administrative management emphasizes the flow of tuition in the operation of the organization. The first... ...g. Fayol believed that all managers performed these functions and that the functions distinguished management as a separate discipline of study apart from accounting, finance, and production.(Online - http//www McGregor recognized that some people may not have reached the level of maturity assumed by Theory Y and therefore may need tighter controls that can be relaxed as the employee develops.(Online - http// This approach arose out of the observation that the leash earlier approaches to management - the Classical, the Behavioral, and the Operations Research - did not always prevail to an acceptable solution(Patrick J. Montana and Bruce H Charnov, Management, Third Edition, page 30)
How Does the Childhood Obesity Rates Compare in Wales and Usa
How Does The infantishness Obe razzy Rates Compare in Wales and the States Intro I feature chosen the issue of kidskinhood corpulency in Wales and the States. I live chosen this issue as fleshiness is a chief(prenominal) problem in forthwiths society, and I want to turn all everyplace how Wales compares to what is bangn as the Fattest coun examine, America. Also I apply to limit extinct the main reasons behind the high or poor evaluate in fleshiness. This guinea pig inte last outs me as it has a big opposition on todays youth, and I as a rugby player would prefer to learn more commonwealth out practice session than sitting in the house eating. Aims For my investigating I commence establish some(prenominal) southwardary and ancient study.My secondary in phase angleation is from various sources dour the internet. This go out help me find out the information I necessity such as rates of fleshiness in Wales and USA, and also pass by me a break up un derstanding of the issue. I will use facts and figures from my inquiry to give a discipline outlook of childhood obesity. For my primary information I produced a questionnaire to hand out to a range of battalion. 20 five of these questionnaires will be given out to children senior eleven to sixteen, and the some other twenty five will be handed to adults. This will give me a two different view points which could contrast or be very similar.From this I should be able to see what the main cause of childhood obesity is, and shall argue my findings in graphical record form to show clearly my results. I will show a clear understanding of the issue chosen by looking at two view points (adult and children), this will give me a balanced view and non a bias one. I shall also then produce an boilers suit conclusion about my investigation and evaluate the quality of my findings too. Issue Childhood obesity has nowa days become a serious health proposition world wide. Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more everywhere an individuals ideal body weight.Obesity is associated with increased take chances of illness, disability, and death. www. answer. com Even though obesity does not affect every child, it is decorous more increasing. Also with obesity comes health problems, maybe not swell away exclusively in the future, these problems could be such things as diabetes, smell disease, cholesterol and heart attacks which could lead to an early death. In todays world many citizenry had a part to play in the hike obesity figures. Todays reliance on cheap convenience and refrain feeds make it unprovoked to consume large amounts of calories and they are well publicise to children.Only a very few children are overweight due to checkup problems. Parents may be feeding their child too much at a young age, in that locationfore make them obese before they have a choice of what to eat and what not to eat, from this when the grow u p a bit they may feel depressed and look to provender for comfort, precisely making the problem worse. Another reason is that in conditions the amount of material activity has dropped, with more children produceting lifts to school too, and children now prefer to sit on the computer or watch the T. V. than going out and playing. indirect ResearchFor my secondary research I planed to find rates of obesity for both Wales and America, and see how much/if the rates have risen through the years. I am expecting to find an increase over the years and hope unspoilty find an explanation to why this is happening. Also I plan to find out if the government has any plans to try help this issue and decrease the rates. I hope to find that most information gives the similar answers, so I net then find out who is most responsible for the rates increasing. The figures of childhood obesity all over Europe are rising quickly, and up to 400,000 deaths each year in Europe are linked to excess weig ht.In America it has 25,814 deaths related to obesity a year, this is close to the European list for just one earth. in that locationfore proving obesity is a commodious problem within todays everyday life. In Wales nearly 10% of six year olds are obese, with it rising to 17% of 15 year olds existence obese. It is said that Welsh children are now among the fattest in the world, aged ten to fifteen years old. With the United Kingdom effect three in the world with 23% of the macrocosm being classed as obese. RankCountry%Population Obesity 1USA30. 6 2Mexico24. 2 3United Kingdom23 information from http//www. nationmaster. com/graph/hea_obe-health-obesity) America is rated the number one for obesity in the whole world, with a 30. 6% of the population being classed as obese. Also it has had its own T. V. documentary show make on it, Super Size Me which shows what Americans eat and the drastic slander it can do to your body. I have rear from my research that child obesity is a m ajor issue in Wales and more so, America. There needs to be drastic changes to try solve this problem, yet at that place doesnt seem anyone/any organisation big enough to do so.However, there are puny changes over world that I have noticed, such as schools taking out more fatty foods and transport in spick-and-span healthy selections to take there place. This started with Jamie Oliver going polish Britain looking at school dinners and then giving the children a new healthy option. Also from my research I have frame that in both America and Wales the main cause seems to be an unhealthy nutrition combined with a lack of calculate. High-calorie foods such as chocolates, sweets and fast food are cheap and readily available to children.Alongside this, physical activity and exercise are no longer a part of most childrens days some children never walk or cycle to school or play sport. Instead, many of them spend hours in front of a telecasting or computer. With this being the ma in cause it seems that the parents are also to be blamed for not controlling or joining in with activities in their childrens lives, if this is the case it may be a operose tendency to get out of. Primary Research For my primary research I decide to produce 50 questionnaires to hand out, twenty five went to children aged eleven to sixteen and twenty five to adults.I have done this to try give a balanced view on what people of the theater of operations believe the main cause of obesity could be. However I know with questionnaire that you do not always get all of them back accurate fully and appropriately, but I cannot let this effect me as it happens to everyone. xiv of the adults I asked to complete my questionnaire had children while eleven didnt, but I found this did not affect my findings significantly. Below I will show you a few results of my questionnaire in graph form, and also a copy of the questionnaire I gave out. Who do you recall is responsible for the wellbeing of obese children? (Adults)Who do you think is responsible for the wellbeing of obese children? (Children) As you can see from the graphs, there is a slight trend in who people believe to be responsibility, this is the parents. However from the adult graph you can see that parents come second behind cheap foods, but this could be that the parents asked did not feel it was their slip and felt it was someone elses. What do you believe the main cause for child obesity is? (Adults) What do you believe the main cause for child obesity is? (Children) From the above graphs you can see most adults saw junk food being the main cause for obesity, then parental control.I agree with this as junk food has become more advertised and easier to get bear out of in todays society, and with lack of parental control over their children they give in to them and let them have junk food or let them watch the T. V. sort of of controlling them and giving them the healthy option and time slots for video gam ing. However, in the childrens graph you can see they feel the school meals are to blame. I disagree with my findings here as I believe the children who have done the questionnaire have been more boas towards the rest of the options and not voted for them as much as it is what they like in todays life.Instead of going out, they prefer to sit in watching T. V. instead of eating healthy, they snack on junk foods. I find the adults graph to be more realistic in finding the main cause, but to get a balanced opinion I had to look at what children in my age range thought. Conclusion After looking over all my findings from both my primary and secondary research I have been able to come to a valid conclusion on the topic I chose to look at, Childhood Rates of Obesity in Wales and USA. It is easy to say that America is most obese country out of the two, with it being ranked number one for obesity in the whole world, with 30. % of the population being obese. I found that childhood obesity can be caused by a number of issues. Firstly the way children are brought up if they are brought up on junk food it is hard to get out of this bad habit and they will carry on this into their maturity date and then carrying it on to their children. Another reasons is the bombardment of fast food and its advertisement, this entices people to go to a fast food restaurant like McDonalds which is full of unhealthy foods that some people chose to live off instead of making a healthy meal in their house.In Wales the rates may not be as high as America, but they are compose a great deal of children classed as obese. This has become a large problem in Britain over the past few years, with Britain being number 3 in the world rankings for obesity. However, there has been some Government act upon towards solving this problem such as change in school meals and healthier advertisements for restaurants like Pizza Hut and McDonalds, but most people feel this isnt enough and more work could be don e to help. EvaluationI encountered a number of problems during my research for both secondary and primary research. With my primary research the main problem I had was getting the questionnaires back in fully sinless, also once in I was able to see that some may have been done quickly and not completed seriously. The main problem with the secondary research was finding appropriate websites that can be trusted and give valid information. With so much on obesity it was difficult to find the right sources, however once found it was relatively simple to extract the information needed.Another problem that occurred was the size of both countries, Wales being a tiny country compared to America so it was hard to compare the rates in both. Overall though, I felt my investigation went well and what I believed was true, that USA was higher in childhood obesity than Wales. If I had to do this investigation again I would change two parts to what I have done, firstly I would have chosen a differ ent country to USA due to its size over Wales, now looking back I think it would have been better to have pick a country such as France.The other change to my investigation would be with the questionnaire, I would ask more people to try get a wider picture instead of a small amount which may not be an accurate opinion of the country in hand.Websites Usedhttp//news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/wales/2997940. stmhttp//www. cdc. gov/nchs/products/pubs/pubd/hestats/overweight/overwght_child_03. htmhttp//www. nationmaster. com/graph/hea_obe-health-obesity
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Charles Perrault Bio Essay
Charles Perrault is a famous French poet and author recognized for writing the Mother Goose fairy tales. He was the seventh child from his father Pierre Perrault and mother Paquette Le Clerc, natural on January 12 of 1628 in Paris, France and then died and indefinite death which performer it is undefined that was on May 16, 1703. He was a Roman Catholic. He married Marie Guichon in 1672 when she was nineteen years old, with her he had three children and when delivering the trine one Marie passed while giving birth in 1678, which left them to be married for only six years. After her death Perrault never remarried. life story wise Perrault didnt start out as a poet he was actually a lawyer who was in charge of royal buildings in 1660.Perrault also took a huge share in the making of the honorary society of Sciences and the renewal of the Academy of Painting. But then later on he worked in the Academic Franaise where he played an important role of literacy dissension as many know to day had to do with the clash amid the Ancients and the Moderns, to which Charles coincided with the Moderns.Perrault then decided he was going to spend the rest of his life story promoting the education of literature and the arts. Where then he started to become a long-familiar as a poet with stories such as Red Riding yobo, Puss in Boots, Cinderella, and Donkeyskin. Donkeyskin is a famous French literacy and was republished by Perrault in 1697 with a little help from Andrew Lang another popular poet. Donkeyskin was the French variant of Cinderella. There are plenty of versions of Donkeyskin but Perraults is the most known and made him popular.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Fordism: Spawning New Management Styles
Introduction. In this essay the focus is on Henry crossroad and hybridisationism. The first paragraph of the essay is an introduction of Fredrick W Taylor, and how crossingism is derived from the ideas of Taylorism. It as well as looks at the important ideas behind Fordism and scientific focussing. Further in the essay the importance is to look at the variant ideas of Fordism (the tummy- proceeds, the $5 day, the part of labour and counselling style), and on why it was important at is sentence and the effect following from those ideas.The essay has two different paragraphs discussing the positive and the invalidating effects of Fordism on focal point and organisations, and manoeuverers and orderliness. In the end of the essay in that location is or so paragraphs about the overbold forms of management developed after Fordism, and the management styles discussed in this paragraphs are about Neo-Fordism and Post-Fordism. In the early 20th atomic number 6 the ideas of s cientific management was created by Frederick W. Taylor, and these unfermented ideas of management style had a big impact on the economy at that eon, and for m some(prenominal) decades following.In this modernistic form of management, the word efficiency became a central part of the manufacturing process. virtu entirelyy of the strongest characteristics of Taylorism are the division of labour, the structure of hold over task railcarrying out and the implicit minimum interaction employment relationship. (Craig R Littler 1978) The impertinent role of management was now to scientifically analyse the task that was performed in the execute, and then to design the jobs to eliminate all unnecessary time and proceeding waste.Fordism is derived from Taylorism, and in which Fordism added some novel ideas to scientific management, similar the aggregation decipher. (RMIT University2012)Fordism is a term that is used to describe majority- end product using an assembly line engin eering science to bring on it possible for a better division of labour and time, with bowel movement management techniques. (RMIT University 2012). It has derived from Henry Ford (1863-1947) a car manufacturer which was perceive as the inventor of kettle of fish-yield, by installing specialized machines, the flow line of assembly work and using the ideas of Taylorism (Frederick W.Taylor) in his car-manufacture, which guide to Henry Ford producing millions of identical cars at a disappoint production cost which make the cars more affordable. (Ray Batchelor 1994 Palgrave Macmillan 2012) The ideas of Taylorism that Henry Ford took into his car manufacturing were the ideas of maximising job fragmentation, minimizing of accomplishment requirements, a minimization of upsetling component separate and material, separate confirming and direct labour and separate planning and doing. RMIT University2012) Fordism was important in its time, and some of the new ideas of Fordism played a n significant role in change in the production, economy, and the relationship between the managers and workers. One of the main ideas of Fordism was mass-production, which made it possible to grow products at a lower cost, through spreading the fixed cost out on a large amount of outputs, and the cars could then be sold cheaper. Fred Thomsen 2007) Ford managed to produce practical cars which was within the reach of the fairish American person. (Robert J Antonio, Alessandro Bonanno 2000) One of Henry Fords main contri barelying to mass production was the standardization, and this had to be done at perfection, so he had to cultivate in machinery tools which made is possible to use the assembly line, so every workers only had to perform one simple task. Fred Thompson 2007) At Fords manufacturings they made almost all they acquireed from the gross material, because he had a push-d take in stack of know directge about mass production techniques, and could then keep the business economic sustainable by doing all of the parts of the production in hes give manufacture with his own workforce( even though it required more workers, which needed a pass on of management to keep see to it over), and he as well as vertically integrated because Ford had a scepticism about accounting and finance, but if he did it himself he would throw off more potency, and could easier direct the flow of raw material. Fred Thompson 2007) But whit the mass production, it was as well a small note in the products, in Fords case the cars, and one character for that was Henry Ford once saying you can have the car in what ever colour you like, as long as its mysterious. Fordism lead the transformation from an agriculture to an economy growing because of mass production and mass consumption. Fred Thompson 2007)The mass production and mass consumption led to an economic evolution and widespread material advancement (Fred Thomsen 2007 Robert Boyer 2010) One of the main conventi on of Fordism was the $5 day, which was double the normal pay and works less hours for those who were qualified, so the workers would stay loyal and work efficient, but alike so his own workers would be able to afford the car he was producing, and the charter for Ford cars would increase.But for the workers to be qualified they had to have a satisfactory life-stile, like absence seizure from alcohol (RMIT University 2012) But the $5 day was criticised, from example the socialist daily news populate, saying is was a scheme to make it difficult for the competitors, but in the general public the $5 eld was perceived as a risky move, but also bold, democratic and magnanimous. (Ray Batchelor 1994) It have also been said that Fordism and it advanceder wages led to productiveness growth, economic growth but also an inflation growth. Mark Goodwin, Joe Painter1996) The higher wages was also created so the efficient and good workers assuage wanted to work in the Ford manufacturing with the new type of management. In Fordism it was a managerial hierarchy (top-bottom), technical controls and strict time-limits, and every task was separated into their simplest constituent elements, qualification the work routinized. (Robert J Antonio, Alessandro Bonanno, 2000 RMIT University 2012) But the work task of speeding it all up and making every work task easy led to a de acquisitioning of the workers, and have been criticised on humanistic grounds. RMIT Universit 2012 F. Xu, T. Rickards 2007) With the deskilling of the workers the managers perceived the workers as stupid, and therefore all the decision making was taken away from them, and they were treated like replaceable parts of the machinery. (F. Xu, T. Rickards 2007) Fords business got the affect of the cooperation costs, because with the deskilling of workers, and wanting to have control over the quantity and quality over the workers performance, they needed to hire management to conduct those jobs, which were extra expenses. RMIT University 2012) And with the workers constantly being controlled and supervised, the relationship between the managers and the workers became filter and the workers lost commitment to Fords manufacture, because they were frustrated and dissatisfy, but this led to management having to control the workers even more. (RMIT University 2012) It is important to highlight that there were positive affects from Fordism on the society and worker, and on management and organisation. For rganisations Henry Ford showed that products could be produced a lot more efficient by using machinery and technology, which led to a lower fixed production cost and firms could therefore make a larger profit and get a bigger market share (Fred Thompson 2007) Ford unbroken continuous to improve the production on the car manufacturing process, as with for example the car T-model, where he had studied the shortest task cycle of the T-model assembly line, which reduced human effort that led to change magnitude productivity take while reducing the production costs. Greg Grandin 2009) Henry Ford needed a lot of management staff in his business to achieve control over the workers and because he was running the business vertically integrated he needed more managing staff, which meant a higher form of bureaucratization, which set the step for modern corporations, and in some cases even for local government. (Mark Goodwin and Joe Painter 1996) In the view of the society and workers Fordism gave them some positive contributions.As mentioned Henry Ford treble the pay, the $5 day, and he reduced the working day down to 8 hours, and he reduced the working week down to five days for the workers that was qualified and lived by a good lifestyle. (RMIT University 2012) This started a cycle of high real income which led to the mass consumption , and increased the demand for goods, as well as the car Henry Ford him self were producing. (RMIT University 2012) besides with letting hi s workers work less hours per week, they had extra time on hand which led to the start of a new industry which were pore on leisure.Fordism also had banish effects on management and organisation, and workers and society. After Fordism had lasted for a while in The USA, were Fordism originated from, the production growth and economic growth started to eliminate in the 1960s for various factors, but one of the main reasons were that the immutable consumer goods and process technologies had entered the maturity phase of the life-cycle and they were not able to find any new mass markets which led to stagnation in growth and defy in jobs. (annemieke J.M. Roobeek 1987) Since one of the main concepts of Fordism was mass-production, it led to a major crisis because of the constrains of productivity slow down. (Robert Boyer 2010) As for the workers under Fordism they had to perform heavy workloads on rotary motion of relatively un practised, repetitive tasks and with a assembly line th at was speeded up as fast as it could contributed to a highly stressful work environment. (S. Edgell 2006) The new work tasks for the workers also led to a deskilling of the workers. RMIT University 2012) The deskilling of workers was highly criticized, even by Frederick W Taylor, saying that Fords assembly line workers assembled gorillas. (Fred Thompson 2007) Fordism had some positive and negative aspects on management, but after Fordism hit the crisis of production slowdown in the 1960s it was clear that some changes had to be done, and the Hawthorn experiment that were conducted in the 1920s showed cleared in the experiment that one of the main issues were tha workers also had physiological and social needs in the work place, which should be include in a new form of management style. RMIT University 2012 Robert Boyer 2010) The first alternate developed was Neo-Fordism, which were later followed by Post-Fordism. (RMIT University 2012) Neo-Fordism was build up on modifications on Fordism, rather than abandon all the original ideas of Fordism. Some of the areas of Fordism that was modified were on the simplification and fragmentation of work, the control over the workers time limits working via the assembly line, and there were no longer a standardization of products and parts via individual purpose machines. S. Edgell 2006) In Neo-Fordism the working practice were flexible to fit the coetaneous operations work . (RMIT University 2012) One of the first car manufacturers that modified the ideas of Fordism into Neo-Fordism was the Swedish car company Volvo, which included a greater job gyration for the workers, with extended work tasks, as responsibility for the quality, which gave the workers job enlargement and they got to abet together as a work team. S. Edgell 2006) In the Volvo car manufacture the process of destandardization of the products and parts was achieved because of their flexible carrier system, which made it possible for the work rotation, t eam work, but the work stations were still divided into different station as in Fordism and Taylorism and they still used the time limits.Volvos set about to re-organise their production was successful at many areas, the workers working conditions got better which led to a better job satisfaction among them, and the quality of work increased and they still managed to have the same times on their assembly lines. (S. Edgell 2006) Post-Fordism, also know as after Fordism was a new type of management that did not build on Fordism, but who broke with the main concepts of it, and cogitate on flexible specialisation instead. (S. Edgell 2006) The perspective of Post-Fordism was to focus on the need of flexibility, with fundament being of importance. John Mathews 1989) In Fordism the focus were on mass production, via special purpose machines and assembly line to get the mass production of standardized products, which also led to the deskilling of workers, Post-Fordism on the other hand i s focused on flexibility and the skills of the workers to make high-quality customized products. (S. Edgell 2006) Post-Fordism is different from the competing Neo-Fordism because it is based on the skill inputs of the workers and the workers high level of responsibility, whereas in Neo-Fordism the focus is one improving the lore and social cohesion of the work while using the ideas of Fordism. John Mathews 1989 RMIT University 2012) Post-Fordism have put the focus on the practiced worker, but the danger that comes with that is the scourge of dualization, with a big class different between a skilled worker and the mass of unskilled workers. (John Mathews 1989) In Post-Fordism the focus is on the skilled workers, and skilled workers can use computer technology to adjust production in responds to demand quickly, and will therefore avoid some of the main problems of Fordism. To Be able to succeed in a competitive and dynamic environment, flexibility is one character of main importan ce. S Edgell 2006) Conclusion The history of Fordism shows us a management style that worked on some areas and failed in others. The production became more efficient, which made it more profitable for the owners, which also led to lower priced products and the introduction of the $5 wages. Fordism brought with it mass production which led to mass consumption, and formed an economic growth in the society. But while people were able to earn more money and consume more, it also had a negative aspect of deskilling the workers, and who also had to work under though working conditions physically and socially.In the 1960s it was productivity slow down, and even though they could still mass-produce, the market didnt longer have a big demand for it. When the c approachs of Fordism hit, new styles of management were developed, some just modifying Fordism, as Neo-Fordism and some styles that altogether broke of with the ideas of Fordism, as Post-Fordism. In these new forms of management, the workers became a central part. Neo-Fordism kept many of the ideas of Fordism, but changed the ideas around the working environment, so the workers would be physically and socially satisfied.Post-Fordism has showed a complete difference from Fordism, and is more focused on flexibility and the skills of the workers and customized highly qualified products. Fordism was good in many areas in it prime time, because it led to a economic growth, but as time goes by it brings changes to the economy and the need of society, which means that management styles should changes with it, and adapt to make it work. Reference list RMIT University (Ed). 2012. Introduction to concern. Palgrave Macmillan, South Melborune. Grandin, G 2009. Forlandia The rise and fall of Henry Fords forgotten jungle urban center, Metropolian Books, New York. Matthews, J 1989, Ages of Democracy the politics of Post-Fordism, Oxford University Press, Normanby Rd, SA. Edgell, S 2006, The sociology of work persistence and change in paid and upaid work, Sage, Thousand Oaks, London Goodwin, M, Painter, J 1996, Local governance, the crises of Fordism and the changing geographies of Regulation, Transaction of the institute of British Geographers, new series, vol 21, No 4, pp 635-648, Wiley Blackwell Boyer, R 2010, Is a financial-led growth regime a feasible alternative to Fordism?A Preliminary analysis https//dx. doi. org/10. 1080/030851400360587 Xu, F, Rickards, T 2007, Creative Management A predicted development from research into creativity and management, Creativity and innovation Management pp 216-228 Thompson, F 2007, Fordism, Post-Fordism and the flexible system of production, viewed 29. September 2012. http//www. willamette. du/fthompso/MgmtCon/Fordism_%26_Postfordism. html Batchelor, R 1994, Henry Ford, mass production, modernism and design, Manchester University Press, Oxford Rd, Manchester Antonio, RJ, Bonanno, A 2000, A new global Capitalism? Americanism and Fordism to Americanization-Globa lization, pp 33. 77 https//ojsprdap. vm. ku. edu/index. php/amerstud/article/viewFile/3102/3061
Saturday, January 26, 2019
A Yellow Raft in Blue Water Essay
Answer Discuss the three female protagonists and the manpower in their lives. How are their lives determined by the circumstances of their birth and subsequently by the men they chose.Michael Dorris divides the novel A Yellow Raft in Blue Water into three sections narrated by three different autochthonous American women Rayona, Christine, and Ida. First introduced is teen-aged Rayona, whose pay back Christine is dying of in addition oftentimes drink and high living. Rayona was abandoned by her mother and had to fend for herself around the purlieu of Seattle and the Montana reservation of her birth. She is searching for a stability of affection she neer quite finds. Rayona often looks down on herself based on the personal manner people look at her. They either say she is too big, too smart, not Black, not Indian, not friendly. Rayona longs to be normal and fit in. With her mother Christine, its been another story affection came to her almost too much and nearly buried benea th it, she self-destructs in her illness finally move to the reservation. She is very protective of her brother downwind and always concerned for his welfare.Christine does not have the skills to translate her feelings into actions and this is her main problem in relationships with others, especially with her daughter. This failing naturally causes problems between Christine and Rayona, as Rayona begins to judge others based solely on their actions. auntie Ida is often bitter and attempts to distance herself from others, as she fears becoming too attached to or dependent upon anyone. She tells the last part of the book and is the outdo at telling it. A story of how a young Indian girl Ida assumed the child born of an aunt, whod come to she-goat her sister through illness and stayed to bear her brother-in-laws child Christine.Its only here that Dorris narrative decision to telescope the story, unfold family secrets. Since Aunt Ida was so secretive of their family genes, Christi ne is left fatherless and has no ancestors who she knows about. Consequently she has perplexity understanding her identity and it causes her a great deal of pain and disappointment. though the one constant man in her life was her brother Lee. Christine and Lee have a very close sister-brother bond, separately relying on each other for emotional support.After her brothers death, she gets married to an African American solider named Elgin. Throughout her part of the book, she faces difficulties with Elgin that reflects a lot on Rayona. During Rayonas whole life, her father Elgin is barely there, pooping in and out whenever convenient for him. Rayona Feels same she is not good enough and has trouble trying to find her get off and identity in the world. These characters experience loneliness, they yearn to be loved and accepted. This results in the evident theme of belonging and abandonment.The chance to interview Michael Dorris. .What is your deary and least(prenominal) favorite books of all the books you have written? Where do you get your ideas for your books? What is your favorite type of book to read that you enjoy and do any of them support you to make your decisions to write your books? From research you have mentioned growing up in a household filled with women. Did you get any actual chromatography column help from women in your household? For example, did you show it to your wife and asked if you got something right?
Friday, January 25, 2019
How Does IEKA Approach Operations Management?
The master(prenominal) calculate of this paper is to counseling on the how IKEA union approached its operating theater government. particularly, it covers the fol minusculeing how the association picture and manage c trickerynt requirements, indorsement how does these customers requirements utilize for the phoners carre tetrad and run, then, third covers the subroutineal systems and exploites it used in its transaction, fourth consists of skill intentionning, influence lay start, and harvest- bag function/scheduling, stock-taking and projects were managed in the organization.And, lastly is on wherefore and how monitoring and evaluation of operation were carried out by the c eitherer-up. This paper comparablewise runs empirical developings and application of relevant theories that exit help readers to re to a greater extento accreditedly transform how the play along operates and what relevant theories it applies. basis In few companies these day s whether it is local or multinational companies, they ar al modalitys faced with enlarged challenges.Challenges those ar any(prenominal) ms insurmountable to outstrip the like continuing to be advanced(a) or problems related to monetary value. These be two of the nigh common challenges that party almost-the-clockly faced, provided these problems whitethorn overly be overcome solitary(prenominal) if the play along operates in a authority that it direction principally in its main strength and at the analogous era focusing on the right grocery, where they would k instantly that they pee-pee the advantage.In this paper with IKEA Company as the main focus, it get out cause us exactly how typical multinational companies manage to operates. It leave imply such(prenominal) workes like customer requirements, trading operations management, monitoring projects and several(prenominal) early(a) theories and playes utilize in actual operation. This paper too pr ovides rough grand empirical shapeings that give help to support the theories and actual strategies applied by the troupe.Historical Background of IKEA Company. It was non so long later the companionship founder INGVAR KAMPRAD born in 1926 and fair(a) this instant if now 17 years later after that year, where at a real young age when INGVAR registered the counterbalance IKEA Company and this was in July 28, 1943. Actually, the summon of the fellowship IKEA stands for (Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd). Couple of years later, the corporation had its first advertisement with and finished a local cleanspaper, and then through aggressiveness in the occupancy, Ingvar launched its first fine and modern line of furniture in 1948.Fol modested by open up of IKEAs catalogue and first furniture showroom in Sweden in 1951 and 1953 respectively. Four years later, the true fantasy of the partys entry of sanitaryhead traffic patterned furniture at a very low expense started in 1955 and three years later it was the worlds first IKEA caudex opened. From those early years the accompany started to grow and shape of co- requireers and that started to be seen by the company in 1958 and a year after that was the introduction of the companys self assembly furniture. tacit, since the company wishing to make sure that they clefted non altogether low suss out items, they started to find ship focusing on how persona will be implemented. That is wherefore by 1961, the company started to implement quality testing in all its mathematical growths. whence the company sees fortune to expand and by 1963, the company launched their first IKEA store outdoors Sweden and this is in Nor sort. Then from their on the company started to grow and stores outside extends and it was first penetrated in the European region.And by the company reaching the 90s, the company became design oriented which is engageed in enounce to deal, besides unflurried the main concept and vision of the company to lower the worth and at the like time quality is non out of the plan and it persistingly been the advantage of the company. Like in 1997 specifically was the year for children, where the company has developed numerous harvest- bases for kids and still mod design continuous to work for the company. And by 2003, through its donations has helped a Swedish hospital to build The Kaprad syndicate which primarily facilitates for posteriorcer patients. How does the organization establish customer requirements? Establishing customer requirements whitethornhap is one of the most important factors for mastery for any company in the world and whether it is local or multinational business. The main transforming is that it chiefly focuses on how a company develops the right carrefour. It whitethorn very artless to say that it may only be about how the company interviews or provide questionnaires or veritable(a) conducting keep ups ri pe to know the important and bewitch requirement of the customers. The IKEA Concept, 2007. But, really it is much than that and it affects a push-d cause storage of effort in actualizeing such activity. That is likewise the problem with come companies, they would think that establishing customer requirement is easy as like asking them when they visit the shops, stores or still sometimes paying some formal visits does non answers all these and in fact in that respect atomic number 18 customers that would only accomplish survey forms out of persistence by some crews or managers of the shops.And the problem started as when the company started to rely on these requirements and apply some strategies on it, see it as the real problem and from in that respect irrelevant solutions were applied and that only adds problem or worsen the problem of the company. In theory, it is said that establishing customer needs or requirements ar mainly the job of the commercialiseing sect ion of the company and these group as well as knows that requirements of customers may come from different reflexions in the business.Like one of the aspect is that requirements may come from the attitude of the customer towards the proceeds which is shaped by the discoverd by the yield itself, like take for instance a w be that is known for ore than 2 decades and the customers be well used to it, this way of life that the attitude of the customers towards that product and the years of experience of the product itself plays a big factor in understanding the requirement of its customers.Secondly it crowd out also be brought about by the opinions or claims of early(a) customers, which is sometimes put forward also help the company in understanding the need of their customers, scarcely this hindquarters only be applicable to products or gos that were introduced positively at first, because there ar some refreshing or old products that atomic number 18 non well recogn ized and these products on the other hand argon obviously hard to analyzed its customer needs. But there be some more aggressive ways on how to deal with customer requirements and this is through direct selling, these role of business has the great advantage against the others most of the time.The reason is that they directly work with the customers and the business units atomic number 18 the ones asking what they need and from there, the direct seller provides what scoop up fit to their needs. pointtually is that company relies on advertising, this happens when the company introduce new product to the market or sometimes before they introduce to the market by well(p) letting them aware of the product that will be soon launched. From the firmness of purpose of public acceptance establish from the popularity ratings of the advertisement, the company would then based it and later used it as a basis for customer requirement.But the latter is sometimes dangerous and drastic b ecause sometimes the company maybe mislead on the popularity of the advertisement which sometimes does not reflect on the actual gross revenue of the product. Other theory that needs to be well followed in order to accomplish better requirement gathering is that company essential understand that there are three important factors that need to be considered in establishing requirement of customers and these are in the form of questions Who profanes the product? What they real buy? And most importantly, how they buy? And these three questions can also directly scream the important concern of customer satisfaction. Like in wrong of who buys it, this pertains to the type of customer that would possibly and those who will emphatically buy the product. For customers that will definitely buy the product, there should be a separate dodge that will be applied to them like may be giving them some small perks like through discounts maybe enough since these customers are considered the sure ones. term for those customers that are potential and have the probability of buying the product, schema may be more aggressive like giving them discounts or correct focusing on designs or unconstipated giving additional perks for buyers may also be used to strategize new and potential customers. Secondly, focusing on what the customers actually buy is one question that companies must mien into in establishing requirements. In this question, the main focus is on closely understanding what the customers truly like these can be brought about by latest trends or specific needs for specific type of customers.For most companys the latter seems to be intimately been placeed by companies as they can easily issue such requirements, alone what is hard for companies to anticipate are the trends that may come and for companies they only compete by who among them can be the first one to introduce that trend to the market. But sometimes these does not give any assurance on them, w hat makes it more lasting collision is on how the company the company provide not only dear the trend but also quality and in terms of price in order for customers to really appreciate the product itself.Lastly in terms of how they buy, this pertains to how accessible and availability of the product t the customers. This is also been a big factor in establishing requirements because there are times that products have the outperform quality and the price is deep down the reckon, but due to availability of stocks and availability to the customers, it became a driving force for customer not to buy the product and instead they would settle to change their preference and that becomes the problem of some companies.This means that consistencies is constantly a challenge as well, companies should always remember that if they offer such quality and sure to be a hit product for their customers, it does not stop there and the company itself should be prepared and be able to be up for th e challenge to produce as numerous products as it can in order to address the demand for the product or table services that they offer. That is wherefore it is also important to address customer requirements because it also helps in understanding its target customer. 2 For IKEA, a company that in all(prenominal)day they operate, understanding and establishing customer requirement is essential. Establishing Customer needs, n. d. The reason mainly is that they provide products that should always note into the needs of their different types of customers. But, nevertheless though the needs may come differently and uniquely, depending either on designs, price or even space or combination of some(prenominal) or all of the products. As the main vision of the company mainly focuses on how to provide better life for its customers and this is through their two main company objective and that is to provide as much as possible wide build of products to choose from and at the same time prices that are low that surely they can afford.As based from its main vision, it obviously follows that the companys main concept is to really provide low prices home furnishing products. This concept started when INGVAR KAMPRAD an entrepreneur from Smaland province in southern part of Sweden had an modernistic theme in opinion. As an entrepreneur he found out that in order to be succeederful in the business, he axiom that most people live simple and they live their life frugally and they really work hard.This only shows that people would only buy things that are important on them and legal age of the people would consider buying not so luxurious and high price things. That is why from that observation, he do an impression that in order to satisfy these extremely hard working(a) customers to buy the products and be able to compete well in the market. That is why from that observation, he made an impression that in order to satisfy these highly hard working customers to buy the products and be able to compete well in the market.Then, what he did was an approach to find ways on how to provide not only quality products but also providing them with a push-down storage of choices and most specially the price is low, which customers will surely find way to fit on their budget and that is until now the trademark of the company that is why they became popular anywhere they operate in the world. That is why with this technique or schema that was applied by the company since the time when the company actually started. These were also the effective strategy that the company applied and has been a very effective way.This is true in fact even up to now that companies must understand that the need of the customer should still be quelled and in order to do this there should be well experimental condition not only on the basic functionality of the product but also taking into consideration on the price and quality of the product. 3 This only shows that the compa ny from the beginning knows what it takes to be in the business and how they can actually address the concerns and requirements of their customers.And from this concept by its founder and entire workforce that are working for the company, it was easy for the company to notwithstanding innovate and be negotiable on the different needs of their customers since the foundation were well effected. And since the company were together with managed by group of owners around the world, they also kept in mind that the way they operates like specifically how they establish requirements must be in line with the world(a) concept and practice of the company which is still starts with products that are not only quality but also sold in a very low price.That is why for any additional requirements like in terms of additional functionality designs and even in terms of price are mainly comes from the actual conversation and interaction by the customers themselves through the store co-workers. Even the actual store arrangement and presentation becomes a focal point in establishing customer requirements. How are customer requirements translated into products/services? It is true that establishing customer requirement does not stop there and what the company needs to do is to translate these requirements into actual product or services.For most companies these has also become a major problem, maybe not just because of the problem that some companies may established the wrong requirements or it is just companys translate the required products or services wrongfully. 3 The IKEA Concept, 2007. Most specially customers these days are very intelligent and they easily shift their preference and what makes it difficult these days is that there are a lot of products to choose from and one wrong move can give a lot of impact for the business and that is something that companys must look into closely.There are actually some(prenominal) theories that can be applied in carefully and effec tively translating customer requirements into products or services, But among the many theories, there is one important theory that focuses on how products are organism planned before it actually delivers to the customers and this is what is be called as product cookery framework. In this model or framework it shows that for companies to be successful in converting requirements into products or services.In this approach it also tackles the over-all company strategy that should also be included in the actual reading of the product and not just the requirement alone. Because there are instances that the company over-prioritize on the certain aspect in the product planning where in fact it does not only need to separately prioritize but also have to manage how the different factors relate to one another. Needs, 2004) In it shows that it is not only the expand requirement alone is important, instead it should be well collaborated with the other factors or aspects of product planning .And it all starts with understanding first the company strategy these should be the starting point and then it follows by three collaborative turnes which include agonistic business environment, which involves a careful understanding on how the company understand the way it should perform in order to be competitive and not just develop a product or service that only performs the basic requirement of the customers instead it should be developed to address competitiveness, secondly in the group of process after understanding the main corporate strategy is the market dynamics, at this point companys must also look into the different trends and market situations which may also become a major factor in the business. Companies must look into the way market is moving and sensitivity towards these aspect gives a lot of leverage for the company even by the time of planning in the development of the product. Then, the third and last part of the three collaborative processes is development capabilities this includes the identification of the companys capabilities of developing the actual product.This situation also a big impact for some companies because there are companies that even though they al arrive at identified and studied the market dynamics and the competitive business environment, eventually they found out that they have no force or capacity to do it, so what they need to do is to just focus on planning to develop some products that are within their capacity to developed. These three processes are also considered as market opportunity filter. Architecture and long term roadmap come next, which focuses mainly on how the product can be developed product policy and goals which is very important in terms of establishing semipermanent success of the product.There are also other factors that it really focuses like corporate or division value added, summation technology applied and other aspect that mainly focuses on the long-term success of the product. Detail ed user requirements or product definition comes next, where at this point, these only includes the detailed understanding of users needs and all the information that it supports which includes the things that were presented above, like information regarding what customers wants, who actually buy the product and how they buy it. This information will then be used for establishing a business case which will mainly use in providing a study that will be use to support the feasibility of the product development and lastly is the process of execution, which involves the actual generation of the product or services.But this may be applicable and useful to some products or services that are well established in the industry or companies that already has its name and just continuous to explore for new opportunities. The reason is that there are many failures that may be encountered by companies who are introducing new product in the market. peerless of the most common reason is that since t hey dont have establish customer sensation and their data are sometimes not received and just follows current market trends. It shows that there are also some important factors that need to be carefully addressed by new companies or companies introducing new product lines in the market.These also show that there are many cases that can contribute the ineffectiveness of translating customer requirements into product or service development. 4 For IKEA, in terms of translating customer requirements into products and services, it has always been the main focus of the company and this is perform by the company through what the company called as IKEAs Main Range. As most companies would also envy how the company operates and how they still provide low price products even though there are a lot of economic problems that are happening. But, the main reason why the company continues to survived and still keep up with quality and price is though its what they called as IKEA Range.IKEA range refers to the formula on how the business operates and it all starts with its main concept of producing low price products positivist their effective production method that continuously been the priority which gives big foster for the company since it is the major toll centered activities of the company and lastly but definitely not the least is with the in advance(p) ideas and minds of their people that up to now becomes a major concern driving force in the success of the company as well. But basically there are four basic factors how the IKEA range actually performs and translates customer requirements and these includes profile, design, functionality and the strategy they do for overweight the price of its product. In terms of profile, the company continues to target the fundamental activities in every home such as eating, sleeping, storing items and socializing but the company always makes sure that their products based on these basic activities they always have to conside r the limited budget and space of most of its customers.In other words, the company always strives to provide a product that first satisfies 4 whimsical Product Development with Customer Needs, 2004 the basic needs of their customers based on the standard activities in everyones homes and then consider the tight budget and limited space of homes of the customers. In terms of design, just like in the profile, designers of the company are always task to provide innovative ideas that comprises of new and innovative designs and at the same time address low cost production cost, which may result to low price for their customers. Even though this is a big challenge for designers, still they manage to produce products that are not only stylish but also at low cost to produced and sell.These are two of the main secret of the company, they always find better ways on how they can lower the production cost through better designs, because for them is they will still produce better design with low production cost, they can leverage against the competition and that gives both well-being for the company and most specially for their customers. In terms of functionality, the companies always look into beyond the basic functionality of its products. It constantly seeks value to its products, and with that it also implements strict quality assurance, in order for their customers not to say that their products are not just low price and style but also durable.This only shows that the functionality of products through quality is an essential part of IKEAs business and this should not via media cost. In terms of low price products, the company has implemented this strategy by providing a wide range of choices. With the many choices that they offered, there will definitely be a choice of the customers that is fit for their budget and not just a fit in the space they have in their homes. The company does not compete on a per item basis, they compete in terms of prices through sele ctions and wide range of designs and functionality of products that they offered and this is an added advantage of the company.And as how the company perform its actual way of translating customer requirements into actual product development or services and as based on the concept that were presented earlier, it clearly stated that there are clear evidence that IKEA outride with its corporate strategy to offer products that are not only low-cost but also has quality. This known requirements where further enhanced by innovative design by their designers that still carefully addresses the needs of the customers. What operational systems and processes are in place to satisfy the Product/service requirements of customers? It is true that there are different processes or systems that need to be implemented by company in order to institutionalize the way on how the company satisfies product or services requirements. Because there are times where other company apply different ways on how they manage requirements and these results to inconsistencies in the information that the company generates.And in order for these very essential requirements not going to waste, companys should create a well delimitate process on how not only keep it but more importantly satisfy these requirements through implementation of the right processes and systems. For IKEA, the main idea for the company is to really see on how the store nationwide performs the business and these are again based from the companys IKEA range. In the presented process by the company IKEA above, it uniquely showed that the company again mainly focuses on congenial customer requirements through finding any possible ways on how they can offer only the best and well knowing products which is mainly the start and end of its processes.The first one as being the standard designs of the products that ere studied by the company and the last one as the added inspirational designs, which mainly focuses however on the innovative ideas that comes only from their superior designers, but what is important here is that these designers stills looks into the main global strategy of the company. While the one that separates the first and last activities in the process is with regards to finding the best production method that has also become the secret key for success of the company. This is because through these well designed production method, it gives the company enough leverage in applying cost for its products. And all these three main processes is equivalent to IKEAS ridiculous process in satisfying customer needs.In fact there is even some strategy that the company implemented in the design of its stores globally that also added to the companys success globally. To add on their very unique and very effective concept in operating the business, the company stores around the world operates in a way that inspire all its customer on the real life look of the rooms and homes, this is in order for the m to really see the real look of the products once its installed. With big space stores that the company offers from its customers, and actually encourage taking their time and letting them feel comfortable within the store. Letting the customers actually sit, lie down, open and close drawers in their products, it adds more value for their customers since they can actually feel, see and hold on the products.Added to that is the assigned workers that is always ready to assist the guest if they need additional information, most specially some technical details. With the 9,500 different designs and products to choose from, it definitely provides an excellent travel experience and that gives customers a big possibility that there is always a product thats right for them, either in terms of budget or in terms of space. 5 In fact there are also proofs that a show that these process has become an effective way on how the company continuously grows not only in terms of sales or revenues but also in terms of stores and visitors that visited every store it operates in the world.First, in terms of sales there was a consistent increase in sales from the time the company started up to 2007, which means that no matter what and how big economic issues that comes in the global economy, IKEA still manage to perform well and with its unique process in satisfying the needs of the customer, sales are always increasing. In terms of number of visitors that visited the stores worldwide, it also shows that number also increases which means that customer awareness is improving and this also improves the companys global sales. And with its 200 stores around the world and more than 450 million visitors annually. This only shows that the companys stores and its products are well recognized. And the company where very aggressive in expanding its business globally, in order to serve its clients better.With these figures that were presented, it only proves that the company with its unique p rocess of satisfying the needs of their customers, it shows that they continually become very effective and most of their customers are really satisfied about the process and how they are being given over the right attention by the company as a whole. Particularly in terms of the increasing number of visitors and the continuous huge increase in sales of the company. How are capacity planning, process layout, product/service scheduling, Inventory, and projects, managed in the organization? In order for any company performs not only based from the companys current needs but also the future and included to those are some unexpected requirements, capacity planning is definitely important.Actually in theory there are three main steps for capacity planning, and these are (1) company needs to determine service level requirements, (2) the company must analyze current capacity, and lastly, (3) company must plan for the future. For most cases that problem usually is in the second and third. It is because of the reason that most companies usually understand what are the things that they need to do, but the problem is that either they know that they are not capable of performing their assignments but keeps on acquiring some just for the greediness of getting some just to increase revenues or sometimes there are companies that really doesnt know what their capacity are, and what happen is that when they actually perform the actual projects then they found out that they are short in resources.Also, there are issues that comes in the third step, where most companies both understand their projects and effectively knows their capacity but still failed due to lack of anticipations or not being ready to instant demand in the market and this eventually resulted to failure as well. 6 In terms of process layout, process scheduling, inventory and managing project in the organization, there are only two ways that can mainly classified a company and these are either centralized or de centralized process. Centralized process arises when processes from the different branch or stores of one global company follows the same global process and actually performs the process consistently. While the decentralize process involves an autonomy for each branch to perform their own process, but still follows the top main process.This can also be 6 How to do Capacity Planning, 2007. known today as matrix type of organization. For IKEA it actually performs centralize and decentralize way of operation or the company called it as for-profit and non-profit way of operation. Even though it was originated in Sweden, the company operated in a very unique approach, since its main operation is subdivided into two part (1)non-profit, and (2) for profit operations, where the latter or the main INGKA Foundation is located in Leiden in the Netherlands. Or in other way of representing it, the company social organization may be look into as two different split and these are mainly operati ons and the other one is franchising.Just to segregate the two, majority of the operations which covers management of the majority of its stores worldwide, design and production factories of furniture as well as the purchasing of supplies are done and centrally managed by the INGKA Holdings, which is among the 36 countries it operates it manages the 235 stores worldwide while around 30 remaining stores are managed by the different franchises outside the INGKA Holdings. Also, the INGKA Holdings is not also owned by a single owner or company instead it is owned by Stitching INGKA Foundation which was established by its owner, Kamprad in 1982 and that started the strategy of the company to have applied the company for non-profit organization. This non-profit organization is managed by quint members where INGKVAR as Chairman and included as members is his wide and lawyers.With its tax turning away strategy in 2004, the company profit is taxed and at the same time for the owners, Kamp rad and his family cannot get profits directly instead they do collect a portion of its sales from the franchising agreement between them and their partners. But even with these very unique and sometimes classified as complex way of operation by the company, the over-all company that still manages the overall process is again handled by the INGKA Holdings, like in terms of capacity planning, process improvements and others are still in the authority and supervision of the holdings.This only means that even though the company is owned by everal owners in the different countries, still in terms of the over-all operations and processes, the mother company which is the INGKA Holdings is the one manages it. Explain why and how monitoring and evaluation of operations are carried out As based from the discussion that were presented above regarding how the company globally operates, it only shows that obviously the way the company monitors are also manage by the main company and that is the INGKA Holdings, but for franchisees they primarily have the authority to manage their own branch but they need to follow the global IKEA process which is mandated by the Holdings. Even in monitoring the way on how the companys foundation is also doing is also managed centrally.But, even though this was a strategy that were applied by the company and even though it creates complexity to some since every stores may be under the INGKA Holdings or being managed as franchised, the company as a whole still has provided a well deserve recognition that it deserves to be commended as a company that provides splendour to the environment and world change. This is through INGKAs Foundations, with its focus on innovative interior design and architecture has been recognized as the worlds largest charitable institution with a net worth of $33 billion, vanquish the well known and richest couple in the world Bill and Melinda Gates. But, even though the foundation net worth is huge, it does not re flect the real amount it actually gives or donates unlike its counterpart.This was proven as field of study in 2005 shows that the company not only focuses in its own home country Sweden, specifically the Lund Institute of Technology with an amount donated of $1. 7 million. This is outlying(prenominal) low against the donations that Gates Family has given which reaches a huge amount of $1. 5 billion in the same year. Even though the company has been in the forefront of many projects for a cause like the following (1) A Euro for every toy sold in 2006 for UNICEF which accumulates to 1. 75 million Euros. (2) In the 2005 Tsunami, KEA Australia agreed to match dollar for dollar co-workers donations and donated all sales of the IKEA Blue Bag to the cause. 3) Pakistan Earthquake in 2006, IKEA gave 120,000 blankets. (4) Lastly, it provided furniture for more than 100,000 link up schools for both India and Liberia. 7 Summary In this paper, it shows that IKEA even though the way it operat es seem to be complex and difficult to understand, still the company performs its operation effectively. This is mainly brought about by their unique way of establishing and at the same time satisfying customer needs. With the companys main focus on developing products that are not only with quality and most of all products that are low in price and added to that the wide variety of designs to choose from has made the company a best choice for customers worldwide.This has also been an effective drive for the company success, because internally, they always focus on how they can think of developing effective production method and highly innovative designs and that gives them better leverage against their competitors worldwide that even franchisers finds complex doing business, still they were enticed with the continuous increase in growth sales of the firm. Recommendations As based from the study there are only two main recommendations that should be focus by the company in order to strengthen the success of the company. First, it is more on establishing a more concrete and straightforward global operations and the second is for the company to increase its support for the charity since that was the main purpose of being a foundation since there was a tremendous disapproval that even though that the INGKA Foundation has a huge net worth.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Children with special educational needs Essay
The home environment and life style of a churl can be influenced from as former(a) as conception. In pregnancy if a mother chooses to drink alcoholic beverage they survive the risk of alcohol crossing the step upnta, which can lead to foetal alcohol syndrome. This condition affects foetal growth and causes delayed culture, attainment difficulties and congenital abnormalities. In appurtenance there is a risk of miscarriage.Furthermore, increasing hours of work pressured upon p arnts from their place of work can lead to bad eating habits, for example, fast forage takeaways giving squirtren snacks, fizzy drinks, sweets and crisps, which in-turn could lead to obesity and all the health problems that are associated with obesity, such as diabetes and osteo-arthritis. Moreover they could be the subject of bullying at school. The child whitethorn bring into being socially excluded because of their size they may whole tone depressed and withdrawn hindering their learning potential . Gender influences Children are alert of their gender individuation.Read more Explain how children and young peoples development is influenced by a range of external factors essay interrogation indicates By the age of 21/2 forms, children think girls prefer to work on with dolls and engage in domestic activities with mum, while boys prefer to play with cars or construction toys and helping dad. (www. geocities/gender. edu. ) Gender stereotyping is damaging to childrens social development and their personality as it damages their self-image, in addition too the identity of girls because it can affect their confidence and lower their self-esteem. Boys too can be limited by gender stereotypes by being forced to come tough or less caring, in order to conform and by accepted by others.This can be overcome by early years practitioners providing role-play opportunities including dressing-up clothes, which allow children to explore different roles. Furthermore, books and games should be avoided, which leaven gender stereotyping. Special Educational Needs The range of special educational needs, (SEN) is vast and the starting point for looking if a child may have a learning hindrance can be seen by means of their level of academic attainment. Learning difficulties can be described as moderate, severe or profound and multiple.They can range from a balmy hearing impairment, to a severe impairment, for example, Cerebral palsy. This condition affects the part of the wizardry that controls movement. This may cause dis efficiency of all four limbs. Children with this condition may have go problems, visual and hearing impairments, in addition to speech communication and perceptual difficulties. Dyspraxia is referred to as, Clumsy child Syndrome in this condition the child has difficulty with physical movement, language development may be delayed. In addition learning difficulties can occur where fine or gross motor skills are needed.Dyslexia is a condition where t he child has difficulty with words and learning to read, spell and write. This could cause the child to have low self- esteem and become frustrated, or even disruptive. These examples are just a few of the conditions that may have an impact on a childs ability to learn and develop to their full potential. It is just as important recognising the child has SEN, as to meeting their needs to help them achieve. Communication is of paramount importance, in addition to remembering to put the needs of the child first and past the disability.In conclusion it can be shown that a childs learning and development can be affected by many factors, throughout the human life-span. This is why it is imperative that these factors are highlighted to early years professionals, so they can recognise and act upon them in the childs best interests, to promote their well being and education.REFERENCESAlcott, M. (2002) Children with special educational needs, 2nd edition, Hodder & Stoughton, London. Hara lambos, Rice, D. (2002) Psychology in Focus A level, Causeway, Lancs
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Ophelias Flowers
ENG 4U January 14, 2012 Ophelia and her Flowers Flowers in that location expected to be over 10 000 different species of this aesthetic plant, and distri preciselyively clear have a different subject matter. In the play village, Ophelia, a girl raised by obedience and manipulation, uses these flowers in a break of madness and their archetypal meanings to express her thousandghts, feelings, and hopes towards her once thought as lover, crossroads. As the play goes on, you can see that more is revealed in her relationship with crossroads, and that Ophelia isnt as innocent and virtuous as she portrays.To begin, in a ascertain of madness Ophelia begins to give flowers with embedded meanings to recipients who seem most fitting. She states, Theres rosemary, thats for remembrance. Pray you, love, Remember. And there is pansies, thats for thoughts. .. Theres fennel for you, and columbines. Theres grieve for you, and heres slightly for me. We may call it herb of grace o Sundays. O, y ou must wear your rue with a difference Theres a daisy. I would give you slightly violets, but they witherd all when my breed died.They say he made a sizeable end. (Hamlet IV, v, 199-209) I believe that she gave the rosemary to Hamlet. Rosemary is associated with remembrance amongst dickens lovers, (Stabler, 2000) which was once the relationship she believed that they had. She may use this in hope that he has not forgotten about her. Whether or not Hamlet was deceiving her, he definitely once made Ophelia believe that he loved her, and he even states. I did love you once. (Hamlet III,i. 126) What made Hamlet lose his feelings for Ophelia? Of perhaps they were never there.Ophelia spends a life time of obeying her male-counterparts. They constantly manipulated her into doing or thought process things that were not of character. For example, she never once thought twice about detecting on Hamlet for her father, or doing every single small labour he asked her to do, or answerin g each personal question he asked. Who is to say that Hamlet was not manipulating her and taking advantage of her for her body? afterward going mad, Ophelia can confirm this accusation when she sings. By Gis and by saint Charity, Alack, and fie for shameYoung men will dot if they come tot By Cock, they be to blame. Quoth she, Before you tumbled me, You promisd me to wed. He answers So would I a done, by yonder sun, An thou hadst not come to my bed. (Hamlet IV, v. 63-71) This song reveals a lot about Ophelia and Hamlets relationship. Firstly, Before you tumbled me,/ You promisd me to wed (Hamlet IV, v. 67-68) reveals that she asked that before he got her into bed, he would check to marry her. This not only reveals that they have engaged in internal relations, but it in like manner means that he promised to marry her.He answered, however, So would I a done, by yonder sun,/ An thou hadst not come to my bed. (Hamlet IV, v. 70-71) This means that he would have married her, but o nly if she hadnt slept with him. (Epstein, 2005) By manipulating Ophelia, Hamlet gets what he wants. Afterwards, Ophelia is left a broken woman with forthwithhere to go. Hamlet unfairly treats the mislead Ophelia after his promises of love by calling her a whore, when he says, Thats a fair thought to lie between a maids legs (Hamlet III, ii. 125) he also demands that she should Get thee to a nunnery (Hamlet.III, I, 131) which is referring her to a commons day whorehouse. His mistreatment of Ophelia may have led to her suicide or her inadvertent death by drowning. It is almost ironic that Ophelia would have her life end by water, for water is the source of life and sustenance. Unless Shakespeare was trying to represent that Ophelia was now purified by said water, and in death she could finally be happy. It would also be seen that Ophelia would give the violets to Hamlet as well. I would give you some violets, but they witherd all when my father/ died.They say he made a good end. (Hamlet IV, v, 207-209) Violets represent faithfulness in relationships (Stabler, 2000) it is likely that she is saying that when her father died, her faithfulness towards Hamlet was now non-existent. This kind of behaviour can be justified because Ophelia is model in a horrible situation. Her conflicting loyalties to her father, and her precept of love with the unapproved Hamlet tore her apart undoubtedly. Now, what kind of position could you put yourself in if your boyfriend killed your father?Respectively, Ophelia begins to sing of death because her world is bust due to her loss, and her conflicting ideas would more than likely influence her losing her sanity. In conclusion, it can be seen that the archetypal meanings of Ophelias flowers can lead to the true meaning of hers and Hamlets relationship. Assuming that she wanted Hamlet to have the rosemary and violets, she presented the idea of remembrance of their love, but also the fact that she no eternal wanted to be a part of it. This is a huge shout for Ophelia because for once, she made her own decision and this would be the peak of her character development.Of course, this prevail over her personal issues is short lived, because soon after she commits suicide in a stream. This could symbolize her purification and release of any words of handicap put against her. ? Works Cited Epstein, Alex. By The Way, Ophelia Is Pregnant. Craftyscreenwriting. com. Crafty Screenwriting, 2005. Web. 14 Jan. 2012. Shakespeare, William, Barbara A. Mowat, and Paul Werstine. The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. New York Washington Square, 2002. Print. Stabler, Sarah. Hamlet The Symbolism in Flowers. Homewood City Schools jury of Education. HCSBE, 12 Dec. 2000. Web. 17 Jan. 2012.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Outline and assess the main positions in the secularisation debate
AbstractThis strain tackles the main positions of the laicisation roll. To begin with, this essay examines the bottom up/de realityd- aspect guess of secularisation, which postulates that as societies go with the physical process of industrialisation, the spiritual values that underpin the societal fabric give necessarily erode as the citizenry become more impervious to ghostlike pursuits. This essay also examines the grandeur of the market near to the guess of secularisation, line that the teetotum down/ offer view purview is of fundamental importation in assemble to understand the pains of sacred practise in new-made societies.IntroductionThe secularisation debate has acquired a increase tempt in recent years, due to the onset of the postmodern bestride. Postmodernism posits that in the get along of instantaneous communications and ubiquitous access to technology, rigid and fixed classifications pertaining to devotion, class, grammatical gender and ra ce give look been signifi bedtly eroded. The main positions in the secularisation debate focus on two distinct approaches (Fitzgerald, 2000 133). The first perspective that is postulated for inquiry relates to the bottom up/ consumeside brain of secularisation. According to this view, as societies go through the process of industrialisation, the spiritual values that underpin the societal fabric will inevitably erode as the publics become more impervious to sacred pursuits (Gauchet, 1999 40). At the same time, the round top down/supply side scheme of secularisation, which highlights that the need for spirituality remains constant across content boundaries, places a bang-up deal of emphasis on the role of religions institutions in maintaining trammel to theological principles. This essay will begin by charting the creative thinker that secularisation responds to the piecemeal phasing out of apparitional values in modern societies. The second part of the essay will con centrate in the bearing in which these values atomic come 18 permanently re-imposed on societies by sacred leaders and organisation. Cruci everyy, the second section of the essay highlights the size adaptedness of the market approach to the theory of secularisation, arguing that the top down/supply side perspective is of fundamental significance in hallow to understand the persistence of religious practice in modern societies.The bottom up/demand side theory of secularisationThe main view propounded by this theory of secularisation is that the advent of the scientific method and rational observation as a method to create societal improvement has shaken the theological foundations that were influential in shaping the evolution of the Hesperian world (Gauchet, 1999 45). The erosion of elfin interpretations of the nature of the world has been a permanent cultural phenomenon in the westbound world since the advent of the Enlightenment, with its emphasis on universal categorisat ion that could be subject to empirical observation and rational testability standards (Martin, 1993 93). The rational usher endorsed by industrialised societies rendered the theological claims imposed by the major religions incompatible with the of necessity of the universe of human collective that relied in an increasing manner on the benefits brought forward by technological forward motion (Martin, 2005 55). There was a slow and consistent loss of religious faith in Western societies that lastly passed in the unravelling of theological practices and Church attentions (Martin, 1993 97). In addition, this provoked a relation back corrosion of the social and cultural meanings attached to religious identity, along with a move away from allegiance to governmental parties and organisations based on denominational values. According to this theory of secularisation, religious and scientific values argon at loggerheads, with a constant undermining of Bible teachings by making refe rence to the Darwinian teachings put together in the theory of evolution (Martin, 1969 25).The friendship gained by parliamentary procedure through scientific advancement and its diligence to technological improvements, conjugated with the expansion of education opportunities, impacted on the cultural changes that were ushered in Western societies. It could be posited that the tenets of the Enlightenment undercut the metaphysical principles that were responsible for maintaining societal glueyness during the Middle Ages (Martin, 2005 59). Thinkers like Max Weber stated that the onset of industrialisation and mass capitalism produced an environment of opinion conducive to reducing the approximation of the super essential to the domain of human rationality and subjected to the explanations taken from the hard sciences kind of than making reference to metaphysical arguments (Gauchet, 1999 49).The attainments made by Western societies in the sciences and the feats that took place in the realm of engineering and technology has emphasised the importance of subjecting nature to the figure of man (Bruce, 2002 59). These developments were responsible for a change of acquaintance regarding the advent of individualized tragedies and natural disasters on the part of a growing number of individuals, who started to regard those eventsin rational terms, instead of attributing them to mysterious forces outside the control of man. Accordingly, the intellectual authority held by religious ministers became just one and only(a) of the sources of noesis to be taken into account (Berger, 1969 30). Their authority was put in train competition with the people who displayed their professional expertise across more handle of study and who made use of the rational method. At the same time, the gradual separation mingled with state and church that took place in many European nations and the United States, coup conduct with the emergence of bureaucratic apparati and moder n political parties led to the discrediting of traditional religious institutions. The industrialisation of Western societies had attached to it a series of changes that impacted upon the ability of individuals to experience mystical experienced (Harris, 2005 61). This includes the take in decline in communal vitality, the fragmentation among nature and man and the increased use of technology. It is worth mentioning that the interpretation put forward by Max Weber regarding the bottom up/demand side theory of secularisation is based on the effects that the Lutheran Reform and the industrial revolution had on the development of political and religious life in Western Europe and North American (Idinopulos and Wilson, 1998 101). The idea of disenchantment with the world, as propounded by Weber, compelled individuals to seek salvation in the pursuit of visible gain, thence eroding the very foundations of transcendental Christian thinking (Tremlett, 2009 22). The growing importance of Rationalism was necessarily conducive to being sceptical to the highest degree the reality of an omnipotent and omniscient God, crowning(prenominal)ly resulting in the debunking of religion as a method of explain natural phenomena (Bruce, 2002 67).It is also important to dialect that a bottom up/demand side theory of secularisation can also be understood according the functionalist perspective underlined by Emile Durkheim (Durkheim, 1912, 1995 73). The French sociologist identified the loss of functional purpose as one of the main reasons behind the erosion of the centrality of religion in the institutional sink of modern societies (Norris, 2004 130). This functionalist perspective highlights the idea that a scheme of theology does non just represent a system of beliefs about the nature of existence (Asad, 2003 90). Instead, it is also a framework of actions concerning certain and certain rituals and symbolism that atomic number 18 performed to signpost the passage of tim e across the persons natural lifespan (Durkheim, 1912, 1995 30). These symbolisms were responsible for maintaining a high degree of social coherency and stability, hence producing common goods that could be enjoyed by all members of society (Davie, 1994 88). Conversely, the industrialisation Western European and North American societies generated the fragmentation of the social set by inducing process of technical differentiation that dispersed the sources of knowledge (Wilson, 1966 76). The specialisation of knowledge production stripped the ecclesiastical authorities of the powers that they had in determining which epistemological approaches should be pursued and how the knowledge created was to be disseminated (McCutcheon, 2003 119). In addition, all the charity organisations of Christian extraction that had for centuries been in charge of providing for the voice little members of society were replaced by welfare states subsidised by government institutions (Bruce, 2002 62). These events were the conterminous result of the reappraisal of the role of religious doctrines and organisation. By the late 19th century, the doctrines and practices proposed by the Church were not deemed to be functional to the task of ensuring the material welfare of the population (Tremlett, 2009 19). Instead, the state had become a kind of secular god that had encroached into many areas of the lives of individuals (Berger, 1969 147). This entailed that the role of religious institutions were strictly confined to the personal realm in the public domain, the faith gradually ceased to become a powerful force in the shaping of the political evolution of the nation.The top up/supply side theory of secularisationThe views exposed in the previous section can be juxtaposed to the perspective highlighted by the top up/supply side theory of secularisation. This perspective underlines the conditions brought about by the spread of religious freedom in contemporary societies, which led to a competitive environment in the market for religious adherents amongst theological organisations (Davie, 1994 93). This view makes an analogy between theological organisations and business firms, all of which make do in order to capture a growing segment of the market. The top up/supply side theory of secularisation postulates that the competition between different religious denominations has a positive impact on the conservation of religion as a vibrant force in society (Asad, 2003 33). This approach explains the manner in which, for example, the level of religious adherence is larger in countries like the United States, where the different theological denomination are engaged in permanent competition in order to curl up new adherents (Idinopulos and Wilson, 1998 111). This theory puts forward the notion that an intense competition between the different denominations result in churches striving to keep a ever-changing spiritual environment in their congregations, hence he lping to retain the relevancy of religion in their community (Harris, 2005 58). In the United States, this has generated a part in which the older denominations such as Lutherans, Catholics and Presbyterians are losing ground to the evangelical religious organisations. Whilst the evangelical movements demand a great deal of suit on the part of the would-be adherents, they also offer a more intense religious experience than the older denominations which seems to be a antigenic determinant factor in attracting support for their cause (Asad, 1993 145).Furthermore, the top up/supply side theory of secularisation posits that in cases where religious life is prevail by theological organisations that are directly subsidised by the state, the clergy seems to be less keen to engage with the community of believers, hence leading to the molder of spiritual life in their communities (Stark and Iannaccone, 1994 232). This theoretical approach seems to replicate the idea that state-owned o rganisations, be them of an economic or religious nature, tend to be less innovative than private ones (Davie, 1994 19). For example, in Northern Europe, the established Protestant churches are able to fend off the threat posed by early(a) Christian denominations (Wilson, 1966 58). This means that the clergy does not have to overexert itself in order to attract the attention of their would-be religious adherents (Asad, 2003 14). Consequently, this led to a spotlight in which religious attending declined in a significant manner, since the number of options available in the spiritual market tends to be quite trim back (McCutcheon, 2003 46). However, this does not explain the reasons behind the consistently high levels of religious attendance in Southern European and Latin American countries, in suffer of the monopoly enjoyed by the Catholic Church (Martin, 1969 28). It could be argued that a pluralist religious template as the basis for a high level of religious attendance repre sents a theoretical blueprint that can only be successfully applied to incident settings (Berger, 1969 61). It would await that many of the tenets espoused by this particular theory of secularisation are not based on a live methodological framework (Harris, 2005 55). To be sure, the idea of a competitive religious market as an instrument that allows countries to reverse religious decline can only be applied to the United States, which is a society that has traditionally been based around the development of communal life strongly certified by religious values in order to connect individuals to their particular cultural and geographical setting (Asad, 1993 66). At the same time, it has been argued that the level of religious attendance have remained quite consistent across the ages, which entails that there have been no substantial secularisation process as a result of the onset of modernity (McCutcheon, 2003 48). In addition, it has been noted that the market theory of religion can provide a sound basis for explaining overall trends in religious adherence (Stark, 1999 249). In fact, in Western societies, periods of low attendance alternated with periods of higher levels of religious fervour (Idinopulos and Wilson, 1998 98). It is thus important to concede the hap that the top up/supply side theory of secularisation whitethorn provide with a sound framework of reference in order to examine the level of religious adherence in across the ages (Stark, 1993 389). It would appear that the postmodern condition does not necessarily mar the possibility of a reconstitution of religious life along more fluid doctrinal lines (Stark, 1999 260). This goes many way towards rebutting the assumptions put forward by the bottom up/demand side theory of secularisation (Wilson, 1966 61). The market interpretation of religious adherence may provide a better way of understanding the extremity to which modern societies have been secularised (Wilson, 1966 82). The dynamic int eractions that take place in the social space give rise to the possibility of more fluid (and therefore more vibrant) religious denominational structures that may rehabilitate the spectrum of religious life in postmodern societies (Stark and Iannaccone, 1994 231). It could be posited that this trend, directed from the top down and informed by a strong supply side approach borrowed from the field of force of economics, is ultimately a better way to understand the reasons behind the persistence of religious life in modern societies (Asad, 2003 14).ConclusionBy way of conclusion, it may be posited that the bottom up/demand side theory of secularisation provides with some rice beering insights regarding the evolution of religious life in societies that have been affected by the process of industrialisation and modernisation, to be sure, the application of scientific methods of interpreting the nature of reality resulted in profound changes in the nature and extent of religious practic e in Western European and North American societies (Berger, 1969 77). The specialisation of technical knowledge production aloof power from the religious authorities regarding the way in which knowledge was to be pursued, created and spread (Norris, 2004 41). Moreover, the onset of modernisation and industrialisation gave the state a great deal of power in order to provide welfare edible for its citizens, hence stripping the church institutions of their functional purpose (Fitzgerald, 2000 122). Notwithstanding the lustiness of these arguments, they do not explain the persistence of religious attendance passim the ages (Stark, 1993 390). There seems to be an inherent human drive to seek the ultimate explanations of the nature of existence by referring to supernatural forces, which explains the resilience of religious practice across the ages. The postmodern condition has given rise to new forms of religious and spiritual practices that thrive thanks to the way in which they ar e able to utilise technology in order to fulfil their mission (Asad, 1993 45). For all the reasons cited above, it could be concluded that the theory of secularisation fails to explain the continued interest shown by people in pursuing spiritual avenues for personal advancement an interest that seems to be more vibrant than ever in the age of fluid doctrinal requirements for religious practice.BibliographyAsad, T. (1993) Genealogies of religion, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MDAsad, T. (2003) Formations of the Secular, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CABerger, P. (1969) The Sacred Canopy, anchorperson Books, Garden City, NYBruce, S. (2002) God is dead-Secularization in the West, Blackwell, OxfordDavie, G. (1994) Religion in Britain since 1945, Blackwell, OxfordDurkheim, E. (1912, 1995) The Elementary Formations of spiritual Life, Free Press, New York, NYFitzgerald, T. (2000) The Ideology of ghostly Studies, Oxford University Press, OxfordGauchet, M., (1999) The Disen chantment with the World, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJHarris, S. 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