Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park Essay Sample free essay sample
The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park is located about 50 kilometers north of the metropolis Centre of Puerto Princesa. Palawan Philippines. Technically it is about 360 stat mis south of Manila in Midwest seashore of the Mainland of Palawan. Sabang is a beach town about 76kilometers northwest of the chief Industrial Puerto Princesa. The direction of Puerto Princesa ST. Paul Subterranean River and National park is through the City of Puerto Princesa and THE City Tourism and the Park Management ensures that all abide by the Rules. Once you arrived in Sabang. the Underground River is non yet there but acquire at that place either by taking a â€Å"Bangka†a motorised canoe. Sabang was different. the theodolite itself to this blessed small town was harder than anyone would conceive of. But now. it is about every bit soft as a zephyr coming down from the mountain tops. To anyone who hasn’t been in Sabang. We will write a custom essay sample on The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page it can depict like a Eden that will show you to the Gatess of Eden. The scenery. it is perfect to touch and the woods and the people are merely a laidback. Apart from the River. one must understand that the whole State of Palawan is thickly forested and that diverseness of Biological species is far beyond scientific finds. The river country is covered in thick wood. some are terrains and districts that aren’t truly inhabited by worlds until now. The thick wood is found within the country of the river and national park is largely subjugated by hardwood species of trees. Even the forest found in the country is diverse from the mountain to the coastal. The diverseness of the trees species in the river is represents a really of import function in the Bio-diversity. The park direction and the City Government guarantee that all the abide to the jurisprudence in respect to the conversation and the sustainability of the country including tourer. foreign and local. There are about 800 workss species recorded to be found within the country. These figures do include those species that have a industrial importance. The diverseness of Wildlif e found in the country of Sabang or within the country of legal power of the Subterranean River and National Park plays an of import function in whole diverseness species in Palawan. the park itself has a record of 165 species of Birds which amounts to approximately 67 % of the entire birds found in the island of Palawan. Among the birds species populating in the country are those who are internationally claimed to the endangered such as the Philippine cockatoo and the Palawan Inachis io pheasant. There are plenty mammals that are besides populating in the Subterranean River and National Park countries. Among the celebrated one are the endemic to the island of Palawan. the Palawan Bearcat. Palawan hedgehog and the Palawan long-tailed Macaque. Furthermore. there are about 8 species of chiropterans nesting in the cave of the River. The popularity of the reptilians in the country are so apparent in the images because of the tourers acquiring so amazed of the Monitor Lizard. more normally known to the locals â€Å"Bayawak†. nevertheless. there are about 19 species of reptilians recorded to populate to the country which 8 are endemic. The Marine ecosystem is one of the interesting topic. the beautiful sand bars and clean sea H2O of the park are non merely for people to wonder as they visit but are really home to the endangered species to capsize such as the green sea polo-neck and the Hawksbill polo-neck. One of the great manner to see Palawan’s Marine life is through Diving. it will sure open your eyes to another universe that exists apart from that you usually see. The best of Puerto Princesa Diving is brought by the one of the innovators in Marine preservation and Underwater Diving in Palawan. Palawan’s Underground River is remains as one of the sanctuaries for species of this planet easy vanishing. among the most of import message this topographic point bring humanity is to raise consciousness of how of import natural sanctuaries are and if possible topographic point them as the top precedence before any industrialisation. the exhibition of nature’s beauty within the Sabang country is merely a glance of Mother Nature’s Beauty. It is humbling and a invariable that even great human race can be in design. architecture and engineering. she reigns above all. Palawan Underground River is known in rather a few names that it might be a small confusing for our g oing friends around the Earth. Underground River so a generic term to the pertain to this fantastic humanistic disciplines of Nature. It is a river fluxing within the mountain of St. Paul and the river flows straight to the sea. Hence. the name St. Paul is besides being used. Recently. it was voted and officially declared as One of Nature Seven Wonders by the World Wide Web. n7w. com. or the foundation of 7wonders of Nature. The declaration and vote is planetary and its preliminary itself was a tolling procedure. Fortunately. planetary ballots revealed that the Underground River in Palawan is One of the New 7Wonders of Nature. The term Puerto Princesa Undergrounds River and Palawan Underground River are the official name of St. Paul Subterranean River and National Park. the last spot was a small tough wasn’t it? However. there is merely one olympian river in the universe that meriting to be called the â€Å"Queen of Them All†and that is the Underground River Palawan. Since the tourer around the universe are get downing flocking to see the admirations of the Underground River. it has been reported that by 2016. because of the increasing popularity of the finish. tourers in the country may make 1. 2 million. more than double the figure of visitants last twelvemonth. The cave opens up to a immense â€Å"Cathedral†with a ceiling several metres above the sea degree. Inside the Cathedral was a stone formation was known as â€Å"The Holy Family†. one could clearly place the characters such as Jesus. Mary and Joseph from the stone formation. We can besides establish what they called â€Å"The Giant Candle†would lapidate a tourers with it size. One its organic structure were lines and contours form by nature. It was one of the largest formation found inside the cave. There are tonss of stone formation that we can establish inside the cave. I have an illustration in several pages. The belowground River is besides place of some animals such as swallow birds winging around the cave numbered at approximately 200. 000 and the legion chiropterans hanging on the cave’s stone formation. There are besides two nature trails that available to trek to the oral cavity of the belowground river: The monkey trail which may decelerate pac ing to the cave might take you about 2. 5 hours. but if you walk faster. it can merely 1 and half. The trail were named monkey trails because of the population of monkeys populating in this country. Another trails is the jungle trails. through these. the entryway of the belowground river is a small spot farther. yet it is more disputing for more adventuresome people. There are more wildlife you can spotted here in the trek and it takes you higher up in the mountain and non the usual transition. The trek is reasonably marked. More frequently than that. tourers are bit baffled of the location of the belowground river cave. Some think that it is separate island that’s why you need to take a boat. but the truth is. it is non separate island. it is merely the affair that if sit a boat it is quicker to acquire at that place. But there’s another manner to acquire at that place. you can walk to the cave through the mountain and acquire your cameras filled with beautiful and interesting exposures of the vegetations and zoologies of sabang. If you are interested to see and see the different natural stone formation. the best clip would be during summer. these are the months o f April to August. Some Natural stone formation that we can establish inside the Cave Some of the birds that we can establish in the country of the belowground river Some of the Reptiles that we can establish in the country of the belowground river
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Life Or Death Who Has The Right To Make The Choice Essays
Life Or Death Who Has The Right To Make The Choice Essays Life or Death Who has the Right to Make the Choice This paper will introduce a case study that results in an ethical dilemma. The ethical dilemma will be clearly stated including obligations and conflicts. Using the Contemporary Utilitarianism theory I will analyze the ethical dilemma. Finally I will analyze the same case using an Egoistic approach as an alternative course of action. Case Study An apparent 19 year old male is brought to the emergency room by ambulance in respiratory failure related to end stage cystic fibrosis. The patient is accompanied by his girlfriend who states that the patient has a do not resuscitate (DNR) order. As the emergency room physician tries to contact the patients primary care physician he finds that the patient is under the care of a pediatrician which makes him suspicious of the DNR request. He confronts the girlfriend about the patients age because the patient is unable to communicate due to his respiratory condition. The girlfriend breaks down and admits that the patient is actually 17 years old. The physician immediately intubates the patient in an effort to stabilize his respiratory condition. The patients respiratory condition is stabilized after a short time and he is extubated. The patient relates to his nurse that he does not want to be intubated again or placed on a respirator. The nurse relays this information to the ph! ysician who at this point does nothing. The patients mother arrives at the emergency department and the physician explains the patients condition and his request for a DNR order. His mother refuses to sign a DNR order and this information is explained to the patient by the physician with the mother present. A discussion insues between the mother and her son and she reluctantly agrees to sign the DNR order. The physician is informed of her decision and assists the mother in signing the appropriate paperwork. The patient soon confronts the physician and makes him promise to stick to the DNR order no matter what his condition, the physician agrees. Shortly after the DNR is completed and all other appropriate paperwork are in order, the patient goes into respiratory arrest. All the parties involved in this situation are present when the respiratory arrest occurs. The physician stands by will all intentions of honoring the DNR but within 30 seconds of the arrest, the mother orders the physician to intubate. The physician looks to the patient as he shakes his head indicating that he does not want to be intubated, the physician also is aware that the patient will be 18 years old in three weeks. Ethical Dilemma Initially it appears as if the dilemma revolves around what the physicians next move should be. When actually the real dilemma is who owns the rights to make this life or death decision. It is clear what the patient wants for his course of treatment. It is equally clear what his mother will allow his treatment to be. Each have equally selfish reasons for wanting their decision to be upheld. The mother does not want to lose her son and will at all costs keep him alive. She feels he is romanticizing death and has no real concept of what dying means. Her son lived with cystic fibrosis since age four and has seen many of his friends placed on ventilators only to later die. He does not want that quality of life in his final days. The physician is supportive of the patients request but is placed in an awkward legal position if he abides by the patients request. The nurse who has acted as an intermediary throughout this entire process continues to acts as a patient advocate an ensur! e the patients rights are observed and that his wishes are acknowledged. Ethical Analysis of Dilemma Contemporary Utilitarianism is divided in to four basic principles, each principle will be used to analyze this dilemma. The first principle considers which action will provide the greatest happiness for the greatest number. As we look at the action in this case the patient should not be allowed to discontinue treatment because his mother and girlfriend do not wish fort him dye. This action does not provide the greatest good and it appears that the
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Globalization at General Electric Research Paper
Globalization at General Electric - Research Paper Example Therefore, the aim of this report is to analyze international process at GE and the lessons which the globalization at GE has provided to entrepreneurs and managers. The current Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of GE is Jeffrey Immelt. Moreover, GE has presence in 160 countries of the world and total number of employed people at GE on December 2009 was 304,000. The company holds 2370 filed patents and in 2009, total $5.2 billion were spent in Research and Development (General Electric, 2010). This shows that GE is investing huge amount on its research and development. The company is offering a huge product range and services. Currently, GE is offering products and services related to Appliances, Aviation, Consumer Products, Electrical Distribution, Energy Products, Finance and Business Products, Health Care, Lighting, Media and Entertainment, Oil & Gas, Rail, Software & Services and Water (General Electric, 2010). The major reason because of which GE invested aggressively in foreign expansion was the primary aim of existence of the organization. All leaders of the company have been envisioning huge goals for GE. GE adopted a huge international diversification strategy as it is evident from electronic products to financial services and television broadcasting. GE goal was to become number one or two globally in all the businesses in which it was participating and to attain this goal, foreign direct investment strategy was adopted. After pursuing international expansion strategy, the second aim was to make GE a truly global company because it was still very much an American company doing business abroad. For example, domestic revenues were still higher than international revenues. To make GE a truly global company, Immelt focused on shifting centre of gravity and brought changes in the way GE was organized and operated. For example company moved its headquarters in 2008 for GE Money to London. Another
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Health Care Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Health Care Management - Research Paper Example Frequent readmissions occur due to problems related to chronic infections, which are preventable. This article will give a review of a selected hospital related with problems of E.R (emergency room) overcrowding and frequent readmissions. In health care management, there is a minimal number of individuals who utilize hospital emergency department services repeatedly and outstandingly (Hall, 2008). This also includes in-patient services which pose as, their primary source of health care. Some of the most common problems related to frequent hospital readmission include chronic illnesses, mental illness, substance abuse and homelessness (Ken, Young & Spillane, 1998). Even though, these patients are few, they contribute to a large percentage of medical care costs and exploitation of scant hospital resources for conditions that could have been prevented or treated in common societal settings. These recurrent hospital care users promote congestion in the emergency unit hence leading to hig her health care costs for each individual. Demonstration projects and research carried out by hospitals, local governments, non-governmental organizations and community organizations confirm that frequent health care users can be supported in a more efficient way based on case management (Kirby, 2010). This service can direct them to a suitable primary medical care, housing and other community-based services. Advantageously, the service is cost-effective and enhances exploitation of health care resources for their entire society. The case management services are economical and technologically complicated (Richardson, 2009). Through analysis and research, patients noted to use these services patently reduced their dependence on use of ambulances, emergency departments and hospital in-patient services (Richardson, 2009). Most frequent users show reductions in the exploitation of these public services among others. The governments in different states have strived in meeting the require ments of frequent users by not overstretching the extension of the state services (Byrne, 2003). Many state officials have come up with the idea of a beneficiary system whereby the frequent patients are placed as beneficiaries of the system. They receive publicly-financed health services which are rather expensive. Identifying and addressing necessities of these frequent users should be a component of achieving broader health policy goals. Development of healthcare insurance coverage must include appropriate services for these frequent services (Hall, 2008). The needs of the frequent users can be improved further through quality improvement programs. This will help reduce disparities caused by medical reliance on the overburdened emergency rooms (ER), thus creating habitable cities that respond to other exceptional populations like the veterans (Ken, Young & Spillane, 1998). This ensures that the frequent patients get improved healthcare through this improved healthcare system. Nume rous studies conducted in the health field show that the communication factor has contributed largely to frequent patient readmissions in most hospitals. Lack of communication links between patients, hospitals, providers and skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) is the most common cause related to frequent hospital readmissions (Richardson, 2009). An example is the study carried out of readmission cases of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The results
Monday, November 18, 2019
The History of Hospitals, Delivery of Inpatient Services Essay
The History of Hospitals, Delivery of Inpatient Services - Essay Example The agencies of the Public Health Service are the Health Administration, the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Prevention, the Agency of Health Care Research and the Agency Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Wherever numerous publicly funded health care programs help to provide for the elderly, disabled, military service families and veterans, children, and the poor and federal law ensures public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay, however, the main goal wasn't implemented. Significant goal was approached through Massachusetts, implementation of a near-universal health care system by the Massachusetts 2006 Health Reform Statute, mandating that residents purchase health care coverage with little or no control over how much the health insurance policies cost. Problems as rising cost have been contributed by increasing per capita spending by an aging population. One reason for this is the large number of babies born in the lost years and so contribution was increasing expenditure. Another thing is that try improving health care on old population has tended to delay the onset of serious illness and high health care expenditures and medical malpractice; also, resulting defensive medicine has slight contribution of care cost. And so the need of health care system on an aging population has been established since 1960 through Medicare, provider of health care insurance for all Americans age 65 and older. It covers hospital care and physician fee and prescription drug benefits. Medicare takes important steps to reduce long-term health care cost through providing up-to-date preventive benefits and programs that lower overall cost for benefices with chronic illness by preventing complication. Also development of better information on quality and costs of health care through implementation of competitive reforms in durable medical equipment. But Medicare funding has issued warning when financing will exceed 45 percentage of total expenditure with seven years. Such a warning triggered an expedited process to reduce general revenue financing, in which the President is required to propose legislation to address the issue in the next Budget, and Congress is required to consider the proposal on an expedited basis. So crises will run in 2018 because the hospital insurances will run of money. Most health economist believe that the primary causes of increasing spending of health care is development of new technologies, try which could be established improvement of patient care. Estimating the efforts on overage the benefits are expending opportunities of effectiveness of care. Physicians, nurses, and other health profession hospitals and manufactory of pharmaceuticals and device and researches are key input into the health care system. Right investning in any of them can establish effective health care system or effective key output. The pharmaceutics and the medical device industry are most impotent aspects of modern health care system and so supply many of the products are most responsible for improvement on public health, such as medication and devices such as joint replacement and artificial lenses. The developing and the right marketing are the right way to established effective health
Friday, November 15, 2019
Quinapril HCl (QUI) and Hydrochlorthiazide (HCTZ) Literature
Quinapril HCl (QUI) and Hydrochlorthiazide (HCTZ) Literature LITERATURE REVIEW Reema jaiswal, Pinak patel et al., (2013) developed and reported a new simple, sensitive, rapid, accurate, precise and economical RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of Quinapril HCl (QUI) and Hydrochlorthiazide (HCTZ) in their combined pharmaceutical dosage form using potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate buffer (pH 4.0 adjusted with Ortho Phosphoric acid):Acetonitrile(70:30v/v) mobile phase, and C18 column ODS(100 mm x 4.6 mm,3.0ÃŽ ¼ particle size) as stationary phase with detection wavelength of 215 nm. Linearity was obtained in the concentration range of 5-25 ÃŽ ¼g/ml for both the drugs. The % recoveries of the both the drugs were found to be 99.50 – 101.50 % and 99.00 101.06%respectively.The LOD were found to be 0.014ÃŽ ¼g/ml and 0.013ÃŽ ¼g/ml at 215 nm for QUI and HCTZ respectively. Methods were statistically validated for Accuracy, precision, specificity, LOQ, and robustness according to ICH guidelines and can be used for analysis of combined dosage form. Serkan ALTUNSOY, Burà §in BOZAL-PALABIYIK, Bengi USLU et al., (2013) developed and reported a RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of quinapril (QNP) and hydrochlorothiazide (HCZ) in pharmaceutical dosage forms. In this method quinapril, hydrochlorothiazide and perindopril (internal standard) were separated using a reversed phase column (Hichrom C18; 250Ãâ€"4.6 mm i.d.; 10 ÃŽ ¼m) with acetonitrile: potassium dihydrogen phosphate (at pH 2.5; 0.067 M) (40:60 v/v) as a mobile phase using UV detector at 211 nm and flow rate was 1.0 ml/min. The retention times for quinapril, hydrochlorothiazide and perindoprile were 4.391, 3.237 and 3.931 min, respectively. Linearity was obtained in the concentration range of 2-30 ÃŽ ¼g/mL for QNP and 1.25-18.75 ÃŽ ¼g/mL for HCZ. The proposed method has been fully validated and method is simple, rapid and suitable for quality control (QC) applications. Khan SA, Kulkarni SS, Biyani KR and Khan BA et al., (2013) developed and reported a simple, sensitive, accurate and reproducible method for simultaneous estimation of Quinapril and Hydrochlorthiazide by the Simultaneous equation method, using methanol as solvent. The two wavelengths 257 nm ÃŽ »max of Quinapril Hydrochloride (QNA-H) and 271 nm ÃŽ »max of Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) were selected for the formation of Simultaneous equations. The two drugs follow Beer-Lambert’s law over the concentration range of 5- 30 ÃŽ ¼g/ml of QNA-H and 2.5 – 15 ÃŽ ¼g/ml of HCTZ. Recovery study was performed to confirm the accuracy of the method. The recovery of the Quinapril Hydrochloride and Hydrochlorothiazide were found near to 100 %. The Results were found to satisfactory and reproducible. The methods were validated as per ICH guidelines. Reema Jaiswal, Pinak patel et al., (2013) developed and reported a new economical Derivative Spectrophotometric method for the simultaneous determination of Quinapril HCl (QUI) and Hydrochlorthiazide (HCTZ) in their combined pharmaceutical dosage form was developed and the absorbance of the solutions were measured at 242.45 nm (ÃŽ »1), and 257.17 nm (ÃŽ »2) for the estimation of both the drugs. The linearity was obtained in the concentration range of 80-240 ÃŽ ¼g/ml for QUI and 10-50 ÃŽ ¼g/ml for HCTZ The mean recovery was 99.93 – 100.33 % and 99.06- 101.25% for QUI and HCTZ respectively. The results of analysis have been validated statistically as per ICH guidelines. Gandhimathi and Ravi et al., (2013) developed and reported an ion-pair HPLC method has been developed and validated for the estimation of quinapril and hydrochlorothiazide simultaneously in combined dosage form. The mobile phase used was a mixture of 0.1% v/v triethylamine (pH 3.5), containing 1M of hexane sulphonic acid: acetonitrile (30:70% v/v). The detection was carried out on photo diode array detector at 220 nm. The proposed method can be successfully used to determine the drug contents of marketed formulation. Girija B. Bhavar, V.A Chatpalliwar, D.D. Patil and S.J. Surana et al., (2008) developed and reported HPTLC method for simultaneous estimation of Quinapril and Hydrochlorthiazide in pharmaceutical formulations. The drugs were separated on silica gel 60 F254 plates using suitable combination of solvents as mobile phase. The validation parameters, tested in accordance with the requirements of ICH guidelines, prove the suitability of methods. Mariusz Stolarczyk, Anna Maalanka, Anna Apola et al., (2013) developed spectrophotometric and chromatographic-densitometric methods for determination of losartan potassium, quinapril hydrochloride and hydrochlorothiazide in pharmaceutical preparations. The measurements were carried out at ÃŽ » = 224.0 nm for quinapril, ÃŽ » = 261.0 nm for hydrochlorothiazide and ÃŽ » = 270.0 nm for losartan when the derivative spectrophotometry was applied and ÃŽ » = 317.0 nm when zero order spectrophotometry was applied for the determination of hydrochlorothiazide. In chromatographic-densitometric studies high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) plates were used as stationary phase and a mixture of solvents n-butanol : acetic acid : water (15 : 5 : 1, v/v/v) as mobile phase. Under the established conditions good resolution of examined constituents was obtained. Retardation factor for quinapril hydrochloride was Rf ~ 0.70, for losartan potassium Rf ~ 0.85 and for hydrochlorothiazide Rf ~ 0. 78. The developed methods are characterized by high sensitivity and accuracy. For quantitative analysis, densitometric measurements were carried out at ÃŽ » = 218.0 nm for quinapril, ÃŽ » = 275.0 nm for hydrochlorothiazide and ÃŽ » = 232.0 nm for losartan. Kunal Makwana, Reena V Dhamecha, Nilesh Pandya et al., (2011) developed a rugged and economic method for the estimation of quinapril and its metabolite in human serum by lcms/ms detection for clinical trials. Ramipril was used as internal standard for quantitation of Quinapril, and it metabolite from human serum. Linear regression with 1/X2 weighting was performed to determine the concentration of the drug from serum . A common solid phase extraction procedure for the isolation of drug and its metabolite was developed from serum samples. The samples were analyzed on API 3200 Triple quadrapole mass spectrometer using Chromolith, RPà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 18e column in atmospheric pressure electro spray ionization. The mobile phase composition was an isocratic mixture of 0.01% Ammonia in water: acetonitrile (30:70 %v/v). The method was validated over a linear range of 10 – 1000 ng/mL and the limit of quantification was 10 ng/mL. Recoveries were observed above 70% for all the three analyt es. The storage stability of Quality control samples was investigated under various conditions Wagh, Hapse. S. A.; Kadaskar, V. S.; Dokhe, P. T.; Shirsath, A. S. et al., (2012) developed a method for the estimation of hydrochlorothiazide in tablet dosage form. This analytical method developed for the estimation of hydrochlorothiazide in bulk fluids showed maximum absorbance at ÃŽ »max of 272 nm in distilled water and in 0.01N NAOH between 200 nm and 400 nm of UV scan. The method developed was validated for accuracy, linearity, limit of detection and limit of quantitation studies. The above analytical parameters indicated that the developed UV Spectrophotometric method of hydrochlorothiazide was simple, accurate and reproducible. Neela M Bhatia, Rituraj B Desai and Swapnil D Jadhav et al., (2012) reported a simple spectrophotometric method development for simultaneous estimation of Losartan Potassium (LOS) and Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT) in two component tablet formulation. The method employed is a first order derivative spectroscopy. The wavelengths used for detection were 257 nm for LOS and 243 nm for HCT. Linearity was observed in the range of 10-90 ÃŽ ¼g/ml for LOS and 2.5-22.5 ÃŽ ¼g/ml for HCT. The recovery studies confirmed accuracy of proposed method and low values of standard deviation confirmed precision of method. The method is validated as per ICH guidelines. R. K. Patel, J. B. Patel et al., (2011) developed accurate, precise and sensitive UV spectrophotometric method for the determination of Nebivolol Hcl (NEB-H) and Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) in bulk as well as in the pharmaceutical formulation. Calibration curves were linear in range of 10-80 ÃŽ ¼g/mL (r2=0.999) and 2-16 ÃŽ ¼g/mL (r2=0.998) at ÃŽ »max of 281 and 271nm for Nebivolol HCl and Hydrochlorothiazide respectively. The method was validated statistically. Monika L. Jadhav, Manoj V. Girase, Shripad K. Tidme et al., (2014) developed two UV spectrophotometric methods and validated for simultaneous estimation of valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide in a tablet dosage form. The first method employed solving of simultaneous equations based on the measurement of absorbance at two wavelengths, 249.4 nm and 272.6 nm, à °Ã‚ Ϡmax for valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide, respectively. The second method was absorbance ratio method, which involves formation of Q-absorbance equation at 258.4nm (isoabsorptive point) and also at 272.6nm (à °Ã‚ Ϡmax of hydrochlorothiazide). The methods were found to be linear between the range of 5–30 à °Ã‚ Ϡ¡g/ml for valsartan and 4–24 à °Ã‚ Ϡ¡g/ml for hydrochlorothiazide using 0.1N NaOH as solvent. The mean percentage recovery was found to be 100.20% and 100.19% for the simultaneous equation method and 98.56% and 97.96% for the absorbance ratio method, for va lsartan and hydrochlorothiazide, respectively, at three different levels of standard additions. The precision (intraday, interday) of methods was found within limits (RSD Shilpa Korti, Channabasavaraj KP, Somashekar PL et al., (2014) reported a new, simple (RP-HPLC) method and validated for simultaneous estimation of Moxonidine(MOX) and Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) in bulk drug and tablet dosage forms. The separation was achieved by using C8 Phenomenex Luna (250 x 4.6mm, 5ÃŽ ¼m) column with a mobile phase acetonitrile and formic acid solution (0.2%v/v) in the ratio 50:50 by using flow rate of 0.8 ml/min and detection wavelength at 245 nm. The retention times of MOX and HCTZ were found to be 3.0 and 4.8 min and the calibration curves were linear (r2=0.999) over a concentration range from 1-35ÃŽ ¼g/mL for MOX and HCTZ respectively. Limit of detection (LOD) and Limit of quantitation (LOQ) were 0.08ÃŽ ¼g/mL and 0.1ÃŽ ¼g/mL for MOX and 0.2ÃŽ ¼g/mL and 0.4ÃŽ ¼g/mL for HCTZ respectively. The developed method was validated as per ICH guidelines and the results were found to be within the limits. So it can be used for the routine quality control of MOX and HCTZ in bulk sample and tablet dosage forms. Vidhya K. Bhusari, Sunil R. Dhaneshwar et al., (2011) reported a new and accurate HPTLC method for simultaneous estimation of Atenolol, Hydrochlorothiazide and Amlodipine Besylate as the bulk drug and in tablet dosage forms by using aluminum plates precoated with silica gel 60 F254 as the stationary phase and chloroform: methanol: acetic acid (8: 2: 0.2 v/v/v) as mobile phase. Densitometric evaluation of the separated zones was performed at 232 nm. The three drugs were satisfactorily resolved with RF values 0.22  ± 0.02 and 0.36  ± 0.02, 0.55  ± 0.02 for Atenolol, Hydrochlorothiazide and Amlodipine Besylate, respectively. The accuracy and reliability of the method was assessed by evaluation of linearity (100-600 ng/spot for Atenolol, Hydrochlorothiazide and Amlodipine Besylate), precision (intra-day % RSD was 0.37–1.19 and inter-day % RSD was 0.69–1.11 for Atenolol, intra-day % RSD was 0.49–1.16 and inter-day % RSD was 0.50–1.23 for Hydrochlorothiazi de and intra-day % RSD was 0.59–0.84 and inter-day % RSD was 0.60–0.91 for Amlodipine Besylate), accuracy (99.93  ± 0.43 for Atenolol, 99.92  ± 0.72 for Hydrochlorothiazide and 99.87  ± 0.63 for Amlodipine Besylate), and specificity in accordance with ICH guidelines. Havaldar Freddy H and Vairal Dharmendra L et al., (2010) developed a simple, specific (RP-HPLC) method and validated for the determination of atenolol, hydrochlorothiazide, losartan and valsartan. Separation was achieved with a Nucleodur 100 C–18 column having 250 x 4.6mm i.d. with 5ÃŽ ¼m particle size and potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer adjusted to pH 3.0 using diluted ortho phosphoric acid and acetonitrile (50:50 v à ¢Ã‹â€ †¢ v) at flow rate of 1.0ml/min using UV detection at 210nm. The retention time of atenolol, hydrochlorothiazide, losartan and valsartan was about 1.99min, 2.90min, 5.92min and 9.42min respectively. The proposed method was validated and successfully used for estimation of atenolol, hydrochlorothiazide, losartan and valsartan in the pharmaceutical dosage form.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Women Of Ancient Greece Essay examples -- Females Role Femininity Hist
Women in Ancient Greece Women’s role in Greece can be seen when one first begins to do research on the subject. The subject of women in Greece is coupled with the subject of slaves. This is the earliest classification of women in Greek society. Although women were treated differently from city to city the basic premise of that treatment never changed. Women were only useful for establishing a bloodline that could carry on the family name and give the proper last rites to the husband. However, women did form life long bonds with their husbands and found love in arranged marriages. Women in Athenian Society Women are â€Å"defined as near slaves, or as perpetual minors†in Athenian society (The Greek World, pg. 200). For women life didn’t extend far from the home, which was thought to be their sole realm of existence. Though they ranked higher than slaves did, they were treated in many of the same ways. Just like slaves, their mothers trained women as adolescents what their domestic dutie s were. They were secluded from all males, including those in their family. They lived in gynaikeion, which were women’s apartments in Athens (Daily Life in Greece, pg. 55). They were kept at home where they were taught the proper manners and duties of a desirable wife. â€Å"Marriage was the inevitable goal to which her whole life tended. To remain a spinster was the worst disgrace which could befall a woman†(Everyday Life in Ancient Greece, pg. 82). However, it was seen as more of a disgrace on her father who ‘owned’ her until she was married. Although Athenian women were completely in charge of their household and slaves, they didn’t have much freedom. They rarely left the house, unless they were part of some sort of religious procession. They could only walk abroad in the streets if accompanied by a slave or other attendant. It was improper for respectable women to share the same social entertainments as men. Even if caught in the courtyard of the house by a male visitor, they would return to the seclusion of their own apartments. Pericles once said, â€Å"it was their business to be spoken of as little as possible whether for good or ill†(Everyday Life in Ancient Greece, pg. 82). This sentiment describes the extent of the importance of women in society. Marriage was their only major role in the lives of men. Marriage The betrothal was arranged by the parents as a strictly busines... ... between a wife and her husband. â€Å"The greatest pleasure to me will be this, that, if you prove yourself my superior, you will make me your servant and there will be no fear lest with advancing years your influence will wane; nay the better companion you are to me and the better guardian of the house to our children, the greater will be the esteem in which you are held at home; and all will admire you, not so much for your good looks as for your good deeds in practical life†(Everyday Life in Ancient Greece, pg. 86). â€Å"Atthis, who didst live for me and breathe thy last toward me, once the source of all my joy and now of tears, holy, much lamented, how sleepst thou the mournful sleep, thou whose head was never laid away from thy husband’s breast, leaving Theios alone as one who is no more; for with thee the hope of our life went to darkness†(Everyday Life in Ancient Greece, pg. 87). Works cited Bibliography Everyday Life in Ancient Greece; C.E. Robinson. 1933. Pages 81 – 87. The Family, Women and Death; Sally Humphreys. 1983. Pages 33 – 79. Daily Life in Greece; Robert Flaceliere. 1959. Pages 55-83. The Greek World; Edited by Anton Powell. 1995. Pages 199 – 273.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
America’s economy after the Civil war Essay
After the Civil war in the United States, Corporations grew significantly in number, size, and influence between the 1870s and 1900s. Big business impacted America’s economy, politics and as well as the Americans responses to these changes. Big business began when entrepreneurs in search for wealth and success combined their business into massive corporations. Vertical and horizontal integration were tactics used to make business grow faster. Vertical integration is the acquiring of material from the bottom up for means of production, for example Carnegie used this strategy. Horizontal integration is the controlling of other companies that produce the same product, which Rockefeller used. The corporations were so large that they could and some did, force out the competition which resulted them in gaining control of that particular market. This allowed corporations to set the prices they desired, which affected the consumers pocket as that was the only place they could obtain the product or good from. Business men who ran these large industries became extremely wealthy, powerful and influential, often at the expense of many poor workers, and much of the public saw them as robber barons who exploited workers, in order to accumulate immense fortunes. For example, in 1882 Rockefeller solidifies his control by establishing a monopoly or trust, which centralized control of a number of oil related companies under one board of trustee. By 1879, Rockefeller controlled 90% of the county’s oil capacity. As a result of this, companies in other industries quickly imitated this trust model and used their broad market control to raise prices. Also in document A, statistics are shown of the index prices to the average prices during a certain period of time and it is evident that as the years progressed, the cost for food, fuel and lighting decreased significantly but the cost of living of also decreased but not to the degree of the above mentioned. Trusts were a common way to force out the competition and control a market in the 1800s. Big business also impacted America politically as seen on document D. This political cartoon shows wealthy industrial owners, which are taking up most of the space in the US senate and are coming in from a door that is labeled â€Å"Entrance for monopolist†and all the trusts are lines up to enter. Also, in the left corner there is a door labeled â€Å"People’s entrance†that had a â€Å"closed†hanging from it, which clearly shows that the people do not have a say in the senate. This means that industries have a great amount of power in the senate as well as a big impact politically. Also in document B, from George E. McNeill, a labor leader, is a short passage about â€Å"The problem of today†in 1887. He starts out explains how the railroad president holds so much power that it is almost as if he were the king of the railroad. The article states that the railroad king collects his tithes, which is the 1/10th annual income given to clergy and to support the church, by lowering the worker’s wages. He also has the power to fire anyone, take away their income, delay trial on a suit at law, and postpone judgment indefinitely. This shows the amount of power in his hands, and how he has a say in politics and court. At the end, McNeill states, â€Å"In his right hand he holds the government; in his left hand, the people†to show the sense of control he has in both areas and the degree of his influence on both, the people, and his government. American’s responses to the growing corporations were evident in document C. In this document David A. Wells claims that individualism or independence of the producer in manufacturing has been in great degree destroyed as well as the pride workmen took in their work. Also, he says modern manufacturing systems have been brought into a condition similar of that of a military organization. This shows the rigidness of the bosses and the demand for their work to be perfect. It is also mentioned in this document that as a rule, workers are only good for one thing, and then are useless once there is no more work of that kind. Lastly, the works are no longer independent. But depend and have to obey rules to keep progressing. In document E, by Andrew Carnegie, he states that to set an example of modest he has to provide to those who depend on him. Andrew Carnegie of the steel industry donated much of his wealth to building libraries, schools, and universities to support the less fortunate or poor. The growth of corporations evidently impacted the economy and politics, as well as the American responses to these changes, in 1870-1900.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Counseling Psychology Essay Example
Counseling Psychology Essay Example Counseling Psychology Paper Counseling Psychology Paper My grim determination to pursue a career in psychology has been a lifelong dream. Since I was in my teens, I have always been interested in how a human brain works. In fact, observing human behavior was my favorite pastime. I remember rather well how I would observe other people and compare their reactions to identical stimuli and then asked myself why? For instance, why did Mrs. A spank her 8-year-old son when she caught him lying, and Mrs. B did not? Since I saw that both Mrs. A and Mrs. B were very angry at their sons for lying, why the difference in their reactions? In such situations, the reasons behind the behavior of people, why they acted the way they did, always fascinated me. Although I was not yet fully aware at the time, I believe that my preoccupation with people’s behavior resulted from my personal circumstances. I lost my father to alcohol addiction when I was only 12 years old. Perhaps, subconsciously, I might have even placed part of the blame on my mother because I could not recall her saying or doing anything to help my father overcome his addiction. I always wondered why she tolerated my dad’s alcohol habit while our neighbors would often be heard arguing and shouting at one another every time the husband would arrive home drunk. This led me to ask myself what made mom different from the wife next door. (Now that I know that my mom was what is now called a classic enabler, I am sure that her being one certainly supported, if not actually encouraged my dad in pursuing his alcohol habit. ) Later, I would always resort to asking myself the same question whenever I would observe variant behaviors from people in our locality. For instance, when I heard that another man was discovered to be an alcoholic or a drug addict, I would wonder if his children felt the way I and my siblings felt before. Growing up in a family which was rendered dysfunctional by an alcoholic father and later with a single mother who was struggling with four children had been difficult. Things never came easy, but through sheer, hard work, I succeeded in making something of myself. I know that I worked hard for it, but I could not help thinking that I had been lucky as well. I could not help thinking of other children of families rendered dysfunctional by some forms of addiction. This thought started my self awareness. I began asking myself what really motivated me and why I do the things I do. Finally, I realized that what I really wanted was to help troubled children coming out of dysfunctional families. I was convinced that children who experienced what I went through but who were not as lucky as I have been need all the help they can get. So I took every opportunity that would lead me to this path. I first worked as a case manager for a community health center. Then I managed a youth home for troubled girls sentenced to the program through Youth Services. After that I worked with the prevention unit of another community health center. The financial demands of bringing up two sons, however, forced me to redirect my attention to my own family’s financial needs, so I started a retail business that would enable me to provide for my two sons adequately. However, after seven years, my lifelong passion resurfaced. I realized that I simply cannot turn my back on those people who need help and counseling. I decided to go back to pursuing my passion by attending a counseling program to better equip me in my desire to help troubled people. But first, in 2006, I completed a certification program in hypnosis and acquired a credential for certified hypnotist because I am certain that the skill would prove helpful later. My ultimate objective is to acquire a master’s degree in psychology and have a career in counseling psychology. I am aware that a career in counseling psychology could be very physically exhausting, emotionally draining, and involves long hours of work. However, these drawbacks are certainly offset by its most significant advantage: self-fulfillment. I know that helping people through counseling psychology will be the only career that would fulfill my lifelong dream. Besides, I get to be my own boss once I enter private practice. (Careers in Clinical and Counseling Psychology, n. d. ) Reference Careers in Clinical and Counseling Psychology. (n. d. ). Retrieved August 19, 2007, from wcupa. edu/_academics/sch_cas. psy/Career_Paths/Clinical/Career03. htm
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Role of Bushido in Modern Japan
The Role of Bushido in Modern Japan Bushido, or the way of the warrior, is commonly defined as the moral and behavioral code of the samurai. It is often considered a foundation stone of Japanese culture, both by Japanese people and by outside observers of the country. What are the components of bushido, when did they develop, and how are they applied in modern Japan? Controversial Origins of the Concept It is difficult to say exactly when bushido developed. Certainly, many of the basic ideas within bushido- loyalty to ones family and ones feudal lord (daimyo), personal honor, bravery and skill in battle, and courage in the face of death- have likely been important to samurai warriors for centuries. Amusingly, scholars of ancient and medieval Japan often dismiss bushido and call it a modern innovation from the Meiji and Showa eras. Meanwhile, scholars who study Meiji and Showa Japan direct readers to study ancient and medieval history to learn more about the origins of bushido. Both camps in this argument are right, in a way. The word bushido and others like it did not arise until after the Meiji Restoration- that ​is, after the samurai class was abolished. It is useless to look at ancient or medieval texts for any mention of bushido. On the other hand, as mentioned above, many of the concepts included in bushido were present in Tokugawa society. Basic values such as bravery and skill in battle are important to all warriors in all societies at all times, so presumably, even early samurai from the Kamakura period would have named those attributes as important. The Changing Modern Faces of Bushido In the lead-up to World War II, and throughout the war, the Japanese government pushed an ideology called imperial bushido on the citizens of Japan. It emphasized Japanese military spirit, honor, self-sacrifice, and unwavering, unquestioning loyalty to the nation and to the emperor. When Japan suffered its crushing defeat in that war, and the people did not rise up as demanded by imperial bushido and fight to the last person in defense of their emperor, the concept of bushido seemed to be finished. In the post-war era, only a few die-hard nationalists used the term. Most Japanese were embarrassed by its connections with the cruelty, death, and excesses of World War II. It seemed like the way of the samurai had ended forever. However, beginning in the late 1970s, Japans economy began to boom. As the country grew into one of the major world economic powers in the 1980s, people within Japan and outside of it once again began to use the word bushido. At that time, it came to mean extreme hard work, loyalty to the company that one worked for, and devotion to quality and precision as a sign of personal honor. News organizations even reported on a sort of company-man seppuku, called karoshi, in which people literally worked themselves to death for their companies. CEOs in the west and in other Asian countries started to urge their employees to read books touting corporate bushido, in an attempt to replicate Japans success. Samurai stories as applied to business, along with Sun Tzus Art of War from China, became best-sellers in the self-help category. When the Japanese economy slowed into stagflation in the 1990s, the meaning of bushido in the corporate world shifted once again. It began to signify the peoples brave and stoic response to the economic downturn. Outside of Japan, the corporate fascination with bushido quickly faded. Bushido in Sports Although corporate bushido is out of fashion, the term still crops up regularly in connection with sports in Japan. Japanese baseball coaches refer to their players as samurai, and the international soccer (football) team is called Samurai Blue. In press conferences, the coaches and players regularly invoke bushido, which is now defined as hard work, fair play, and a fighting spirit. Perhaps nowhere is bushido more regularly mentioned than in the world of martial arts. Practitioners of judo, kendo, and other Japanese martial arts study what they consider to be the ancient principles of bushido as part of their practice (the antiquity of those ideals is debatable, of course, as mentioned above). Foreign martial artists who travel to Japan to study their sport usually are particularly devoted to an ahistorical, but very appealing, version of bushido as a traditional cultural value of Japan. Bushido and the Military The most controversial usage of the word bushido today is in realm of the Japanese military, and in political discussions around the military. Many Japanese citizens are pacifists, and deplore the use of rhetoric that once led their country into a catastrophic global war. However, as troops from Japans Self-Defense Forces increasingly deploy overseas, and conservative politicians call for increasing military power, the term bushido crops up more and more often. Given the history of the last century, military uses of this very militaristic terminology can only inflame relations with neighboring countries including South Korea, China, and the Philippines. Sources Benesch, Oleg. Inventing the Way of the Samurai: Nationalism, Internationalism, and Bushido in Modern Japan, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.Marro, Nicolas. The Construction of a Modern Japanese Identity: A Comparison of Bushido and The Book of Tea, The Monitor: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 17, Issue1 (Winter 2011).The Modern Re-invention of Bushido, Columbia University website, accessed August 30, 2015.
Monday, November 4, 2019
E-business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
E-business - Essay Example As a hedge against all liabilities for the company, the manger should develop a plan of insurance that covers the company’s legal costs, as estimated in advance, for middle and extreme examples of corporate liability. This type of insurance coverage will be analyzed by the manner to see to what extent the company remains open to civil and criminal suits for negligent business practices that may occur in the ecommerce operation. In establishing insurance coverage for the company in the case of corporate liability for services offered online, we must purchase the required policy for insurance in all instances of operating liability on the internet. Website security is most important in an ecommerce website, as the customer finds a sense of trust and operability in the existence of a website with secure credit card processing facilities and shopping cart. Secure servers use a type of connection that is different from typical web pages in HTML. The secure pages require a SSL connection which stands for â€Å"Secure Socket Level†encryption technology. The manager will purchase required SSL certificates as needed to operate the ecommerce site with security. For business conducted in England and the United Kingdom, the manager should develop a plan to meet all requirements of the Data Protection Act of 1998. This will require the ecommerce site to have a Privacy Statement and â€Å"Terms and Conditions†page to make clear all company policies relating to the collection of data. (The National Archives, 1998) The manager will be responsible for all third party contract negotiations conducted with foreign and national companies within the relationship of the ecommerce website facilities, logistics, warehousing, and distribution. The responsibility of the manager must override all concerns of the departments to present a clear plan of security that matches with the legal team’s views. Any requirements from upper management and staff
Friday, November 1, 2019
Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3
Business Environment - Essay Example It has Banks, supermarket, local supermarkets, online services and stores. LE-PEST C analysis comprises of legal, environmental, political, economical, social, technological and competitive analysis. It is important to analyse the how Sainsbury Company services are being influenced by all these external features. First of all, it is guided by the need to provide the best services to its customers and to ensure that their shareholders earn high financial returns every year. Moreover, it is employee oriented as its goal is to have well rewarded employees who can have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and abilities on the activities they provide for the company. The company also aims at building a very strong relationship with its suppliers. This will definitely ensure that the needs of the customers are highly satisfied. The total number of stores owned is 301 and 455 supermarkets that serve approximately sixteen million people weekly. It has approximately 148000 employees whose work is to deliver food and other products at a very fair price (Killgre n, 2007, pp.34-75). The LE-PEST C analysis recognises the importance of the legal sector in influencing how companies operate. The legal sector can either reduce the competitive nature of a company or increase it. It lays down strict rules to ensure that the general public is safe from any substandard goods and services. The Sainsbury Company has not been left behind as the government of the UK has had a history of strengthening laws that are linked to drinks and foods. The rules target how products are packaged and labelled. Because food and drinks are very sensitive goods and they can cause a lot of destructions in an economy, then it is very important to package food using the right containers to avoid contamination. This helps in enhancing public health. Labelling laws are made to avoid counterfeit goods thus a
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