Monday, September 30, 2019
Indigenous Peoples Essay
The peak of the globalization is mostly felt when every culture around the world is integrated into a centrally focused ideal that encapsulates each unique cultural set-up practiced around the world. When all these cultures are somehow connected in something that both caters to each need of the various cultures of people and introduces an open understanding and tolerance to all the available sub-cultures within a particular state or nation, there is no question that globalization has taken its effect to its most fundamentally successful level. Such is the case after reading the book A Global History of Indigenous Peoples by Ken S. Coates that, according to some reviews, â€Å"examines the history of the indigenous/tribal peoples of the world and the work spans of the period from the pivotal migrations which saw the peopling of the world, and further examines the processes by which tribal peoples established themselves as separate from surplus-based and more material societies (Barnes and Noble). †The book is also a successful introduction to how the impact of the differing policies of global struggles of cultural domination takes place in the world and how the colonization of these changes has impacted the indigenous cultures. As a form of analysis in the chapter of the book entitled Continuing the Struggle: Indigenous Protests, Legal Agendas, and Aboriginal Internationalism, it would be great to highlight how the impact of globalization made the integration of the different indigenous cultures in some leading countries successful. In this aspect, no country is better to analyze and cite as an example than the great cultural history of the indigenous rights movement in Canada. Moreover, the analysis in this given area should focus both on how the indigenous rights movement in Canada has been integrated into the globalization integration of cultures and to how this degree has been made manifest in the uniqueness of the indigenous rights culture of the particular state. Secondly, an analysis on how this uniqueness has been able to relate to the international scenario of protests and processes that are forming the cultural integration of all the major cultures practiced in our time, is also very important. Degree of the Indigenous rights Movement in Canada When we discuss the indigenous rights movement in Canada, the most immediate things we can think about and can connect to the book of Ken S. Coates are the aboriginal nature of Canadians to value the basic human right of living, the practice of democracy in their lifestyle and the value of the self-respect and integrity among their people. In the first indigenous rights movement, the main concern is essentially concentrated on the discrimination shown by the non-indigenous people to the basic rights of living of the indigenous ones. This is mostly felt by the Canadians in the aspect of their housing plans and the way they construct and develop the indigenous livelihood and community. With this problem, the degree of the indigenous rights movement in Canada is in a level so widespread, that it has already caught the attention of the United Nations. In this aspect alone, it could be said that the indigenous rights movement in Canada has been made unique because of its unrelenting value for the preservation of the rights of indigenous living. The second indigenous rights movement that is unique to Canadians is mostly concerned with the practice of democracy in the lifestyle of the indigenous people. The Amnesty International Canada article report laying out the legislative proposals for the respect of the rights of the Indigenous rights of Canadians is one of the great examples on how this movement is unique to the Canadians living an indigenous lifestyle. (Amnesty International Website) The third indigenous rights movement that has created a certain level of high degree of respect and practice among the indigenous Canada is the respect for the rights of women and the condemning of any type of human abuse. This indigenous rights movement is one of those unique Canadian struggles that have been recognized so greatly by the world, the U. N. even made sure that these new requests by the indigenous people would become part of the new legislation addressing indigenous rights across the globe. Connection to broader international protests and processes In a great general approach, it would be safe to say that these unique indigenous rights movement have been so great and effective in attempting to universalize all the other international protests on human rights, that many of the breakthrough movements across the world have already used these ideas as an ideal platform for all future proposals of addressing indigenous rights. One of the many examples we can cite for this connection is the creation of the Indigenous people’s legislation concerning the ratification of ILO Convention 169 (the Indigenous and Tribal peoples) of the United Nations. This, along with the many global movements in addressing the global challenge of integrating indigenous cultures across the globe, is a significant international political process that, among many other things, gives light to the many demands of universalizing the indigenous rights of people in different nations. Secondly, it would also be great to highlight that many of the legislation found in the proposals advancing the rights of ownership, the respect for the rights of women and the anti-discrimination act of Canadian indigenous communities have also become great tools in understanding the great resolution of the differing conflicts between the different religions globally that have been caused by the great misunderstanding of cultures. These are the clear international process that have been caused by the Canadian indigenous rights movement.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Social inequlity
We live in a world that is culturally diverse. Gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity are Just some of the diverse areas In society that are believed to be Important. In spite of these differences, we tend to centre ourselves round people who we can relate to In somewhat and those who are similar to us, If that being people who are the same status, share physical or biological traits or even have the same or similar lifestyle to us. Due to all this, it's in our human nature to be ethnocentric towards people who re different from us.This causes discrimination, which in time causes social inequality, something that is becoming very common in our society today. One of the noticeable areas of discrimination is race. Race refers to the biological characteristics of one; skin color, hair/ eye color, height etc. Related to race is ethnicity, which relates to the cultural factor such as nationality, ancestry, language, beliefs and culture. Both race and ethnicity can cause a big controversy all around the world, the controversy being racism.Focusing on Australia, the nation Is known or their warm welcoming to different races and ethnicities. Many people believe that Australia being so open to different cultures etc. Is a wonderful thing they tend to miss out on the racism that occurs. As with America, Australia represents a large percentage of racism towards different races all across. For instance; Indigenous people of Australia. These people are known to be the first people on Australian land, it's their land, so why all the hate towards them.Many indigenous are very disadvantage as they live In poor remote areas of all parts of Australia, when they are men by â€Å"white people†, they don't have a bad word to say, but as soon as the â€Å"white person†glances at them, racial abuse is Just heard. Indigenous sport players have encountered some on ground racism throughout matches, 1 993 saw SST Skill's Nick Winner responds to racists taunts from the oppositi on crowd by lifting his shirt, pointing to his skin and saying that his proud to be black.In another example of discrimination Is, the article Office work and crack alternative, Philippe Bourbons shows how a group of Puerco Rican Immigrants faced discrimination due to their ace, which resulted in deprivation of jobs at a range of work places and they were stereotyped as lazy and good for nothing people. Ethnicity has played a huge role in social inequality. The trust of one's own ethnic group(ethnocentrism) allows a system in which societies rank categories of people in a hierarchy ( social stratifications) creating inequality (Furze 2012).This all then results to all sorts of things, such as; personal insults (egg. Name calling), structural obstacles (egg. No loans). This can effect a person's physical and mental health which could then lead to harming oneself. ND gender is not the same thing but they do have some connection between each other. Sex comes down to our biological char acteristics; it's the genitals that we are born with that distinguish from female and male. Gender on the other hand, Is our behavioral characteristics that involve feelings and attitudes (Furze 2012).Not everyone Is the same, no matter what sex your born some people may feel different inside, this is called interest, it's a condition where a person is born with a or male. Transgender are people who self-identity does not conform definitely to invitational notions of male or female gender. Panderer who are people are those who do not wish to be labeled as female or male in gender, as they feel that they do not fit into binary genders because they feel they are all genders.Homosexuality is a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex (Lower,J 2012). There are four theories of gender; Functionalism, Conflict theories, Symbolic interaction theories and the Feminist Theory. Symbolic interaction theory relates to how gender is formed with the connections and interpretations of society. It is analyses with a mirror perception and an examination of gender on a day to day level, for example men will talk over women to demonstrate a higher level of power.Functionalism is really relating to how the society works as a whole. From where men do contributing and active work and where women commit to the expressive roles to society. In this theory theorists saw the big wage gap of inequalities as result, women would commit to families roles rather than working roles. Conflict theories a society where women are severely disadvantaged with the inequalities that have be formed u to social structure.An example of this is a problem that has been happening for decades the wage inequalities between men and women; we see that men have been having earning more than women even if it's the same role in a Job. Lastly, the feminist theory is the theory where women have operated a movement that aims to demonstrate the position of women in society and to highly improve their status in society. Gender inequality can and should be changed for the benefit of all. All these theories can in the end result to gender division of labor.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
How Does An Ems Work Environmental Sciences Essay
An tremendous sum of development in industrial sectors all over universe typically consequences in a turning figure of environmental jobs in proportion with the development. An Environmental Management System ( EMS ) is a model, which is designed to assist organisations in the direction, betterment and control of environmental public presentation. EMS is portion of direction system of an administration, where a clearly set out construction of an administration, duties of staff, processs, be aftering activities, resource allotment for execution, development and accomplishment of marks of environmental policy committednesss needs specifying. EMS is designed to understate environmental impact, to utilize resources more efficaciously, to do concern productiveness long-run, to better repute of an administration, to follow with environmental ordinances and statute laws, to better its fiscal place by cut downing fees for insurance, regulative license fees, to better staff morale, stakeholde rs ‘ relationships etc. The environmental impact varies between administrations, but by and large it is emanations, waste, energy use, ingestion and conveyance of stuffs. Impacts on wildlife and nature is a consequence of increasing clime alteration factors all over the universe, which is lead by contaminated land, air and H2O. In the 1970s and 1980s many administrations established their ain set of ordinances as a response of questions in environmental statute law. In the 1990s the International Organisation for Standardisation ( ISO ) introduced international criterions ISO14000 as portion of organisations ‘ direction systems. In 1992 the British Standard Institute published BS7750, which was the first national criterion for an environmental direction system. The intentional criterions help an administration or industry of any size to accomplish betterment of environmental public presentation by puting a specific environmental direction system. The work of an administration harmonizing to the criterions makes clear marks and aims of environmental policy, and identifies activities that significantly impact the environment. Cardinal elements of an EMS The Model of an EMS consists of four phases: Planning, Doing, Checking and Acting. Planning is the procedure of environmental injury designation by an administration, rating of environmental impact and the constitution of appropriate aims. It is necessary for an administration to reexamine its present stock list of environmental activities and place environmental facets, applicable environmental ordinances and instructions. Harmonizing to ISO14001, the environmental facet is an â€Å" component of an administration ‘s activities, merchandises or services, which can interact with the environment †( ISO 2004 ) . Designation of environmental facets starts with the survey of activities, merchandises and services of an administration, which affects environment or which leads to environmental impact. All important facets should be considered to set up environmental aims for environmental policy and determine operational control and action in the manner to better environmental public presentation. Significant environmental facets should be stated in policy t o set up environmental aims and marks. Identification and direction of environmental facets leads to important environmental betterment. Environmental Policy is a statement, which is to declare liability to the execution and direction of EMS. Identified and assessed important impacts of an administration are the chief elements of an environmental policy, which is of import for set uping environmental marks and aims. It can be really utile to affect employees in this procedure, for illustration: to carry on brainstorming Sessionss, because there can be chances that can easy cut down the environmental impact. Aims and marks should be specific, accomplishable and mensurable. During and after execution of an EMS, alteration and rectification of the marks and aims should be portion of the monitoring and supervising procedure. Environmental policies should be apprehensible by every employee and employer of an administration to accomplish the marks and aims of the administration. Doing is the execution procedure of the plan to understate environmental impact and hazard of an administration. Harmonizing to ISO14001, the disposal of an administration should name a particular, trained direction representative to guarantee execution of the EMS. The EMS representative is responsible for monitoring, measuring, coverage of EMS public presentation to head direction and control activities that have important environmental impact. The EMS representative should besides collaborate with others to modify EMS as needed. All staff, whose activities can do important environmental impact should be trained on important environmental issues. Relevant staff should be trained on environmental policy, exigency, accomplishment of environmental marks, specific EMS functions and duties, the environmental impact of their occupation activities and effects in instance of relevant staff non following their relevant EMS duties. All processs and instructions to command important environmen tal impact and to place possible accidents, which could hold an impact on the environment must be clarified and documented. Activities of every employee have an impact on the environment and every employee should hold good thoughts associating to their experience about the betterment of environmental public presentation. That ‘s why it ‘s really of import to develop communicating in an administration by regular staff and safety meetings, suggestion boxes, newssheets etc. Effective communicating may assist an administration ‘s EMS execution to actuate people, better apprehension of environmental policies, functions and duties, importance of environmental public presentation betterment and placing possible for betterment. The cardinal function of disposal is to supply resources to employees, which are necessary for an EMS plan execution. Some people, such as clients, registrars, and authorities administrations can be interested to cognize the EMS design and execution of the administration. For these grounds, every administration should hold an EMS manual or EMS description papers. Documentation is one of the of import factors of effectual EMS direction. EMS paperss should be revised on a regular basis by responsible forces, who will do alterations as and when required. Certain operations and activities should be monitored and controlled to pull off important environmental impact and to guarantee that the processs implements to accomplish marks and aims. Operational control processs should be documented, particularly those where breach could take to important environmental impact. The possibility of accidents and incidents ever exist, even in malice of the best execution of an EMS theoretical account. Decrease of hurts, bar of environmental impact, protection of employees and understating losingss can be done by effectual preparation and readying to exigency state of affairss. The readying for exigency state of affairss can be provided by: capacity appraisal for incidents and accidents ; preventive steps on these accidents and incidents, related to environmental impact ; doing programs and processs to react to exigency state of affairss ; regular control and monitoring of the programs and processs and understating environmental impact related to these accidents and incidents. All EMS executions, processs and instructions should be continuously revised and updated. Checking is the assessment procedure, which assesses the effectivity of the plan and evaluates how execution of the plan meets plan aims. The assessment procedure is based on monitoring and measuring of environmental public presentation betterment of an administration. Internal audits are measuring whether the EMS of an administration meets the demands of ISO14001. Internal environmental hearers should be trained on appropriate issues. The effectivity of an EMS mostly depends on monitoring facets, which deals with disagreements of criterions. Monitoring and measurings helps an administration to measure environmental public presentation, conformity by the legal demands, place jobs, analyze root causes of jobs, happening ways to rectify jobs and bettering public presentation and effectivity. Identification and probe of jobs and their causes allows an administration to do disciplinary and preventive steps for the hereafter. Prevention of jobs is by and large far more cost-efficient than repairing them after the fact. Evidence of a on the job EMS is records. Record direction seems a bureaucratic procedure, but on occasion administrations need to supply EMS execution grounds to the 3rd parties ( e.g. clients, some authorities administrations and the populace ) . Administration of an administration decides what records should be kept, how and how long to maintain them. It ‘s really of import to stress needed EMS records to show execution of environmental public presentation betterment. Regular audits can be peculiarly valuable by supplying nonsubjective grounds that an EMS is implemented harmonizing to the demands. Regular audits critically evaluate the effectivity of EMS execution, consistently place and describe to disposal of administration on a deficiency of EMS execution. It provides a great chance to better activities on EMS execution, better environmental public presentation and do the system more cost-efficient. Acting is based on the appraisal procedure to take action for continual betterment of an EMS, which is performed by caput direction. The policy of EMS, objectives, marks and action programs must be reviewed annually by members of the Environmental Management Committee. Results of the EMS execution reappraisal should be reported to head direction, demonstrate to staff and happen out marks, aims, related actions and other elements of EMS that need to be changed. Management reappraisal is an of import cardinal component of an EMS for continual betterment, which besides provides a great chance for EMS execution to be effectual and low-cost. The procedure of a direction reappraisal should affect competent people, who have appropriate cognition and experience and who are decision-makers of the administration. All direction reappraisal meetings should be recorded and supply inside informations on what issues were discussed and what determinations and actions are selected for implementing.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence - Essay Example ning a space, luminosity can become used to emphasize on the focal point of space and bring out the elements of union, harmony, and balance within a space. Undertaken between 1628 and 1632, ‘the martyrdom of Saint Lawrence’ is a painting by the Italian baroque artist Massimo Stanzione who was mainly active in Naples (BBC, 2015). The painting depicts the martyrdom of Saint Lawrence of Rome in the third century who got killed by roasting over a hot gridiron. Saint Lawrence of Rome, a 3rd century archdeacon was martyred in 258 A.D (Archer, 2012). under Emperor Valerian’s persecution of Christians. Lawrence got persecuted for distributing the church’s assets to the poor instead of turning it over to the empire as instructed by the empire. The move angered the prefect responsible for collecting the church’s wealth that he asked for the immediate execution of Lawrence by roasting him on a gridiron warmed with hot coal. The painting is noted for its gruesome naturalistic element and rich color employed by Stanzione. Stanzione was revered for his use of rich color and idealized naturalism that he had a massive influence on other local artists. This gets captured effectively on his piece the ‘martyrdom of Saint Lawrence’. The ‘martyrdom of Saint Lawrence’ employs the technique of oil on canvas. Stanzione was greatly influenced by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. He combined Caravaggio’s dramatically lit and brutally realistic style with the classical and lyrical manner of Bolognesi painters (Kleiner, 2009). Stanzione had great mastery over religious art due to his vast altarpieces and frescoes. In ‘the martyrdom of Saint Lawrence’ painting, Stanzione captures an imposing nocturnal scene of the persecution of Saint Lawrence. The grisly nature of the piece gets captured by the emphasis of the dramatic light and shadow. To capture Lawrence’s martyrdom, Stanzione employs illumination by the divine light coming from the skies or heavens. At the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
European Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
European Cinema - Essay Example The concepts that were associated with pan – European films created an alternative culture that identified the margins of culture, as opposed to the mainstream that was often accepted in contemporary movies. The concept of pan – European films began to become significant after the 1950s and 1960s with the emergence of Hollywood. As the styles and themes of Hollywood began to reach popular culture, those in Europe also began to change the approach to film. While looking at the movies of Hollywood, there was a movement that was defined which rejected the American culture in movies. The pan – European movement was one that went in the opposite direction of creativity and inspiration as Hollywood, specifically to create a European style film. The particular movement began with the French New Wave in the 1950s and 1960s and was known to adapt to specific influences that were a part of the films in cinema. â€Å"Here European cinema adopts a mode of film practice that rejects dialogue with Hollywood, favouring instead filmic models, which appear to be embedded in European culture and untouched by American cultural influence.1†The rejection of influence from popular cultu re, as well as the influences of American Hollywood was then able to define the pan – European film and the way that it was associated with the culture of Europe. The concept of moving into the culture of Europe to produce films was not the only definition that was associated with Europe and the functions that it had for film. The establishment of culture in pan – Europe also led to the understanding of borders and the concept of Europe as the cultural affiliation that was associated with this particular arena. The pan – European film focused not only on the concepts of culture, but also was affiliated with creating movies that were nationalistic in nature. Because there was a movement against
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 16
Summary - Essay Example The ruling families realized that there should be policy change in economic programs to ensure that the countries developed long-term and sustainable economic plans. The international community was involved in promotion of economic status of the GCC states where they advised that a knowledge-based economic policy would be effective in steering the economies rather than relying on oil that was dwindling. Introduction of the knowledge-based economy would ensure expansion and investment in education to build wealth from the human labour and resources instead of relying on the natural resources. President Obama and Angela Merkel delivered speeches on the benefits of the knowledge-based economy over reliance on natural resources. Obama stated that the Islamic countries should begin to increase their investment in education since even the countries that had more natural resources like America had invested in other policies to steer their economies. Angela Merkel on the other hand emphasized on the importance of promoting freedom and innovation from the power of science and human intelligence. Innovation, technological development and invention were es sential for development challenges in 21st century. These speeches revealed the interest which the western countries had on the development of the GCC countries. The Arab countries have adopted the policy and culture of promoting the education in the region by increasing the number of institutions of higher learning at high rate. Since the end of World War II, the number of universities have increased from 10 to 140 in 2000 and later increased up to 260 in 2010. This reveals the interest of leaders to propel their countries in knowledge-based economies. Obama and Merkel stated that the countries in the region should pay tribute to the developments taking place in education especially the universities that have embraced the visions of the Gulf monarchies. Modernization of education
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Business Strategy in Transport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Business Strategy in Transport - Essay Example In the running of any business, there is a necessity to have a strategic plan that defines the company, its market and the services and/or products it offers. Strategic planning, that is discussed in the essay involves making clear-cut decisions in terms of direction and resource aimed at pursuing the organisation’s strategy. One of the first strategies explained in the essay is the cost of leadership principle, that is a strategy in which the organisation cuts down on the costs of production with the aim of being the most affordable service provider. Second question focuses on the concept of cost leadership and its relevance to business strategy with reference to one of the modes or types of transport. The airline industry was specially discussed in this essay as an example, also Gareth Morgan’s concept of a 'machine' organisation was explained as well as an attractive model for organising commercial businesses for transport modes such as shipping, railways and in the twentieth century for airlines. It also refers to the transport industry in the twenty-first century to the transport industry in the nineteenth century and assess the shortcomings of machine organisations from a business strategy perspective. Investigations in the causes of crashes of airplanes, in the 19th century showed that human error was a contributing factor, especially exhaustion. From such events, the machine organisation approach cannot be used in all sectors and the approach is largely losing its popularity.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS - Essay Example True indeed as the article asserts, Russia has proved to be a developing growth market whose legal environment has constantly changed in the recent past. The country has in the recent past experienced an increase in activities involving corporate transactions of different types including not only public listings, but also mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures, consolidation and also restructuring. The result of these development have been far reaching especially from the legal front telling from the rising number of high profile disputes involving mostly Russian parties who numerous studies have indicated to be favoring either the English courts or other arbitration venues outside Russia for resolution of the disputes. This article despite not being very comprehensive in nature, the opinions provided has been presented in quite a general way making it worth for reference by any interested persons. While discussing the changing legal environment, the current state of affairs in Rus sia has been clearly brought out. Among the issues analyzed include the various changes to the Russian legislation and the impacts which they may have. One notable effect discussed on the article is the non appreciation of Russia to what the country regards as interference by foreign courts which is a clear indicator of the importance of the companies that wish to enter into transactions relating to business in Russia having a clear understanding of the local practical, legal and procedural issues (White & Case, 2012). The article has also been very effective in identifying the various trends that are associated with joint venture and the other transactions in Russia. Truly as asserted by Andrei Dontsov in the article that most offshore JVs are usually governed by an English law shareholder agreement, this is indeed a true reflection of what is on the ground as widely documented by different research findings on the topic. The issue of upcoming changes in Russian law has been well a nalyzed in the article. The article has been successful in outlining the various amendments to the Russian Civil Code that are under consideration by the Russian parliament whose main aim is to introduce new legal concepts familiar to lawyers from other jurisdictions (White & Case, 2012). While analyzing the issues to do with enforcing one’s rights as regards to Russia-related transactions, the article has been very successful in reiterating the importance of the investors doing business in Russia to keenly following the various developments with high likelihood of impacting the investor’s rights in instances where there may arise disagreements between the parties. This has been clearly brought out in the article especially to the extent where there is no appreciation of interferences and the implementation of various measures that are mainly aimed at addressing the interferences. The article has also been very successful in addressing the issues regarding the enforcem ent against assets within Russia. Among the issues that have clearly come out include whether arbitration can be relied upon to resolve disputes and key issue of concern being there can be enforcement of arbitration award obtained outside Russia (White & Case, 2012). Another issue of concern that the article clearly brought out was mostly related to one-sided optional dispute resolution clauses that is mostly common in finance transactions while at the same time operating to give the different parties
Monday, September 23, 2019
COURSEWORK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
COURSEWORK - Essay Example Counseling can help if used early on. Above all, a teenager that is thinking of suicide just needs someone there for them and is ready to listen. 2. No, I do not believe that information on the Internet about how to synthesize drugs at home should be blocked or censored. The Internet is a platform that should provide free and fair knowledge for everyone. We live in a democracy, so the government should not have the power to censor the Internet. I do believe, however, that people should not try to synthesize drugs at home after checking on the Internet. Not only can information on the Internet prove unreliable, but synthesis is a very complex process that should only be carried out in a safe environment. 3. The clinical features of bipolar I disorder are when someone experiences manic, depressed, and well phases. This differs from bipolar II disorder, where the person does not experience any manic phases. Many experts believe that bipolar I disorder results from genetics factors. Life experiences are not thought to be a cause of bipolar disorders, but they can be a trigger that sets someone off. Mood stabilizers are often used to treat someone who has bipolar disorder, but therapy techniques can also be used in conjunction with drugs. 4. The four different types of people who abuse CNS depressants are those who (1) take drugs to decrease persistent stress, (2) experience jubilation and stimulation, (3) take depressants to counter the negative effects of other drugs, and (4) mix depressants with alcohol and drugs to increase the effects. The first group often attempts to mask their problems by getting clinicians to administer depressants. The second group becomes immune to the negative side effects of depressants and instead feels elated. The third group tries to combat negative side effects of other drugs through the use of depressants. The last group wants to increase the feeling that they get from mixing alcohol and drugs with depressantsâ€â€combining
Sunday, September 22, 2019
High school Essay Example for Free
High school Essay Sports influence life of peoples and nations , and play an important role and essential part for people on daily basis by creating an atmosphere full cooperation and affiliation, and strengthen the social ties for being an integral part of the public education process. Studies show that regular physical activity with healthy eating habits, is considered the most effective and healthy weight control. Whether trying to lose weight or maintain it. It doesn’t matter what kind of physical activity that an individual make, whether by participating in sports, doing daily house task , or business-related work. Participating in Sports have big impact on acquiring the ability to understand oneself and others, and how to deal with them and a sense of responsibility in building social relations and development for society as a whole. Sports connect individuals by feeling their mental and physical abilities. In brief, research have indicated the correlation between physical activities and undergraduate/ high school students for different age group. The benefits of being involved in sports and the degree of influence on student’s grades, by reducing anxiety caused by psychological and social troubles despite the time consumed in performing the activity. This refers to find the right balance between sports and studies. Introduction â€Å"Asound mind in a sound body, is a short, but full description of a happy state in this World: he that has these two, has little more to wish for; and he that wants either of them, will be little the better for anything else. †(John Locke, Some Thoughts Concerning Education, 1693). Sports considered part of recreational activities, which allow many opportunities to the individual to play the role more effectively through exercises that can take positive advantage of the physical skills Intellectual ability. Regular exercise helps protect from heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, insulin-independent diabetes, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis, and can also improve your mood and prevent life pressures. Exercises also increase the good cholesterol HDL in the body and reduces LDL cholesterol and improve the flow of blood, and increase the ability to work under pressure . Experts advise a workout of 20-30 minutes three times or more per week, and perform muscle exercises at least twice a week. Sports and students In sports, most people often see advantages in just building shapes. However, there are also many social and individual advantages. Participating in physical activities one of the most fulfilling encounters students can have. While meanings taught in sporting can be precious, in an age when skilled sportsmen are forsaken college for the sake of engaging in contracts worth large figures. Most university sportsmen never achieve the high end, and the ones who do are normally done enjoying by age 33. Keeping the self-discipline to execute well on the stage as well as in the class room can set you up for success long after your enjoying days are over. Sports educate learners the idea of group connections â€Å"there is no I in team†. Sports help learners realize that cooperating as a group means more achievements, and the projects that they will work towards become a lot easier. Teamwork even moves into the class room for group projects. It is important for learners to learn how to work together to achieve a objective. Just like in sports, if your team mate is having difficulties, you help them pick up the slack to get to your objective. In the class room, this might mean that they create an additional page of an task for a group or make an additional glide for a venture. Being a member of a group whether it be golf ball, beach ball, or even in a class room can be a very fulfilling encounter for all learners. Benefits of participating in physical activities Improving health and exerting students’ surplus energies. Obeying the competition or societal rules and constraining delinquent behaviors (such as cheating, acting violently, consuming illegal substances, and drinking excessive alcohol, etc) Promoting societal values, integrity and building character Enhancing confidence, motivation, sense of empowerment, and self-esteem Providing social interaction, fun and enjoyment Offering opportunities for education and career in sports Expanding life experience and making more friends Knowing how to deal with failure and difficult situation Developing life-skills (Blinde, Taub, Han, 1993; Coakley, 2007; Eitzen Sage, 2008; Hudson, 2000; JOPERD, 2004; Shaffer, Wittes, 2006; Woods, 2006; Woodruff Schallert, 2008). Sports in High Schools Academic qualifications for student-athletes in public high schools fitness activities has many variations and has been changing over the past many decades. But how far have we come in motivating sportsmen in the classroom? The term student-athlete implies that the person engaged with education and sporting is both a good student in the class room and an active and effective individual on an fitness team. In theory, academic proficiency is a requirements for fitness contribution. It has been proven that high schools sportsmen usually have a greater GPA than non sportsmen (Eitzen Tale, 1993). As school regions and fitness administrators work to show responsibility to the mother and father in their respective communities through the modification of fitness codes, it is essential address the issue of student sportsman academic performance. Efforts to change academic qualifications for high schools sportsmen began in 1983, amongst powerful resistance from trainers, mother and father, and others (Wolf, 1983). In 1984 the condition of Texas introduced a No Pass No Play rule that mentioned that sportsmen could not have any failing qualities if they were to join in a sporting action (Richards, 1987). A specialist selected 125 great schools across 48 declares and compared their specifications for fitness qualifications. The focus was on four specific academic qualifications areas: 1. Minimum personal GPA for fitness contribution. 2. Maximum variety of Fs that an sportsman can have and still take part. 3. The time period for athletic-academic revocation for sportsmen that dont achieve the lowest specifications. 4. A sticking to personal condition association guidelines for academic qualifications. As this research indicates, only a tiny proportion of great schools in the United States have attached a lowest GPA to their academic specifications for fitness qualifications. The tutorial institutions that had minimal requirements justified these requirements by stating that sporting keep children in school; if they were not qualified to join in sporting, these learners would drop out. Some of the schools in the research indicated that they incorporated a quality factor to their qualifications but later removed this requirements from their fitness code because of opposition from trainers and mother and father. Additional justifications from fitness administrators protecting low academic specifications included that fitness applications must remain student-friendly and that all learners, regardless of what their qualities, should have the right to join. A variety of fitness administrators revealed that they would like to have even reduced academic specifications than those already in position. In schools that had powerful academic specifications, fitness administrators revealed learners modified to the specifications once they were set in position. One fitness director mentioned that children know what the lowest GPA is to be qualified so they will do what is required. In fact, he even thought that they could raise the quality factor to 2. 5 and the student-athletes would adjust in an issue of your energy and effort. One high school in Canada that had a lowest GPA of 2. 5 maintained the right to hold an sportsman out if the trainers felt that the student-athlete was not performing up to his or her prospective, even if the grade that the student maintained is 3. 0. When public schools educational applications are under heavy analysis, fitness applications with low academic requirements are only harming themselves by letting their sportsmen just get by. The fitness applications in this research that have challenged their learners in the class room with greater academic requirements over a many decades have been successful in improving the quality of factor earnings. Students modified to the educational demands set by the fitness applications and the variety of learners that were announced ineligible was consistent with the variety that were announced ineligible under the reduced academic requirement. Scholarship or grant Availability Most universities provide money to sportsmen in the form of educational grants. With 3. 1 million secondary university graduate students this year and only 450,000 of those playing college fitness programs, qualities play a part in obtaining grants and financial aid unless you are being enrolled by an upper-tier institution. College sports and students College activities have progressively become a fundamental element of college student lifestyle. As viewers or through direct contribution, college activities can impact learners in many different ways. Physical teachers and game experts would agree that fitness contribution brings numerous physical, emotional, educational and community advantages to the members. More specifically, many positive educational advantages were discovered to be associated with intercollegiate game contribution. Research supported that college student-athletes were often more engaged in academic and university activities than their non-athlete peers (Wolniak, Pierson, Pascarella, 2001). Student-athletes were also more likely to exchange discovered life and perform abilities, self-esteem and personality (i. e. , reliability and work-ethics) into their selected profession areas (Weis, 2007). In addition, effective fitness programs that continually win more games entice student-athletes and non-student-athletes with higher academic ratings, hence helping the instructors of the organization as a whole. (Mixon, Trevino, Minto, 2004). Because there are so many academic advantages associated with fitness contribution, Valente (2006), a lecturer of songs, mentioned that her songs learners could certainly learn about abilities and features such as goal establishing techniques, exercising carefully and being on time from student-athletes. In comparison to the advantages of fitness contribution, several specific research analyzing the effect of fitness contribution on intellectual studying of college student-athletes review different results in resistance to the advantages that are detailed in these passage. These data indicated that fitness contribution had either adverse organization or no effect on male college student-athletes’ academic inspiration, development, and studying ability Wolniak, Pierson, Pascarella, 2001). Other research also found that learners who took part in intercollegiate sporting did not have a better GPA or greater results in intellectual studying and inspiration (Wolniak et al. , 2001) in comparison to those learners who were not sportsmen. Therefore, this indicates that the literary works facilitates the idea that college sporting in fact does have many advantages to the individual sportsman and organization, but the level to which the effect goes may not be concretely identified. The question that follows then is: will there be any damaging emotional or physical? Effect if an sportsman displays a advanced level of fitness identification and game commitment? Obviously, sportsmen with a strong fitness identification might tend to ignore other factors of lifestyle in order to meet up with their sportsman role, which can increase the danger of public problems. The scores of comparative importance of two life-roles extracurricular actions and relationship were found to be extremely low for a group of sportsmen. However, indicated that top level race sportsmen did not have the same ranking. This may indicate that some sportsmen are still able to balance their public and fitness lifestyle without suffering from emotional problems. Also added that the student-athletes at females universities were more involved in instructors, yet did not vary in how long spent in extracurricular actions and in the quantity of student participation. This may suggest that living a w ell-balanced educational, public, and fitness lifestyle can possibly be possible philosophy. In addition to community issues, research that student-athletes often begin their college profession with vague or nonexistent profession objectives and spend heavily in their fitness positions (Lally Kerr, 2005; Burns Kerr, 2003). They handle with dual-role details, full-time sportsman and full-time college student, at the same time in their early college decades. As they become upperclassmen and complete their enjoying qualifications, they progressively choose to spend money on the latter identification fully to explore non-sport profession options (Wiechman Bill, 1997). This suggestion may imply that student-athletes don’t necessarily view enjoying game as the most essential or the only essential action in their lives. Exercises female students Crawford and Eklund (1994) found that highly whole body anxious female college students preferred work out settings that deemphasized the whole body. Hart (1991) reported that highly whole body anxious students tended to exhibit more protective work out behaviors (e. g. , positioning themselves in the back of an work out class, wearing loose fitting clothing) than did their less anxious peers. Having demonstrated that female students social whole body stress is reduced and that whole body esteem is enhanced with participation in a university-based workout program, it may be useful to begin exploring potential mediators of this effect. One possibility is that participation in fitness classes leads to familiarity with work out settings, which, in turn, reduces stress. This reduced stress may lead to a change in exercisers whole body concerns regardless of their actual figure. If familiarity with work out settings per se is found to be one of the main components of work out related stress reduction, then development of work out settings that reduce participants social whole body stress would be warranted. Another possibility is that changes in social whole body stress and whole body esteem occur mainly as a result of changes in various whole body measures (e. g. , weight, human extra fat, whole body size). Although McAuley et al. (1995) found involvement in work out classes to be associated with changes in figure and social whole body stress, other researchers (Blessing, Wilson, Puckett, Ford, 1987; Ford, Puckett, Blessing, Tucker, 1989) have found no significant changes in the bodyweight or whole body composition of female college students participating in aerobic dance classes over an eight-week period. It is also possible that changes in social whole body stress are associated with changes in other psychological factors such as self-concept. McInman and Berger (1993) found exercisers with high and low social whole body stress differed in terms of self-concept. Perhaps changes in self-concept associated with work out are reflected in concomitant changes in social whole body stress. Research methodology : My research methodology requires gathering relevant data from the specified documents and compiling databases in order to analyze the material and arrive at a more complete understanding and historical reconstruction of Sport. I hope to shed light on the following questions through my research: 1) Which category below includes your age 2) Please select your gender 3) Employment Status: Are you currently†¦? 4) Are you enrolled in†¦? 5) What program are you currently registered for? 6) Your current GPA is between 7) On how many occasions do you participate in sports and physical activities a week? 8) If no, what would be the reason for not participating in sports and physical activities? 9) If so, do you participate on sports organized by the university? 10) Do you find sports and physical activities handy to your studies While giving the research paper for students some of them were interested some of them no I also give for students outside AUE, I gave for Middlesex University after finishing the research paper and collecting data I started to put it on Microsoft Excel. Here is the charts showing the percentage of each Q’s: Conclusion In conclusion, activities impact not on students alone, but also in many other parties involved as well. Participation in any physical programs is a great way to get engaged and understand useful life training. Sports is something many people will never ignore. Most learners will never perform an structured game again after secondary university. Comprising your colleagues, your group, and your university has an amazing beneficial impact on any youngster. References Ghassan Mohammed Sadiq Fatima Yassin Al Hashimi. . (Mosul, Library for printing and publishing. Page 10 (1988). Eitzen, S. Sage, G. (1989) Sociology of North American Sport, 4th edition. Dubuque, Iowa: WM. C. Brown Publishers. Eitzen, S. Saga, G. (1993). Sociology of North American Sport, Dubuque, Iowa:WM. C. Brown Publishers. 4th edition. McGrath, E. (1984). Blowing the whistle on Johnny,@ Time 30 January p. 80. Richards, D. (1987). No-pass pulse, Dallas Morning News 6 October 1987, pp. B1, B14. Wolf, C. (1983). Playing for keeps, New York Times Magazine, 30 October 1983, pp. 32-53 Blinde, E. M. , Diane E. Taub, D. E. , and Han, L. (1993). Sport participation and womens personal empowerment: Experiences of the college athlete. Journal of Sport Social Issues, 17, 47-60. Coakley, J. (2007). Sport in society: Issues and controversies (9th ed. ). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. Hudson, A. (2000). Effects of athletic involvement on the social life: A study of 68 track and field athletes. Unpublished manuscript. JOPERD (2004). Benefits of high school athletic participation. The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation Dance, 75(7), 10. Shaffer, D. R. , Wittes, E. (2006). Women’s precollege sports participation, enjoyment of sports, and self-esteem. Sex Roles, 55(3/4), 225-232. Woods, R. B. (2006). Social issues in sport. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Woodruff, A. L. , Schallert, D. L. (2008). Studying to play, playing to study: Nine college student-athletes’ motivational sense of self. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33(1), 34-57. Eitzen, S. , Sage, G. (2008). Sociology of North American Sport (8th ed. ). Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers. Crawford, S, Eklund, R. C. (1994). Social physique anxiety, reasons for exercise, and attitudes toward exercise settings. Journal of Sport Exercise Psychology, 16, 70-82. Hart, E. (1991, October). The influence of exercise experience on social physique anxiety and exercise behavior. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology Savannah GA. McAuley, E. , Bane, S. M. , Mihalko, S. L. (1995). Exercise in middle-aged adults: Self-efficacy and self-presentational outcomes. Preventive Medicine, 24, 319-328. Blessing, D. L. , Wilson, G. D. , Puckett, J. R. , Ford, H. T. (1987). The physiological effects of eight weeks of aerobic dance with and without hand-held weights. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 15, 508-510. Mclnman, A. D. , Berger, B. G. (1993). Self-concept and mood changes associated with aerobic dance. Australian Journal of Psychology, 45, 134-140.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Desorption Ionization Methods Essay
Desorption Ionization Methods Essay Pharmaceutical science Desorption ionization methods owning a powerful capability in pharmaceutical field in which the ionization sources provided by the respective mass spectrometers was able to minimize the damage causing any variations in molecular structures of the samples (Monagas, Quintanilla-Là ³pez, Gà ³mez-Cordovà ©s, Bartolomà ©, Lebrà ³n-Aguilar, 2010). The prevention can be done by using ideal matrix mixed with the analytes, owning properties of strong absorption, good mixing and having low vapor pressure. With these properties the mass spectrometer are able more accurate in determine the intact molecular m/z value of the analytes. MALDI-TOF MS Huge numbers of researchers was reported a species that associate with various benefits in health known as proanthocyanidins , a polyphenols compounds which having properties of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases prevention (Aron Kennedy, 2008). Several authors were characterized proanthocynidins in both plants and non-plants foods by the application of MALDI-TOF MS in term different mode of detection and mass species. Two different mode of detection, reflectron mode and linear mode, have been well applied in proanthocynidins analysis. By using MALDI-TOF MS applying on proanthocynidins analysis owning a great advantages in minimize the difficulty in interpret the spectra in which it used single-charged molecular ions for detection that can eliminate those impurities peak that generate by other sources (Monagas, Quintanilla-Là ³pez, Gà ³mez-Cordovà ©s, Bartolomà ©, Lebrà ³n-Aguilar, 2010). The proanthocynidins are essential in food plants and non-food plants sample. This review was provides three example for both plants that are available in journal article. For the food plants, apple juice procyanidins was detected by MALDI-TOF MS in linear mode by both [M+Na]+ and [M+K]+ had been well studies by Shoji, et al. (2006). The authors were concluded that the apple juice procyanidins was exit as B-type procyanidins and the observed mass of the species reported as [M+K]+ are higher than [M+Na]+. Other foods plant, Grape seeds, was reported by Krueger, et al. (2000) as [M+Na]+ in both reflectron and linear mode. The type of proanthocyanidin was being detected are B-type procyanidins and galloylated (esterified form) in various range of degree of polymerization (DP). It was found that the linear mode can be detected up to DP 11 while reflectron mode only can detect up to DP 9. Besides, Krueger, et al. in 2003 was reported another foods plant, Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moen ch), as [M+Cs]+ in the reflectron mode was able to detect A- and B-type procyanidins and prodelphinidins. Due to the complexity of this food plant, the authors enable the detection up to DP9 containing up to 5 A-type linkages and confirming the abundance of the linkages in Sorghum (Krueger, Vestling, Reed, 2003). On the other hand, non-food plants proanthocynidins can also applied by MALDI-TOF MS. However, in the application of non-food plants, unlike application in food plants, Hedqvist, et al. (2000) was reported the Lotus corniculatus (var. Fargus) have presented B-type procyanidins and prodelphinidins by the application in both reflectron and linear mode were detected as [M+Na]+. By establishing reflectron mode, B-type procynanidins and prodelphinidins in acetylated form in bark of Pinus radiata were reported by Ku and Mun (2007). Besides, profisetinidins and prorobinetinidins in heartwood of Quebracho (Schinopsis balansae) were reported by Vivas, et al. (2004). Table 1: Characterization of proanthocyanidins from both food plants and non-food plants by MALDI-TOF MS analysis Materials Substrate Mode Mass specie Observed mass Proanthocynidin type Reference Food plants Apple juice Liner [M+Na]+ [M+K]+ 1754-2907 1770-2923 B-type procynanidins Shoji et al. (2006) Grape seeds Reflectron Liner [M+Na]+ [M+Na]+ 601-2618 600-3349 B-type procynanidins, galloylated Krueger et al. (2000) Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Reflectron [M+Cs]+ 1285-2759 A- and B-type procynanidins and prodelphinidins Krueger et al. (2003) Non-food plants Lotus corniculatus (var. Fargus) Linear and reflectron [M+Na]+ 1177-1817 B-type procynanidins and prodelphinidins Hedqvist et al. (2000) Bark of Pinus radiata Reflectron [M+Na]+ 1020-4067 B-type procynanidins and prodelphinidins (acetylated form) Ku and Mun (2007) Heartwood of Quebracho (Schinopsis balansae) Reflectron [M+Na]+ 841-2237 Profisetinidins and prorobinetinidins Vivas et al. (2004) FAB-MS The application of FAB-MS in pharmaceuticals sector was baring an importance role in analyzing those nonvolatile compounds in yields abundant ions and detailed fragmentation data (Bartner, et al., 1997). Everninomicin-6 (EV-6) was reported as an oligosaccharide antibiotic by Bartner, et al. (1997). The authors were using previous studies, Everninomicin-D (EV-D), by comparing their fragmentation m/z value in order to well analyze the fragmentation. Besides, the paper also operated by using various types of matrices in order to illustrated more structurally informative fragment ions such as glycerol, thioglycerol, glycerol/thioglycerol, 3-nitro-benzyl alcohol (3NBA), and 3NBA+NaCl. In the studies, the FAB spectra were yields a very weak protonated and a relatively low-abundance sodiated molecular ions at m/z 1335 and 1357 respectively. The authors were emphasize that the matrix, NaCl doped 3NBA was producing the best result among the matrices that they were used. The spectra were able to shown a clearer enhancement of the sodiated molecular ion at m/z 1357 and the authors also able to determine several series of the molecular fragmentation. This make the spectra more essential in define the structurally informative ion constituent. However, negative-ion FAB-MS had been investigated by the authors for the structural analysis perform by using DMSO-3NBA matrix and produced abundant molecular ion at m/z 1333 and a series of cleavage of ions peak. Table 2: The relatively abundance molecular ions peak of the Everninomicin-6 (EV-6) in DMSO solvent Matrices Mass specie Observed mass Assignation 50:50 glycerol/thioglycerol (gly/thio) [M+H]+ 1335 1357 -very weak protonated molecules ion -low-abundance sodiated molecular ion 3NBA + NaCl [M+Na]+ 1357 -abundant sodiated molecular ion 3NBA [M-H] 1333 -abundant molecular fragment ion SIMS Applications of SIMS in pharmaceutical sector are used to detect the surface morphologies of the analyte. In order further improve the detection limit, Chen, et al. (2011) research was using C60 cluster ion sources. The studies were done by the event-by-event bombardment/detection mode and providing benefits which allowed the detector very narrow length (~10nm) molecules. Chen, et al. (2011) were reported that this mode was increased the sensitivity of the detection toward the closer distances between nanoparticle probe and amino acid sites of an antibody. It was reported that the gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) was modified in which the antiCD4 cooperate to the AuNPs and immobilized on the cell for analyze. It was reported that the negative ions that cleavage by the molecules in the range of m/z 30 to 120 were indicating the present of the antibodies on the cell. Besides, m/z 197 and m/z 223 corresponding to Au and AuCN respectively, were shown the importance of the peak which indicating the immobilization was successful. On the other hand, the ions source of C60 caused the impact on the lipid membrane region where the fragmentation palmitate (C16H31O2) and oletate (C18H33O2) at m/z 255 and 283 respectively had occurred. Table 3: The co-emitted secondary ions and observed mass of AuNPs-antiCD4 labeled cell surface analyzed with C60 ToF-SIMS Detected species Co-emitted secondary ions Observed mass AuNPs-antiCD4 conjugates Au AuCN 197 223 Cell lipid membrane C16H31O2 C18H33O2 255 283
Friday, September 20, 2019
Future of Bangladeshi Print Media
Future of Bangladeshi Print Media Future of Bangladeshi Print Media: Strategy of Survival of Two Highest circulated print Media in Bangladesh Aritra Ankan Mitra Introduction This paper tries to find out the challenges and the strategies to retain or hold the position of the most circulated print media in Bangladesh which is, known as Prothom Alo and The Daily Star after the online era became popular in Bangladesh. They are not only the print media which are facing the problem after online media came in limelight, but as they are the highest circulated in Bangladesh, if it’s possible to find out their problem, it can be assumed what are the others’ current positions in the industry. There has been a major change in the way to obtain news by people now a day. The online news sources are getting as preferred medium for news to consumers. Before people had access to Internet like modern era, they were receiving their information via printed-paper delivered daily to their homes.But this an era of digitization and like everything else, Media has two versions now- Print Media and Online/ Digital Media which works like Print Media, but much faster and immediate. Online Media include electronic, broadcast and Internet media. Today we didn’t need to buy books, newspapers, magazines and newsletters, as they can be found as a digitally published as electronic editions on the Internet. As today’s people prefer faster and latest news update of every moment instead of waiting for the next day’s printed newspaper and read every detail, they are tending more to Online News Media nowadays. A statistic is presented in Fig. 1 showing how much time during an average week do people spend on print content in the U.S. Even in Bangladesh, we see that there are tons of Online News Portals and with smart devices on hand; people are seen reading Online News instead of a printed newspaper. But for hundreds of years, Print Media has been one of the most powerful expression medium of the thoughts of mass people. The industry associated with the printing and distribution of news through portable, disposable and lightweight publi cations printed on paper and circulated as newspapers and magazines is known as Print Media. They hold contents that are informative and entertaining and of general or special interest. Newspapers or magazines are published once or daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly or quarterly. (Curtisu, 2011) In Bangladesh, Print Media has been making the general people learn what is going around them and playing the role of publishing their opinions and views on these topics. Fig. 1. Average time spent on print content in the U.S. in 2011 But Online Media is taking over the Print Media now. As a result there is some people who even believein the near future printed newspapers will be extinct. From Fig. 1 we see that the number of people spending no time at all on print content has increased to a shocking extend. Among the respondents, four percent stated they spent over five hours with magazine or newspaper apps during an average week. (Statista, 2011) So definitely Online Media can be considered as a competitor of Print Media. This research is conducted to find whether Online Media is becoming a threat to the Print Media, whether it will replace Print Media or Print Media will continue ruling. 1.1Rise Of Print Media and Online Media History of Print Media and written communication follows the progress of civilization which moves in response to changing cultural technologies in turn. The biggest change was printing on newsprint and use of the printing press. The earliest examples of printing include Cylinder seals and other objects such as the Cyrus Cylinder and the Nabonidus Cylinders that refer to wedge-shaped inscriptions of King Nabonidus of Babylonia. (Wikipedia, 2002) As long ago as 25,000-30,000 years B.C. first humans painted descriptive pictures on cave walls. The narrative compositions left on the walls of Lascaux represented their own way of communicating with the spiritual world and another. The well-preserved arts and drawing depicted their deep religious beliefs, fears, and also everyday life. The pictures or pictorial types that were found in caves of Southern France and Spain represent the beginning of written communication for the human kind. The advent of a writing system coincided with the tran sition from hunter-gatherer societies to more permanent zeminder or landlord encampments when it became necessary to count ones property. In 1900 B.C. the Chinese invented their very own style of writing independently. Writings preserved on various bones were the earliest records of Chinese Writing found. Their achievement was the building stone for Japanese and Korean to create their own models in 400 B.C. The first alphabetic script appeared in Palestine at about 160 B.C., which influenced early Phoenician (113 B.C.) and Hebrew script (110 B.C.). At first stone and clay tablets were used to express thoughts. Later, in 105 B.C., Tsai Lun of China invented paper as we know it today. (Piechota, 2002) Thus world’s first ever printed media was introduced. Let us now focus on a brief history and growth of the Print Media of our subcontinent. The press, having more than300 years of history, is the oldest mass medium in the Indian subcontinent. James Augustus Hicky, an Englishman and a former employee of the British East India Company, published the first newspaper from Calcutta (West Bengal) in 1780, known as Hicky’s Bengal Gazette or the Calcutta General Advertiser and was a two-sheet English-language-weekly. The first Indian-owned newspaper was the Bengal Gazette, also an English-language weekly published by Gangadhar Bhattacharjee in 1816. By the end of the 19th century, Indians had become restless under British rule and the nationalist movement began to spread throughout the subcontinent. Nationalist political leaders, some of whom were active in journalism, formed the Indian National Congress in 1885 to spearhead the independence struggle. The Anglo-Indian press played an important role in raising hatred between Hindus and M uslims in India who had lived together for centuries through mutual cooperation. In a political about-face, the British government adopted a favorable position towards Muslims and became concerned about their ‘backwardness’. In 1947, the Indian subcontinent was divided into two states- India for Hindus and Pakistan for Muslims-when the British left the region. At the time of independence, East Pakistan had no daily newspaper and most of the newspapers were Bengali language weeklies. Meanwhile, at the time of independence from Britain, India had a strong base of newspapers. After independence from Pakistan in December 1971, the government established in Bangladesh took the ownership of the trust owned newspapers– the Morning News and the Dainik Bangla-in East Pakistan. The Bangladeshi press faced a severe blow to its growth in 1975, when the democratic government with an absolute majority in the Jaitya Sangsad (National Parliament) banned the publication of all ne wspapers except those which were taken over by government. After that, with the advent of democracy in 1990, Bangladesh saw a mushroom growth of newspapers. (Bhuiyan, 2002) Since then, Bangladeshi Print Media has continued its journey. In brief, this was the history of the Print Media in our subcontinent. Now the Print Media has come nearer to the mass people through the help of Electronic Media, i.e., Online Media. Electronic media’s chief advantage is its immediacy. In Online Media, we know news of any occurrence within moments sitting just in an Online News Portal while the Print Media awaits till the next day for publishing a highly important issue occurred on any day. When in a rush, people like to know only the gist of what is happening around and Online Portals play great roles serving this. Mostly the new or younger generations are the main contributors to the decline of the printed version of newspapers. As they were brought up with new technology all the time. This generation was already used to with lots of electronics gadegts; they were the first group targeted for electronic publishing. As we were enterd in a new age which can be called as the age of communicating digitally. With this technology at our fingertips, we can freely express our opinions and â€Å"repor t†on any topic as in the form of blogging. This can be called as the amateur reporting. Some argue that these bloggers i.e. citizen journalists will provide the Internet with more content, more information, more analysis, and a wider range of niches. It has been predicted that this new form of journalism, known as digital journalism, will give rise to a new social model based on a professional-amateur partnership. (Smith, 2014) Today only a wring in the paper, with a photo is no longer acceptable as news. It got transformed into a digital medium and adopted a lot, from the advantages of technology. Now we can also get videos and some more links of the news online. People are interacting through social networks about the news and their views about the news. Handy or portable devices like mobile-tablet pcs are allowing them to acces the news from any where any time. This is allowing us to interact with the news at closer level than ever before.On the other hand, Print Media is still preferred by numerous people of the world despite the immediateness of Online Media. As a reason it can be mention that Print Media holds an edge through its content quality, which a professional editorial staff can produce. For example, Audit Bureau of Circulation figures showed that ‘The New York Times’ boosted overall circulation by 73 percent from Monday through Friday– and 50 percent on Sunday–over March 2011, when it first launched digital subscriptions, according to Politico. (Heibutzki, 2015) In Bangladesh, we also have too many Online News Portals nowadays. While delivering the latest news immediately to people, most of them have not yet been able to replace Print Media. Some Online News Portals also publish spam or unnecessary news links unlike the Print Media which serves the purpose of peoples learning the correct and necessary information properly. Print media is easier to use and read which may be why it has not sunk out of our society completely. But, the read availability, convenience and price of digital media means that it may soon replace print media permanently. So from this point of view we can consider Online Media as an upcoming threat on Print Media though till now the Online Media is certainly a better companion of the Print Media, but not the replacement of it. 1.2Research Question What are the strategis of Prothom Alo and The Daily Star to retain their position in the industry? Does Prothom Alo and The Daily Star feels that they are a threat for online media or the vice versa? What are the prefarable news sources for readers? 1.3Research Objectives To know the challenges with which the Print Media is dealing with. To find the strategy of their survival. 1.4Rationale and Significance of Study A research on the future and strategy of print media in Bangladesh can play an important role in future for this industry. Nowadays this issue is one of the most important topics, not only in Bangladesh, but also as globally because the advancement of technology.A tablet, such as Microsoft Surface, is essentially a larger, version of a smart-phone. The popularityof these kinds of devices is continually growing up, as they are easier to carry and use. As portable device technology advance, so do the news organizations.So this research also tries to find the reasons for people’s spending less time on Print Media. A statistic in United Kingdom shows the reason for reading fewer magazines as of May 2012 (Fig. 2). Of respondents, 11 percent reported reading fewer magazines because the media landscape was too crowded. Cost, time, relevance of issues, advertisements and environment are the factors playing roles in this matter.(Statista, 2012) Fig. 2. Reasons for reading fewer magazines in the United Kingdom (UK) as of May 2012 This research tries to figure out these types of facts from the perspective of Bangladesh. Prothom Alo and The Daily Star both have e-version of their newspapers. This research will find out what is the statistics of their online and printed version readers. Finally it will show the impact of Online Media on Print Media and what are the losses and threats for Print industry and what strategythey are adopting or if there is significant shifts to hold position in the industry. What are the challenges for the authority will also be lightened by this study. References Bhuiyan, A. J. M. S. A. (2002). Mass Media, Communication, and Culture in Bangladesh in the Shadow of a Big Neighbor. Curtisu, D. A. (2011).About Print Media.Retrieved on 20 April, 2015 from the UNCP Website: Heibutzki, R. (2015). What Is the Advantage Disadvantage of Print Electronic Media? Retreived from the Chron Website: Piechota, I. (2002). Means of human communication though time.Retrieved from: 03/Prj1/irene piechota.htm. Smith M. (2014).The Future of News Journalism: The Dying Newsprint Rise of Online Media. Retrieved on 21 April, 2015 from The Modern Ape Website: (2011).Statistics and market data on Books Publishing.Retrieved from a Stistical Portal, Statista: (2012).Reasons for declining magazine readership in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012.Retrieved from Statista: Wikipedia (2002).Retrieved from Wikipedia:
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Reluctant Fundamentalist Essay -- Ethical Issues, Religious Fanati
Fundamentalism is a strict adherence to a set of ideas or beliefs that are conservative in nature. It is a pejorative term usually associated with religious fanaticism. Usually, this is what comes to mind when there is mention of a fundamentalist. However, in Mohsin Hamid's The Reluctant Fundamentalist starring the protagonist Changez, a Pakistani Princetonian who is a top-ranked employee at a prestigious New York valuation firm, turns out not to be an Islamic fundamentalist, but a reluctant fundamentalist of US Capitalism. Hamid challenges readers to reevaluate their preconceived notions and prejudices of people different from themselves in post 9/11 America by employing the use of motifs, aphorism, and suspense, to create a conflation of corporate culture and violence in the form of an allegorical frame story. This story not only proves relevant in historical contexts pertaining to the United States and their involvements in past wars, but also in contemporary settings, as in the current ongoing wars. Simply put, history repeats itself. The story takes place within the span of a day, as Changez approaches an American in the district of Old Anarkali in Lahore, Pakistan. He invites the American to have tea with him, which eventually leads into dinner and continues on into the late evening while he recounts the events of his life which has led up to their fated encounter. The story is told in the second-person narrative, meaning the voice of the American is never heard, but his reactions are implied and guided by Changez. In this way, the audience plays an interactive part in the story, enabling the reader to identify with both parties and make judgements about the outcome of the story. The author constantly plays with the idea... ... by the hand. But why are you reaching into your jacket, sir? I detect a glint of metal. Given that you and I are now bound by a certain shared intimacy, I trust it is the holder of your business cards†(Hamid 184). And with that, the author leaves us with a cliffhanger, for us to determine the ending however we see fit. Hamid has made clear that ideas and truths are all relative, that people should actively search for answers, instead of believing everything they are told. His characters allowed us to exercise our intuitions in search of hidden truths, and mostly to reaquaint ourselves with the elusive, common sense. The aphorism, focus on the fundamentals, is accentuated even further by the suspenseful ending and challenges us to ponder the wisdom of the story, when we consider whether or not the fully-bearded Changez has become another type of fundamentalist.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Teenagers Need Safe Sex Education Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Es
Three million teenagers will contract a sexually transmitted disease and one in three women will become pregnant before they are twenty years old. Teens are contracting sexually transmitted diseases and getting pregnant at an alarming rate causing the government, schools, and parents to scratch their heads. America is the country with the highest teen pregnancy rate in the world. Many are wondering what can be done to stop this. A debate has been going on about whether abstinence only education is doing any good for high school students in America. Abstinence only education teaches teenagers to abstain from all sexual acts until they are married. It does not teach about pregnancy or the different types of contraceptives that are available to prevent pregnancy. On the other hand, there is safe sex education. Safe sex education teaches teenagers facts about intercourse they need to know, acknowledges the potential consequences or risks of sexual behavior, and helps them make better decisions to protect themselves and their bodies. Background There are a few major differences between safe sex education and abstinence only. Abstinence only education is all about, â€Å"just saying no.†They teach to abstain from all sexual acts until marriage. Safe sex education takes a very different approach. It teaches all about sex, the consequences of sex, contraceptives, different STDs, ways to protect yourself from STDs, pregnancy, and other issues regarding teen bodies. There is a debate against these different sex education programs because some think abstinence only education does not have any effect on teenagers while some believe that safe sex education encourages teenagers to engage in sexual behavior. Over 750,000 girls became pregn... ...ted Diseases - STDs. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. . "Facts on American Teens' Sexual and Reproductive Health." Guttmacher Institute: Home Page. 2009. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. . "The History of Federal Abstinence-Only Funding." Advocates for Youth. July 2008. Web. 9 Mar. 2015. . Michaels, Samantha. "Clarification: Abstinence-only Programs Might Workâ€â€for Some." Medill Reports. 3 Feb. 2010. Web. 6 Mar. 2015. . Roleff, Tamara L. Sex. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 2002. Print. "SADD Statistics." Welcome to SADD. Jan. 2014. Web. 8 Mar. 2015. . Watkins, Christine. Teen Sex. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 2005. Print.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Managed Care CBA
In order to better understand the workings of managed care, it is important to understand its history as well as future trends. Please read the required background materials, and then answer the following questions in a 2 page paper: 1. What is managed care? 2. How and when did managed care begin? 3. How will consumer-driven health care impact healthcare delivery? The following resources will help you complete this assignment: Scandlen, G. (2005). Consumer-driven health care: Just a tweak or a revolution? Health Affairs, 24(6), 1554. Tufts Health Care Institute: Brief History of Managed Care What is managed care? Managed care is a system of delivering healthcare in such a way that the costs of the service, quality and the utilization of the service is provided and handled by one healthcare organization, and under one roof. Such an organization is known as the ‘Health Maintenance organization’ or the ‘HMO’. The patients are provided health plans or health packages that cover their health needs. According to the condition the patient suffers from, he/she could subscribe to a particular health plan. Managed care has continuously evolved as a system of deliverance of healthcare in the US. The impact of such a system has not been understood clearly. Such a system may consume a lot of resources or may be not organized in a proper manner. Many patients may get under-treated or over-treated for their condition. The system does not focus on the preventive aspects of medical care. The physician would be providing his/her services in association with a healthcare team, consisting of professionals belonging to other fields. The patient work may be performed by the professionals belonging to other fields (G. Farfield. 1997). United Health Group is one of the largest Managed care organizations in the US and was founded in the year 1977. It provided health packages for its customers in the year 1979. It began to get listed in the US Stock Markets since the year 1984. The company began to acquire smaller companies and grow gradually. The company is constantly adopting it policy to suit the changing needs of its customers in a very competitive market (United Health Group. 2006). How and when did managed care begin? Managed care began in the US in the 19th Century, and was aimed at meeting the healthcare needs of the masses. At first, selected group of people organized healthcare packages with the physicians. These included workers, laborers, rural dwellers, railroad workers, etc. Their employers wanted to meet their healthcare needs and hence organized healthcare plans with local physicians and hospitals. Societies were also involved in organizing such programs in cities. A nominal amount was paid by the employer to provide healthcare services to the employers for a certain period of time. Dr. Shahid was one of the first physicians to initiate a healthcare plan for the farmers (in 1929). Dr. Ross and Dr. Loos provided medical care to the employees of LA Water and Power Department for a nominal amount (in 1929). In some plans, the employers paid a part of the amount and the employees paid another part. Henry Kaiser provided medical care services in return for a prepaid amount during the World War II time. He began offering such services to the public, once the war ended. Slowly, the prepaid health service packages began to develop in managed care, and such organizations were known as ‘HMO’s’. They offered comprehensive medical care services. The members could select a customized healthcare package according to their healthcare needs. The AMA initially objected to the development of the HMO’s. It felt that soon medical care would become a business, and companies would be involved. The Supreme Court’s Decision in 1947 ensured that the AMA would not interfere in the development of the HMO’s. During the 1960’s and the 1970’s, the politicians began to show greater amount of interest in Managed care. President Nixon brought out a plan in 1971, to develop HMO’s. The loans offered to HMO’s for development was increased. During the 1980’s and the 1990’s, the HMO’s began to grow. Now people utilize Managed Care to supplement Medical Insurance. More than 600 HMO’s are present in the US and about 25 % of the population has a managed care package (TMCI. 1998). How will consumer-driven health care impact healthcare delivery? Consumer-driven healthcare may not just provide a mere modification to the present healthcare system. The manner in which it could be impacted includes: – Providing more health information to the consumers so that an informed decision can be made and they can exercise greater control over their bodies. Cost-effective services. Provision of high-quality services. Providing tax-free benefits to the consumers. Encouragement of medical tourism. Removal of anticompetitive measures that exist in the healthcare delivery market. Use of modern technology and equipment (Greg Scandlen. 2005) References: G. Farfield, D. J. Hunter, D. Mechanic, Et al â€Å"Managed care: origins, principles, and evolution.†BMJ 314 (1997): 1823. Greg Scandlen. â€Å"Consumer-Driven Health Care: Just A Tweak Or A Revolution?†Health Affairs 24.6 (2005): 1554-1558. Tufts Health Care Institute â€Å"Brief History of Managed Care.†TMCI (1998). United Health Group â€Å"Principles of Ethics & Integrity Your Guide to Business Conduct.†United Health Group. 2006. United Health Group. 15 Apr. 2007    Â
Monday, September 16, 2019
Sociology Global Socio Cultural Responsibility
They will do this for two rounds. After the have made their lists, with the entire class, I will ask the students for some of the similarities they found and some of the differences and make a list of these. Than we will discuss the similarities and differences they gathered. Which differences were most common among people, which differences were most/ least important, were the differences physical characteristics. Period #3 Needs: The last period I will explain the meaning of responsibility in a community.I will also have the students do a community building activity that will help them understand the concept and importance of social responsibility in there community. I will than explain the importance of being aware of global issues that take place and how as a class they can contribute to helping others even f they are not located close to them. The community building active ¶y' will start after I explain the importance of community and what it means. Ill divide the students int o small groups of three and provide them with presented scenarios to act out. The skits will provide them with examples of ways to help another student. An example would be a student helping another student with something because they may be disabled. After the groups have practiced their skits I will ask for two volunteers to perform their skit in front Of the class. I will than ask them questions such as, how was this group lawful to another student who was different? If you were in the situation would you do the same thing?Next I will ask the students to raise their hands and give me ideas of things they could do to help members in the class, in school or in the community. Some ideas would be picking up trash, cleaning the white boards or donating olds clothes they don't need anymore. To end the lesson on Global Socio-cultural Responsibility I would ask the students to review what we went over: the three qualifications of social responsibility, the aspects of cultural responsibil ity and how they demonstrated a sense of Ewing a responsible member of a community in the classroom.Last I will talk to my students about setting up a Penal. Assignment #1- Part #2 period #1 First lets start off with the question of what is social responsibility? These two words explain the idea that every person is responsible for society as a whole, not just individually, not just in the state of Florida or even the United States but all around the world. This means that each day we need to act and behave in the most appropriate ways that help us all be better people but we also need to consider how Our actions and behaviors affect the rest of society coolly and globally.How can you be a socially responsible student? The following are three qualities that describe a socially responsible second grade student at Sarasota Elementary: 1 . Someone who contributes positively to the classroom and school community An example would be holding the door open for your classmates on the way to lunch or helping pick up trash around the classroom. 2. Solves conflicts in peaceful ways An example would be a student who uses kind words to speak to another student if they happen to get into an argument. . Values diversity Diversity means a variety of something. Valuing diversity means we need to be aware of all of the differences among our classmates and other people in the world. The important thing to remember is that these differences are what make us who we are and we should be open to different things and never tease someone if they seem different from what we are used to. Showing that you value diversity is very simple!Here are a few ways you can show that you appreciate the differences that makes each of us special: never make fun of people who are different from you in any way, next time you go out to dinner with your parents ask them if you can go somewhere with food room another culture, treat everyone how you would like to be treated and last believe in yourself and be proud of the different things that make you who you are! Period #2 Second we will discuss the cultural part of Global Socio-Cultural Responsibility. What does the word culture mean?Culture means the different attitudes, behaviors, knowledge, values, traditions and customs that a society or a social group all share. These differences come from all around the world and are the â€Å"glue†that keeps a group of people together. Pizza is a food item that is part of the Italian culture, SST. Patrick Day is a national loudly and part of the Irish culture and the American flag is part of the American culture. For all of us to have cultural responsibility we have to honor diversity in our world.Honoring diversity means that instead of focusing on the flaws, we need to focus on the good. In order to honor diversity among cultures we need to be aware of how some members of cultural groups might feel about certain issues like, family, religion or traditions. Period #3 The last part towards understanding Global Socio-cultural Responsibility is realizing the importance of community. Community is a group of people ho acknowledge the deep connections they have with one another, respect each others differences, and work as a group in making decisions.A community of people also has a common purpose and each person is responsible for his or her own actions but when you are part of a community it is important that everyone supports each other's growth. As a class, we can all create our own community. This might all be a lot to take in but in light of what we have learned today I think it would be a very fun and good idea for each of you to start writing to a Penal. This will help you learn about other ultras and other countries and allow you to be more globally aware of things that are going on in places other than just here in the united States.It will be a good way for you to really learn the true differences of other students your age plus it's always nice to have another friend! Assignment #2 From age three to eighteen attended private Catholic schools. Attending a private Catholic school for almost my entire life, up until right now, I was always very sheltered. There wasn't really any racial diversity in my school and very little religious diversity. Having attended a small, private, Catholic school y entire life definitely made one of the biggest impacts on my development.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Advantages of living in big cities
Advantages of living in big cities better transport facilities:shanghai has an extensive public transport system, largely based on buses, trolley buses, taxis, and a rapidly expanding metro system. There are 12 metro lines and 303 stations,with an operating route length of 468 kilometres (291 m'), making the system the second longest in the world. On 16 October 2013, with the extension of Line 11 into Kunshan, Jiangsu province, Shanghai Metro became the first rapid transit system in China to connect two provincial-level administrative ivisions.There are plans to further connect the Shanghai Metro with the metro systems of Suzhou and Wuxi. more Job opportunities : Firstly, the industrialization has given a lot of new Jobs such as services, advertising and marketing. As a consequence, opportunities to work in those brand new fields are widely suggested to everyone. Afterward, multinational companies have been coming to cooperate and set up economic relationships with the country. Facto ries and branches are opened in the city as a result. This has led to appealing offers of large number of Jobs for many dwellers.Thus, It's much easier to find a well paid Job or any Job for despered. better quality of education :schools are incomparable with those in a smal towns. Fudan University, Jiao Tong University, shanghai newyork university Descent medical care and hospitals: when you have an emergency or a serious disease in a big city you can easy find any hospital near a place you live and take a short time to get there. meet more people:Cities have a large population and plenty of people to ommunicate with, often from several nationalities.To meet people from different parts of the world, you may not need to go any farther than the local grocery store or park. the myriad life of the metropolis :easy access to cinemas ,theaters, museums for those who like culture. For fussys, shops on every corner,lots of pubs and restaurants to choose. Places to go and things to do in a city are not hard to find. Dating and nightlife are abundant in cities; plenty of clubs and social gatherings give ou a better chance of meeting friends or that special someone.If you get home from work late and have no time to cook, a restaurant is sure to be close to home. If you are too tired to go out, it is as simple as a phone call to have the food delivered quickly to your door. When you are in the mood for a good movie or concert, there are usually several to choose from within a short driving distance. If you want to shop, the local mall has many stores in one place. Plenty of schools exist close to home for children. By Julieyuyixian Advantages of Living in Big Cities Shanghai has an extensive public transport system, largely based on buses, trolley buses, taxis, and a rapidly expanding metro system. There are 12 metro lines and 303 stations,with an operating route length of 468 kilometres (291 mi), making the system the second longest in the world. On 16 October 2013, with the extension of Line 11 into Kunshan, Jiangsu province, Shanghai Metro became the first rapid transit system in China to connect two provincial-level administrative divisions.There are plans to further connect the Shanghai Metro with the metro systems of Suzhou and Wuxi. more job opportunities : Firstly, the industrialization has given a lot of new jobs such as services, advertising and marketing. As a consequence, opportunities to work in those brand new fields are widely suggested to everyone. Afterward, multinational companies have been coming to cooperate and set up economic relationships with the country. Factories and branches are opened in the city as a result. This has led to appealing offers of large number of jobs for many dwellers.Thus, It’s much easier to find a well paid job or any job for despered. better quality of education: schools are incomparable with those in a smal towns. Fudan University, Jiao Tong University, shanghai newyork university Descent medical care and hospitals: when you have an emergency or a serious disease in a big city you can easy find any hospital near a place you live and take a short time to get there. meet more people:Cities have a large population and plenty of people to communicate with, often from several nationalities.To meet people from different parts of the world, you may not need to go any farther than the local grocery store or park. the myriad life of the metropolis :easy access to cinemas ,theaters, museums for those who like culture. For fussys, shops on every corner,lots of pubs and restaurants to choose. Places to go and things to do in a city are not hard to find. Dating and nightlife are ab undant in cities; plenty of clubs and social gatherings give you a better chance of meeting friends or that special someone.If you get home from work late and have no time to cook, a restaurant is sure to be close to home. If you are too tired to go out, it is as simple as a phone call to have the food delivered quickly to your door. When you are in the mood for a good movie or concert, there are usually several to choose from within a short driving distance. If you want to shop, the local mall has many stores in one place. Plenty of schools exist close to home for children.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Animal Biodiversity
The defining characteristic for mammals and the characteristic which gives the class its name is the presence of mammary glands. Both the species I selected have mammary glands and nurture their young with milk from these glands.Apart from the presence and use of mammary glands, the other common features of both animals are the high level of brain development among the animal kingdom as well as the social tendencies of the species.Given these similarities, there are stark differences between humans and dolphins. The most obvious is that humans are land living creatures while dolphins are adapted to life in the sea. As such, humans have evolved an upright stance, as well as opposable thumbs while dolphins have evolved fins and a blowhole.Humans are classified under the order Primates along with monkeys and apes. Defining characteristics for primates are stereoscopic vision, opposable thumbs, highly mobile radius and ulna, and other physical adaptations for life in the treetops.The dol phin belongs to the order Cetacea along with the blue whale and the killer whale. Order cetacea includes mammals who have evolved to a fully aquatic life. As such, dolphins and whales belong to the order.Class InsectaBoth the praying mantis and the monarch butterfly have three main body divisions – the head, the thorax and the abdomen. Both also have compound eyes composed of hundreds or thousand of individual light sensing organs. Lastly, both insects lay eggs for reproductive purposes.One big difference between the praying mantis and the monarch butterfly is flight. The butterfly has wings which enable it to cover large distances for food and for migration during wintertime. As mentioned, the monarch butterfly also undergoes migration. During winter, the monarch butterflies in Northern America travel to Mexico to outlast the cold weather conditions.The butterfly belongs to order Lepidoptera along with moths and skippers. The defining characteristic for the order have been t he presence of antennae, a hard exoskeleton and wings which are covered in scales.The praying mantis belongs to the order Mantodae with its evolutionary siblings the leaf mantis with a thorax shaped and colored like a leaf and its oriental cousin the Chinese mantis. The characteristic for the order have been a predatory diet, their use of camouflage, and the presence of cannibalism among the species.Class AvesThe bald eagle and the chicken, while representing polar opposites of the bravery spectrum have many similar characteristics. First, they lay eggs to reproduce. Second, they have wings and lastly, they also have a feather covering.Also, there are more differences between both birds apart from their symbolism. The bald eagle has binocular vision while the chicken does not due to the placement of the eyes in their skulls. The bald eagle is also a carnivore while the chicken is an omnivore which can feed on seeds and small worms. The bald eagle is also much larger in size than the chicken.The bald eagle together with hawks and falcons form the order Falconiformes. Members of the order are all birds of prey with hooked bills, sharp talons and good eyesight – adaptations needed for spotting and killing prey from the air.The chicken on the other hand belongs to the order Galliformes along with turkeys and quails. The order is best described as being chicken-like in appearance with blunt wings and small to large bodies. Flight is limited for the order with some species having a terrestrial lifestyle.Phylum EchinodermataBoth star fishes and sea urchins are only found in marine habitats. Physically, both also sport a radial symmetry with the sea urchin going further by having a spherical symmetry. Lastly, both animals under phylum Echinodermata have the spiny exterior which defines members of the phylum.One main difference between starfishes and sea urchins is in physical appearance. Star fishes have an obvious five arms while sea urchins are best descr ibed as round objects with protruding spikes. Sea urchins also have pronounced long spikes for protection against predators and are suspension feeders which feed on algae. Starfish on the other hand are predators and scavengers.The common starfish along with the northern Pacific sea star and the red-knobbed sea star form the subclass Asteroidea. The five rayed body is the unifying feature of members of this subclass.  Five rays connect to a central disc for these animals. The sea urchin along with the sand dollar and heart urchins belong to class Echinoidea.This class is different from other echinoderms because their calcitic ossicles are fused together to form a globe. They also have a very powerful chewing apparatus called Aristotle’s lantern.BibliographyUniversity of Michigan Museum of Zoologyl (2008) â€Å"Animal Diversity Web.†In University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Retrieved November 30, 2008 from
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