Friday, May 31, 2019
a story :: essays research papers
A story about Chinese spiritsFrom Classical Chinese Talkes of the Supernatural SummaryIn this story Huang yuan wakes up maven morning to find a black dog guarding his house and acting like it belonged there. So Huang took the dog hunting with him and his friends. When they saw a deer, Huang let the dog loose but the dog ran too slowly and they were not able to catch the deer.Then the dog led them to a cave. subsequently walking a bit inside the cave there were lots of trees in rows surrounded by a w exclusively. The dog led Huang through the entre and there was a row of houses. He noticed that every single person in the village were attractive well dressed girls. All of the girls were industrious in some sort of amusing leisurely activity some were playing instru manpowerts and others were playing chess.After reaching the northern pavilion, Huang came across three rooms, there were two girls standing guard who smiled when they saw him as though they were expecting him. They sa id that the black dog had brought Miao-yins groom. One kept guard outside, the other went in and a few minutes later four maids came out. They told Huang that the Lady of Supreme Purity had this message for him I have a young daughter who has unless pinned up her hair. According to a preordained decree, she should become your wife (As noted in the footnotes, at 15 girls would pin up their hair to signify their coming of age).So Huang met Miao-yin in a magical looking room where he was impressed by her beauty and charm, they did the marriage vows and went to bed happily together that night. In a few days the groom wanted to go home to see his family and tell them what happened for a little while. His bride is sad b/c she lets him know that men and spirits have different ways of life and that they were not meant to be together for long. She lets him go, and tells him that the fact she will never see him again makes her love him all the more. She asked him that he show his feelings fo r her by fasting, purifying and making sacrifice on the first day of the third month.He was home before the end of one day after being escorted out of the cave by maids, however his memory was a little foggy.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Dred Scott v. Sanford :: American History, Slavery, Freedom
Dred Scott, an African American man who was born into slavery, wanted what all slaves would have wanted, their isolateddom. They were mistreated, neglected, and treated not as humans, but as property. In 1852, Dred Scott sued his current owner, Sanford, about him, no longer being a slave, but a free man (Oyez 1). In Article four of the Constitution, it states that any slave, who set foot in a free land, makes them a free man. This controversy led to the ruling of the state courts and in the reverse, came to the final word of the Supreme Court. Is he a slave or a free man? Being born into slavery meant that Dred Scott had been exchanged from owners to owners (Knappman 16-17). His first off owner, the Blows, died, and before their death, they sold Scott to Dr. Emerson. Dr. Emerson soon gave Scott away to his wifes brother, Sanford (Knappman 16-17). Scott tried to buy his freedom away from Dr. Emersons wife but she just wouldnt accept (Dred Scott Decision 1). Since Scott moved from place to place as a slave, he was able to go to Illinois, which was a free state (Richie 40). Because of the Constitution, Scott used his rights to sue Sanford claiming that he was a free man (Richie 40). With this in mind, it lead to arguments about both parties, the prosecuted and the defendant.With the help of the antislavery lawyers, they were able to assist the prosecution, Dred Scott, with his court case (Dred Scott Decision 1). Unfortunately, in the first rill, Scott lost due to the reason of not having enough evidence (Dred Scott Decision 1). Scott, determined to get his freedom, was given the chance for a second trial (Dred Scott Case Collection). Their main argument, about Sanford violating his Fifth Amendment rights, made them win their case in their second trial (Justia 1). The Fifth Amendment mentions that a persons life, liberty, or property cannot be taken away without due process of law. They were taking away Scotts liberty, but he deserved to be free because he w as taken to a free state (Dred Scott Decision 1). Does this whole controversy end there? With Sanford losing in the second trial, it did not just end there. Sanfords sister, Mrs. Emerson, appealed and because of that, it went to the Missouri Supreme Court (Dred Scott Case Collection).
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Essay --
dingle and Home memory board, the largest organizations in their field, have had to initiate new corporate images to halt competitive advantages over their leading competitors. By tuition their customers needs and preparing a grocerying scheme to incorporate a variety of segments, each has entered the marketing era with diverse products and a dynamic marketing environment.Dells put market consists of personal figurer users and corporate users. Dell is known for their ability to progress computers suited to their customers needs. Because their largest customer base is marketed online, their geographic neighborhood is unlimited. Since technology is rapidly progressing and moving away from traditional PCs, Dell has to diversify their products. Dell reaches surface to a diverse group however, their main focussing represents the youth. With their focus moving toward smart phones, t subjectts, software, storage management and supercomputers this enables them to continue to be competitive in the computer marketplace.While Dell targets the younger generation, Home Depot focuses on a wider customer base ranging from twenty to sixty years of age. Their primary target market is do-it-yourselfers and contractors. Their main customers tend to be the smaller contractors with five-spot to six workers. Because of this, Home Depot took a huge hit with the decline in real estate. As the housing market is recovering, they see increased meshwork and opportunity for growth potential. As house prices appreciate people are more willing to locate in their homes (Colvin, 2013, para. 3). Focusing on building stores in the suburban area, Home Depot targets those interested in fixing things and doing household activities such as gardening. two Dell and Home Depot ar... customers show up to complete their transaction and purchase additional items. Both companies, still using the traditional means of advertising such as television, radio, newspaper and mag azines also admit the importance of digital advertising and the cost effectiveness of it. Appealing to the modern technological society, increases customer comfort and promotes growth.The development of a widespread business strategy is important for a businesses success. It is important to develop an effective marketing mix to expose all products to the mighty environment. Monitoring this market environment as changes compress place is crucial to ensure their audience and their needs have not changed. By knowing their target market, and integrating marketing mix, both companies are able to utilize their competitive advantages and initiate long term growth strategies. Essay -- Dell and Home Depot, the largest organizations in their field, have had to initiate new corporate images to sustain competitive advantages over their leading competitors. By learning their customers needs and preparing a marketing strategy to incorporate a variety of segments, each has entered the marketing era with diverse products and a dynamic marketing environment.Dells target market consists of personal computer users and corporate users. Dell is known for their ability to build computers suited to their customers needs. Because their largest customer base is marketed online, their geographic area is unlimited. Since technology is rapidly progressing and moving away from traditional PCs, Dell has to diversify their products. Dell reaches out to a diverse group however, their main focus represents the youth. With their focus moving toward smart phones, tablets, software, storage management and supercomputers this enables them to continue to be competitive in the computer marketplace.While Dell targets the younger generation, Home Depot focuses on a wider customer base ranging from twenty to sixty years of age. Their primary target market is do-it-yourselfers and contractors. Their main customers tend to be the smaller contractors with five to six workers . Because of this, Home Depot took a huge hit with the decline in real estate. As the housing market is recovering, they see increased profits and opportunity for growth potential. As house prices appreciate people are more willing to invest in their homes (Colvin, 2013, para. 3). Focusing on building stores in the suburban area, Home Depot targets those interested in fixing things and doing household activities such as gardening. Both Dell and Home Depot ar... customers show up to complete their transaction and purchase additional items. Both companies, still using the traditional means of advertising such as television, radio, newspaper and magazines also recognize the importance of digital advertising and the cost effectiveness of it. Appealing to the modern technological society, increases customer satisfaction and promotes growth.The development of a widespread business strategy is important for a businesses success. It is important to develop an effective marketing mix to expose all products to the right environment. Monitoring this market environment as changes take place is crucial to ensure their audience and their needs have not changed. By knowing their target market, and integrating marketing mix, both companies are able to utilize their competitive advantages and initiate long term growth strategies.
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois or W.E.B. Du Bois Essay -- William Ed
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois or W.E.B. Du BoisWilliam Edward Burghardt Du Bois known simply as W.E.B. was 83 when the government indicted him as a foreign agent in 1951. The only crime he had committed, however, was circulating the Stockholm Appeal, which said any government to use an atomic weapon against another bucolic should be treated as a war criminal. After spending six months in disgrace and paying $35,150 for his defense, the government laid-off its case against him. The old man was freed and declared himself a communist 12 years later at age 93, dying in Ghana, a country that loved him. It was a sad end for an intellectual giant whom Kim Pearson, a professor of journalism at The College of New Jersey who teaches a class on Du Bois, calls, the premier Afri jackpot American intellectual of the 19th and 20th centuries.Born in Great Barrington, Mass. in 1868, during the era of Reconstruction, Du Bois maternal great-grandfather was born a hard worker and his father, Al fred, simply wandered a means when he was a boy, never coming back. Du Bois was reared on a farm by his mother Mary and experienced pocketable racism. He would later say that as a boy in Great Barrington, he had almost no experience of segregation or color discrimination. change surface though Du Bois was the only black student in his graduating high school class of 12, Principal Frank A. Horner encouraged him to prepare for college. Du Bois headed to Nashville, Tennessee to the halls of Fisk University, an all-black school. There, he declared, I am a Negro. I glory in the name I am proud of the black blood that flows in my veins (I) have come here to connect hands with my people. He graduated in 1888 and headed to Harvard. While there, he received a grant and loan to study at the University of Berlin, where he experienced little discrimination and became fascinated by European grievances against Jews. Reflecting on his stay at Berlin, Du Bois would say, I began to feel the dich otomy which all my life has characterized my thought how far can love for my oppressed race accord with love for the oppressing country? And when these loyalties diverge, where shall my soul find refuge?Du Bois earned his doctorate from Harvard in 1895 and his dissertation, The Suppression of the African hard worker Trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870, was hailed as the first scientific work authored by ... ... to result in the exacerbation of prejudice and inner conflict here in America. The case against Du Bois was eventually dismissed.Du Bois did not declare himself a communist until he was 93. He finished his autobiography in 1960 and declared, I now believe that occult ownership of capital and free enterprise are leading the world to disaster. Democratic government in the United States has almost ceased to function. I shall therefore hereunder help the triumph of communism in every honest way that I can without deceit or hurt and in any way possible, without wa r and with goodwill to all men of all colors, classes and creeds.Du Bois wrote a tremendous amount of material. Only a small number of his works have been considered in this short description of his life. In his final years, Du Bois spent his time working on an Encyclopedia Africana, which he had unsuccessfully tried to begin without financial stand-in in 1909 and 1931. Kwame Nkrumah, the first premier of Ghana, invited him to live out his life in Ghana and offered him funding for the final project. Appropriately, news of Du Bois death in 1963 reached America as blacks and whites peacefully marched on Washington.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Finding Deeper Meaning in Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat :: Ode to the Death of a Favorite Cat Essays
Finding Deeper Meaning in Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat First impressions argon important when meeting new people, applying for jobs, and even when reading literature. It provides us with an idea of what is going on, where things ar taking place, and who the important characters are. This first impression foundation be described is the Pre-Critical Response the average reader performs this type of analysis every time he or she reads. For some people, this simplistic perspective is satisfactory others pass the quest for deeper understanding intriguing and part of the ultimate experience gained through literature. The formalised Approach is one way to analyze literature in fix up to gain fuller understanding. This approach examines a piece of literature by identifying its individual structures and form. It studies sentence structure in terms of verb placement, the multiple meanings and etymology of words, and the stanza and line breaks. The Formalistic Approach stresses sensitivity to words and their connotations, denotations, and implications they may have to surrounding words and phrases. Location, setting, place, and time are other aspects identified through this approach. Formalistic analysis is referred as ...close reading in practice (HCAL 73). The Dialogical Approach recognizes ...the essential indeterminacy of meaning outside of the dialogic - and hence open - relationship between voices (HCAL 349). The voices of a novel or work create a dimension all their own. Dialogicals creator, Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin, uses the key term of carnivalization to describe the ...diversities of speech and voice reflected in its structure (HCAL 351). Mood and tone are derived from this and can be further amplified through the Formalistic Approach of analysis. My Pre-Critical Response to Thomas Grays Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a tubful of Gold Fishes is as follows A cat was playing with a fish in the fish bowl . The cat fell in and then drowned because none cared enough to save her. When I take a second look, details of the setting and location language usage and sentence patterns tone and mood deeper meanings to the poem can be found. The Formalistic and Dialogical Approaches can be used to find these deeper meanings. Setting and location are essential when creating atmosphere.
Finding Deeper Meaning in Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat :: Ode to the Death of a Favorite Cat Essays
Finding Deeper Meaning in Ode on the Death of a popular Cat First impressions are important when meeting new people, applying for jobs, and even when reading literature. It provides us with an idea of what is going on, where things are taking place, and who the important characters are. This initial impression can be described is the Pre-Critical Response the average reader performs this type of analysis every time he or she reads. For some people, this simplistic perspective is satisfactory others find the quest for deeper understanding intriguing and part of the ultimate experience gained finished literature. The Formalistic Approach is one way to take apart literature in order to gain fuller understanding. This approach examines a piece of literature by identifying its individual social organisations and form. It studies sentence structure in price of verb placement, the multiple meanings and etymology of words, and the stanza and line breaks. The Formalistic A pproach stresses sensitivity to words and their connotations, denotations, and implications they may have to surrounding words and phrases. Location, setting, place, and time are other aspects identified through this approach. Formalistic analysis is referred as ...close reading in practice (HCAL 73). The Dialogical Approach recognizes ...the essential indeterminacy of meaning outside of the dialogic - and hence open - relationship amidst voices (HCAL 349). The voices of a novel or work create a dimension all their own. Dialogicals creator, Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin, uses the key term of carnivalization to describe the ...diversities of speech and voice reflected in its structure (HCAL 351). Mood and impression are derived from this and can be further amplified through the Formalistic Approach of analysis. My Pre-Critical Response to Thomas Grays Ode on the Death of a positron emission tomography Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes is as follows A cat was playing with a fish in the fish bowl. The cat fell in and then drowned because none cared enough to save her. When I take a second look, details of the setting and location language usage and sentence patterns tone and mood deeper meanings to the poem can be found. The Formalistic and Dialogical Approaches can be used to find these deeper meanings. Setting and location are essential when creating atmosphere.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Bis220 Wireless Technologies
Wireless Technologies plan Team B BIS/220 July 2, 2012 Dr. Richard Swafford Wireless Technologies Proposal As Party Plates grows and becomes more successful, new technologies need to be implemented to ply the company to break down serve our customers. Today we ar going to bring down out a new plan to make our deliveries more efficient. Our customers are our number one priority essay writer uk. Serving them with a better product and pinpointing delivery times will help us achieve this. To accomplish this, we are proposing that we integrate two types of wireless technologies in our delivery trucks GPS track systems and Bluetooth.GPS System Currently, we have five trucks operating all over the city at any given time. With grid lock and accidents, implementing the GPS system will allow our drivers to navigate with HD Traffic information around these areas and make delivers on time. The system we are proposing is the TomTom GO Live 1535M. With this system, Party Plates can set up a Twitter account and our drivers can keep companies informed on what time they expect to deliver. Additionally, if on that point are any issues with delivery, Twitter messages can be direct out to inform the company of that as well.The device can also locate the cheapest fuel prices which in the long run, will save the company money. However, there is a small drawback to this system. According to CNET Reviews. com the system says that, searching the connected services is clunky and, at times, intuitive (CNET 2012). Each unit costs $179 dollars per unit and quickness is as simple as installing mounts in each truck to hold the devices, totally costs being approximately $1000. Bluetooth Next we would like to outfit each truck with Bluetooth technology to seamlessly keep our customers connected with our drivers via phone.Our drivers are already using cellphones, however, with the current law, only Bluetooth devices are legal to use in our trucks. We are proposing purchasing Aliph s chmoose Era Bluetooth devices for each driver. This will allow our drivers to take calls without taking their hands off the wheel. The only downfall to this system according to CNET Reviews. com is that, The Aliph Jawbone Era doesnt have a dedicated volume rocker, and the way it fits the ear is not as easy and comfortable as we would like (CNET 2012). References CNET Reviews (2012). in style(p) Technology Reviews. CBS Interactive. Retrieved from http//www. cnet. com/? tag=hdr
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Malaria in Cuban Children and how it differs from children in US
Malaria is a disease cause by a parasite that is transmitted from one person to another by the bite of an Anopheles mosquito. These be female mosquitoes that are most persistent in the tropics and sub-tropic parts of the world Such as Africa Asia and USASymptoms of malaria may include headache, chills, muscle ache, fever, and malaise. Malarias early development stages resemble those of flue which only develop between 6-8 days after world bitten by an infected mosquito.It is estimated that 40% of the world population is at risk of malaria and that it claims an estimated one million lives annually (World Health Organization 1989). Malaria can e prevented through and through the use of anti-malaria drugs, use of treated mosquitoes nets, oiling others (http// cases are rare in the US as compared to Cuba. This is because Cuba is a tropic country whose majority population lives beneath the poverty line. Hence cannot afford basic medicat ion or preventive measures such as the use of mosquitos nets. On the other had malaria infection in the US is detected mostly among travelers and hence rare.Malaria affects all segments of the population but most severely boorren, women, and people living with emergency cases such as human immunodeficiency virus/ AIDS.Malaria in children causes complications such as paralysis, recurrent fewer, Anemia, blindness, epilepsy and cerebral malaria. If not well treated malaria can affect the subsequent health and development of child For grammatical case it is estimated that 7% of Cuban children who survive cerebral malaria are left with permanent neurological problems such as spastics, blindness, speech problem and low concentration which affects their military operation in school.This has been adverse due to inadequate treatment brought about by poverty forces people to prescribe their own medication, lack of drugs and expertise in hospitals. (http// disease.htm).Malaria make on pregnant women are higher in Cuba than the US. For instance only 35 cases were inform in the US in 2000 while more than 10, 000 cases were reported in Cuba. Malarial medications are limited for pregnant women and also children.These infections can lead to death of a woman and her fetus unborn fetus may get the disease from the mother thus for this reason pregnant women should not travel to areas where they can get the disease. Some of the adverse effects of malaria during pregnancy include increased chances of still birth, intrauterine growth, retardation and low birth weight of less than 2500 grammes.( http// )A malarial infection varies depending on someones remains immunity. For this reason the elderly and those with emergency diseases such as HIV/AIDS are severely affected as their levels of immunity are low, hence increases their chances of infection.Malaria prevalence in Cuban children is high than in the U S. This is because of the weak health infrastructure of the country, civil unrests and the widespread resistance to malarial drugs among other causes. However, Malaria infection reduced by 9.0% in 2000 in the US due to change in disease transmission and increased / effective use of anti-malarial chemoprophylaxis. impoverishment in Cuba has increase child infection as majority cannot afford basic prevention measures such as mosquito nets, clearing of bushes, and oiling of stagnant water. In addition houses in the rural areas are built of mud unlike the US, which allows mosquitoes to freely enter and leave the houses.In conclusion malaria effects are more severe in Cuban children than in America children as America children have access to free medication and can afford basic preventive measures. On the other hands Poverty of most households and inadequacy of drugs inhibits complete treatment of malaria in Cuban children which affect these development.REFERENCEShttp//www.traveldoctor.i nfo/diseases/1.htmlhttp//, G.(2007) Malaria. Retrieved February 25, 2008 from http//
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Analysis of Dynacorp Case Essay
The strategicalal send off lens assumes organizations are deliberate, goal-achieving entities. In this view, managers shag achieve organizational goals by understanding the fundamentals of design and fitting design to strategy, as well as to the larger organizational environment. In this paper, I discuss the five major elements of strategy environmental fit, strategic intent, strategic grouping, strategic linking, and alignment and identify two specific elements as causes of the problems Dynacorp is experiencing with its redesign.These elements are strategic linking and alignment. Fit with the Environment In the 1980s, Dynacorp was an excellent fit with the environment it produced high-quality, innovation crossings. As result, its guests were happy to wait months or even a year for the beau monde to bring out a new product and to do some of their ingest applications take form and figure out how to integrate Dynacorps products with the rest of their operations. In the 1990s , however, the company lost the technological advantage it had maintained over the competition. harmonise to Carl Greystone, executive vice president of the U. S. Cus-tomer Operations Group, Both foreign and domestic competitors have been cutting into our market share, and our gross margins are way down,. Indeed, Dynacorp was finding that many a nonher(prenominal) of its customers needed more than hardware, but want-ed complete solutions to problems. Customers were looking for systems solutions, more cus-tomized software, and more value-added services.Dynacorps senior managers recognized that the firms existing structural structure was seriously inhibiting the organization from creating effective cross-functional responses to its external environment. Strategic Intent Dynacorps senior management thus moved to redefine the firms strategic intent, a no-tion that Ancona et al. define as setting the strategy or mandate of the organization. Instead of continuing to think of itself as a company merely selling hardware, the firm reorganized with the intention of providing customers with the integrated solutions theywere demanding, and, where necessary, to do all this on a global basis. Strategic Grouping To implement its strategic intent, Dynacorp executives first had to make decisions about how to regroup tasks and functions. According to Ancona et al. , strategic grouping is a process of deciding how the necessary activities are to be allocated into jobs, department, divisions, and other units, and how state are assigned to distributively.The textbook describes five possible methods by which grouping of functions can be organized activity output user, customer, or geography matrix and worry process. At Dynacorp, the decision was make to move away from grouping by activity. Instead, the development, manu detailuring, and marketing functions were grouped together into an output-oriented set of end-to-end business units in which all the functions would be ex-pec ted to contribute to the success of a product or a family of products or services.Within the sales area, executives decided to group by geography (U. S. , Europe, Latin America/Asia, with each of these areas further subdivided into regions) rather than to create multiple sales forces for each business unit. Since products overlapped, the interviewer was told, the purchasers of different products were frequently the same people, and the exist inherent in replicating the field structure several times was prohibitive,.Within each sales region, management created account teams with each team focusing on customers within market segments and industries. Greystone asserts that such a restructuring will result in industry specialists, rather than salespersons who were only knowledgeable about particular products. Greystone seemed optimistic You see, we look that by targeting our investments toward growth of sales in specific industries and developing solutions to fit their needs, well reb uild our market share and increase margins, Strategic Linking Ancona et al.describe strategic linking as both formal and informal processes and posi-tions that would integrate units and subunits which are interdependent in tasks. The text identifies a wide array of linking mechanisms, including formal reporting structures, liaison roles, stable or temporary cross-unit groups, integrator roles, information technology systems, and intentning processes. Strategic linking at Dynacorp was to be accomplished, in the first instance, by linking development, manufacturing, and marketing within each Business Unit through a change in the formal reporting structure.Carl Greystone expressed his conviction that a tremendous amount of progress has been made since these changes were instituted and that his personnel are thinking about the business in new terms Even Greystone, however, was forced to admit that his group had been consistently behind excogitate in both revenue and profit for the pa st year and a half and that the Business Unit presidents have expressed some frustration with the consummation of his group.Martha Pauley, a Branch Manager in Greystones division who supervised six teams that handle financial institutions, insurance, and education in the Northeast Region, was considerably kinda disillusioned about the absence of effective cross-functional relations between sales and the Business Units. Specifically, Pauley was finding it difficult to compete because of business decisions in which she had been given no role. She had several complaints Our prices are still higher than our competitors, and technical support services are way too slow.The new plant in Indonesia was supposed to help oneself bring prices down, but theyre having problems getting the factory up and running. Since I have no discover over unit manufacturing costs or the availability of technical support mental imagerys, I cant help the teams effectiveness in these areas. A second way in which strategic linking was to be accomplished was to establish multi-function Account Teams focused on selling customized solutions based on integrating our products, rather than on selling fancy hardware.These permanent cross-unit groups were comprised of account managers, product specialists, solution consultants, service technicians, customer administration specialists, and systems specialists. Describing the actual functioning of these new teams to the interviewer, Martha Pauley confessed that everyone has been so busy trying to understand their new responsibilities temporary hookup still keeping up with our customers that we have communicated only through e-mail messages. We havent had time for the off site meeting that I had planned.Anyway, were still getting modifications on the job guidelines from the staff group. The time pressures reported by Pauley were evident when she takes the interviewer into a meeting of one account team there, they undercoat about half of the members missing because of other obligations. As the meeting progressed, it also became apparent that this account team was struggling to meet its goals. The team had just been call for a contract with a Boston bank because its competitor had been able to offer lower prices and a much more comprehensive package .With come across to planning as a means of strategic linking, there too Pauleys teams were struggling. Pauley admitted to the interviewer that she hadnt had a chance to develop a cohe-sive sales plan to show you. Alignment The last of the strategic design processes is alignment that is, assessing the implica-tions of strategic grouping and linking patterns for the rest of the organizations structures and processes, and making changes to ensure that the grouping and linking patterns can be implemented effectively.suggest that each of the following be considered as elements of alignment organizational performance measurement systems, individual rewards and incentives, resour ce allocation, military man macrocosm resource development, and informal systems and processes. One obvious alignment problem in this case concerns individual rewards and incen-tives. Ben Walker, VP of the Northeast Region, notes that the new reward system compensates branch managers in sales and product managers in the Business Units on performance against revenue and margin goals, but Walker worries that no one in these jobs has the skills to be a team player. Soon thereafter, Martha Pauley complained to the interviewer about precisely this problem. Although she shared revenue goals for her teams with the product teams general managers in the Business Units, her own performance was being hampered by the fact that different product team leaders in the Business Units are pushing different types of sales, depending on their particular product lines. Something confusable was happening to Pauleys Account Teams, whose sales performance depended, in part, on their ability to get adeq uate Technical Support to their clients, yet they had no control over this support unit. Dynacorps turnaround also was being hurt by the companys failure to give appropriate support to human resources development. Ben Walker is convinced that the company has too many people who know how to sell products but not solutions and projects that at least 25 percent of the occurrent staff needs to be replaced. Right now we have the customer teams functioning under new guidelines that force them to collect information on customer needs and develop solutions. But too many team members are still operating under the old attitude that the equipment sells itself and the customers will do the work of integrating our products into their operations. The notion of helping the customer from initial call through implementation and use of the system is still quite alien to many of our people.The fact that Sales Team Member 2 soon was seen expressing a desire for more customers who want standard off-the -shelf equipment suggests that Walkers concerns have merit. And Martha Pauley, to her credit, does not hide the fact that her teams lack training. You see, Pauley says, moving from a product salesperson to a provider of solutions in a big change. It involves knowledge of the industry and the company, the all-encompassing line of products, our various software applications, and concepts of systems integration.Exactly who handles all the pieces of a sale like this is still unclear. Finally, there is some evidence of dissatisfaction with Dynacorps resource allocation practices, given the perceived high cost of manufacturing and the problems with Technical Support. As we have seen, at least one account team is having difficulty competing on price and Martha Pauley complains that Dynacorps prices are still higher than our competitors, and technical support services are way too slow.Dynacorp appears to have done a good job of analyzing its fit with the environment and crafting a strategy that is likely to be responsive to that environment. The strategic groupings are well-suited to the strategic intent, positioning Dynacorp to be a geographically-focused, industry-specific organization that is organized to bring cross-functional talent to bear on the service as well as hardware needs of its customers. Dynacorp fails, however, to give adequate maintenance to strategic linking processes.There is evidence of a lack of planning, particularly as it involves product and branch managers and their staffs, apparently resulting in a lack of widespread committal at all levels of the organization to the new mission. There also are problems of coordination between branch managers in sales and the Business Units and between the Account Teams and the applied science Specialists. Finally, the new cross-functional sales teams have had little opportunity to work out their methods of operation. Dynacorp also fails to give adequate attention to alignment.Individual reward systems a nd incentives work at cross-purposes with unit goals, and manufacturing costs are too high for sales teams to compete effectively. Finally, there is almost a complete absence of trainingboth for product and branch managers and for the various functional specialists who are now expected to work as members of teams. The senior managers at Dynacorp have made impressive efforts to respond to their extremely competitive environment. However, unless careful attention is given to the strategic linking and alignment processes, this organizational redesign effort is destined to fail.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Human Resources – Knowledge Workers
clement Resources Management Course pee-pee Manjeet Singh 7637434 The Question Examine the claim that the precaution of noesis thespians requires the development of human resource practises that be more suited to the particular characteristics of these workers and their jobs Introduction The term familiarity worker was first used by Peter Drucker in Landmarks of Tomorrow in 1959.A k straightawayledge worker is someone who specialises in a specific field as they possess certain cognition which has been accrued through specific courses or experience in relevant activities, they usually confirm some sort of accreditation or documentation to certify that they have accrued this companionship. They argon typically well educated, and with the application of their knowledge it aids them to solve problems for an fundamental law and it is through problem solving that treasure is jibeed for the organisation.As well as problem solving, knowledge workers argon also involved in innov ation, re-engineering, training etc. although in that respect are certain tasks which would require knowledge workers with specific specialities. intimacy workers are seen as a crucial asset as with application of their knowledge it can determine the success and reputation of the organisation. The most valuable assets of a 20th-century company were its production equipment. The most valuable asset of a 21st-century institution, whether business or non-business, will be its knowledge workers and their productivity. (Drucker, 1999, P135) This quote graduate(prenominal)lights the fact that we are piteous away from the traditional mentality that wealth was based on the amount of resources an organisation held in its possession, and more towards how we handle knowledge workers and attain this knowledge. familiarity workers rend senior higher banded salaries, with enhanced takes of autonomy in comparison to the normal employee. As a result the turn everyplace of fellowship worke rs is typically high, because they are cognizant of the fact that the knowledge that they possess is of great submit and splendor to the organisation.In many cases the knowledge that these workers have allows the organisation to establish a competitive advantage over their rivals, which is why they are willing to pay the generous salary of these workers. If the workers are non kept happy, wherefore it is easy for them to moreover move to a antithetical organisation or hold back on the knowledge that they provide for the company. In adjunct, as the levels of autonomy are high this performer that here is an component part of self-government, and they have a high amount of freedom, for congresswoman they can work from home, this then(prenominal) decreases the amount of domination that a firm has over a knowledge worker. Within this report I wish to discuss the opposite computes that would result in the need for different HR practices for knowledge workers. I will then als o highlight which characteristics these workers possess that sets them apart from their colleagues at the organisation where they work and how the characteristics affect the HR practices.As these workers are of such importance to the organisation, they try their best to slide by these workers at the organisation and as their job description differs vastly in comparison to the typical employees, this highlights the need for adaptation in the HR practices that are enforced by the firm as typical employees can be replaced rather easily, through the normal recruitment procedures, however, with knowledge workers, they add regard as for the organisation, thus, changes would have to be made to keep them happy at the organisation, whilst performing at an acceptable level.What are the benefits a Knowledge Worker receives? The main technique where we can observe a knowledge worker is by highlighting the benefits that they receive in comparison to normal workers. According to Lowendahl (19 97), these workers are offered high remuneration and substantial autonomy, this just now means that there is no one overlooking them constantly and they are highly paid in comparison to others. Knell (2000) & Pink (2002), also tie these workers as free workers, this would mean that for them there is a lot more choice as to what they can do.As they hold all the knowledge which is valuable, it usually means that these workers are a lot less reliant on the organisation that employs him. In adjunct to this, it is because these workers have access to knowledge and it is them that control it, this then enables them to control the flow of the knowledge, this would mean that they need to be kept happy in order to make sure that the flow of information is suffice and of value to the company. As a result of this, knowledge workers are also offered a lot more freedom in comparison to other workers. As described above, Knowledge workers are offered many benefits repayable to how aluable they are to the organisation, however, there are challenges that are then forced on HR with the benefits that they offer to these workers. I will now describe these below and show examples of changes and alterations that have been made either for the attracting, motivating or retention of knowledge workers. HRM challenges as an effect of these Knowledge Workers As Knowledge workers are offered such attractive advantages due to the nature of their work, this impacts the normal practices that are in place by HRM. Therefore, managing these Knowledge workers can be challenging for HRM.These intromit Firstly, we can look at the work organisation this has a major impact on the motivation and productivity of the knowledge worker. If the environment and the organisation is organize in a way that the knowledge worker doesnt alike(p) then this could have a high negative effect on the company, as they need environments where they are comfortable and more cardinally a place that offers them new challenges. Another challenge is the constantly changing psychological contract, this is where there are unwritten obligations and expectations that are out of the written contract of the knowledge worker.The firm should not expect too much of the worker and likewise the worker should not expect too much from the firm, hence the need for contracts to get an understanding of the needs. Thirdly, if the knowledge workers have more than one employer, it is strong to ensure that these knowledge workers gentle loyal. The factor of opportunism can arise here as the knowledge worker would not take into consideration how them leaving or not be productive, can affect the company, instead they will just centralise on the benefits that they can take advantage of.Due to the autonomy that is offered to these workers, monitoring the productivity and motivating the workers is difficult for the organisation. These workers also have varied desires as some of them go for the more short-term incen tives, like money and freedom of work, or some tend to focus on make their career, and it is a must for them to work with well recognised clients. One of the biggest challenges that they face is the challenge of retaining these workers as turnover of these workers is significantly high in comparison to other workers.So it is critical that the HR department devise correct and well suited practices to make sure that these workers are content. The management of the knowledge is important because the knowledge is held by the workers and it is important to make sure that the flow of this knowledge is not restricted by any other factors that can be controlled or altered by the firm. The knowledge that they have also needs to be up to date as out-dated knowledge would not add maximum value for the organisation.Defining who possesss the knowledge at question is also a challenge for the organisation as there are always boundaries which are often unclear and vague, they would need to know t his so that they can clearly see how much knowledge the worker can dedicate to the firm. Also as a result of the worker having the knowledge with them, there is also always the threat of them going away and setting up their own firms and as they typically work with clients directly, they could take the clients with them to their own firm.As all these challenges to HRM have been described and highlighted I imagine it also reveals the need for the differentiated HR practices for these workers as they vary massively to normal workers. Different contexts and organisations The habituation between the knowledge workers and the organisation also varies largely to normal workers as the firm itself is a lot more dependent on the knowledge workers. (Swart and Kinnie, 2003) project that this is because of knowledge workers changing the typical trend of the firm owning all the knowledge.In addition, the work process also differs making the firm more dependent on the workers. An example of th is is where the knowledge is at the core of the company so that would mean the knowledge worker would usually be the main source of this knowledge. The knowledge worker is at the centre of the business but this is collaborated with the reputation of the firm and works closely with the worker to main a strong relationship which is strategically vital in that particular type of industry.As a result of this type of relationship and strategic collaboration, this would mean that both parties involved would be highly dependent on distributively other as the firm would not have the knowledge they require to do business as the knowledge is with the workers but the worker would need the resources, fall guy reputation and the clients that the firm has. Pink (2002) describes this as substantial inter colony as they are both reliant on each other. The only way this dependency can be reduced is by using knowledge management and outlining boundaries and expectations from both parties.It is impo rtant to look after these workers, as if the workers leave then the value created will also leave with them. It is also difficult within this type of industry to determine how much the knowledge worker did or is needed to add value as it is tacit knowledge, which is hard to measure. Knowledge work also influences the network of the organisation as in traditional employment, there is usually a hierarchy which is implemented and all who are involved in this will adhere and follow this hierarchy (Williamson, 1975).However, with knowledge work hierarchies wont work due to the power differences that will be incurred as a result of the hierarchy. With knowledge work it is all about being in the correct networks and building a portfolio of careers (Castells, 2000). This gives them the freedom to go out and expand their knowledge base and they can progress within their career at their own will. It is the responsibility of the organisation to provide the workers with clients that are well re cognised to keep them happy and motivated, as it would challenge them more and allow them to utilise their knowledge to their maximum potential.This is very in force(p) for the knowledge worker, however it poses a threat to the firm as they can potentially, take the clients with them if they were to leave because they could have formed a strong bond due to the high level of autonomy that they are give, thus meaning that the organisation wont know how close they are. For this reason it is important to evaluate the level of autonomy that is offered to these workers, they would need enough to keep the workers motivated but not too much where the workers can get too close with clients and cause problems for the organisation.Another factor which highlighted by Horwitz (2003), was how the ownership of the firm (foreign or local) affects the practices and the attraction of these knowledge workers, this shows that the culture of the firm has a major impact on the motivation and attraction of these workers. international versus local ownership appears, therefore, to reflect differences in certain types of HR practices such as using headhunters and advertising media to recruit and select knowledge workers (Horwitz, 2003).This shows us that the differing organisations from different cultures use approaches to which they think is best, and there is not a universal, one fits all approach which can be used globally. In addition to this they also run aground that both wholly owned foreign and local firms piece a fun and informal work environment more highly or sanely effective (Horwitz, 2003), this shows us that the workers take a preference to an environment which is more informal and once more changing from the conventional hierarchical approach.An example is when Horwitz (2003), describes how there are certain cultural requirements or standards within Singapore (where they did their study), for example they have large respect for the hierarchy and everybody seems to know their positions. This would affect the knowledge workers in the whiz that if there is a major emphasis on hierarchies within the organisation, it may push them towards multi-national companies with different cultures.Also, if a firm is international, this attracts knowledge workers as it allows them to travel and experimentation different cultures, whilst working for the same firm, this also builds on their experience and makes them a more valuable worker. Figure 1 Proposed schema for attracting, motivating and retaining knowledge workers ejaculate Frank M. Horwitz. (2003). Finders, Keepers? Attracting, motivating and retaining knowledge workers. Human Resource Management Journal. 13 (4), 23-44. HR practicesFigure 1 shows a schema which proposed for attracting, motivating and retaining knowledge workers, I desire that the elements that have been taken into consideration within the schema are critical and the schema is accurate, however, Horwitz (2003), says himself that it needs further hypotheses testing to make sure its accurate. In addition to this, it does not take into account anything about differing industries as for each industry, they found that different things motivated or attracted the knowledge workers, this is crucial as it again highlights that there cannot just simply be one standard approach or practice across all industries.According to Kinnear and Sutherland (2000), some researchers have found HR practices which they believe are vital for retention of knowledge workers and decrease the turnover of these workers. However, how could this be possible when there are so many factors that affect the different requirements of these workers and the HR practices required to accommodate these workers? The nature of work is exceedingly different, although there may be tensions between the two types of worker simply because, the knowledge workers are granted such high benefits and salaries.Again as per Figure 1, we can see that there is no con sideration of normal workers, this implies further that these practices should be altered and suited for the knowledge workers. With altered practices it also shows that there is a possibility that it could affect the current employees chances of progression to get to the level of knowledge workers as the firm would pull so much into the recruitment of these knowledge workers, they would expect to find people that already have the knowledge and dont require the training to work, simply just to settle in to the culture of the organisation.On the other hand, Frost (2002), goes on to also talk about how employers can distinguish between the two types of workers and thus, supports the claim that HR practices need to be different for the types of workers and this will allow them to both be happy and progress accordingly.In addition to this, Despres and Hiltrop (1995), state traditional approaches to work remuneration and reenforce are no longer appropriate in a post-industrial knowledg e economy (Horwitz, 2003) this further reinforces the idea that new and fresh approaches are needed for knowledge workers and the industries need to move away from this old fashioned mentality as the industries are evolving more and more towards knowledge based organisations.A key thing that Horwitz (2003) found was that the most popular HR practices implemented by the organisations were not always the most effective, this can be questioned as the study was in Singapore, but I believe that it just simply reinforces that the culture of each country and organisation varies and thus would affect the wants and needs in HR practices from the knowledge workers. In addition to this, they say There is increasing evidence that particular organisations are beginning to acknowledge that distinctive HR practices lead to better knowledge worker performance. (Horwitz, 2003) this again shows the link between altered practices for these workers has a positive impact on the work and the morale of th e workers. The design of the job was stated as being high important as part of the satisfaction of the knowledge workers, as if it designed correctly, then this can have a positive impact on the morale, productivity and behaviour of the knowledge worker (Thompson and Heron, 2002). This again shows the importance of different practices for these types of jobs and not to just let them have a monotonous job style like the normal employees. ConclusionIn conclusion, I agree with the initial claim that HR practices should be altered for knowledge workers. I have discovered the real sheer importance of these workers to organisations and how they add value to organisations, for this reason I believe the benefits that are afforded for them are fair and deserved and although they do require some changes which organisations are not change to, for example, losing hierarchies, partnership style working, allowing them to work from home and other challenges the pose to HR, there are certain ways to attract, retain and motivate them.They also can be risky for a firm, with the ambiguity of their tasks and lack of control from the organisation, but if the firm can keep them happy and monitor in a suitable way, then the worker would be kept happy. Knowledge based companies especially should recognise the importance of tailoring HR practices for these workers, as they are what would give them the competitive advantage, they are also characterised as being innovative and this is key to any firm.Finally, I believe that these workers will shape the industry in the coming years, so firms should invest into finding the best HR practices which suit their own culture and organisations based also on their industry. References Castells, M. (2000). The rise of the network society rise of the network society. Oxford, Blackwell. Despres, C. and Hiltrop, J. M. (1995), Human resource management in the knowledge age current practice and perspectives on the future, Employee Relations, Vol. 17 N o 1, pp. 9-23. Drucker (1999). Managing Oneself, Management Challenges for the 21st Century. Frost, M (2002) Managing knowledge workers. HR Magazine, May, 47 5, 124-126 Horwitz, F, 2003. Finders, Keepers? Attracting, Motivating and Retaining knowledge workers. Human Resource Management Journal, 13/4, 23-44. Knell, J (2000) Most Wanted The quiet birth of the free worker. Futures reports Kinnear and Sutherland (2000) Determinants of organisational lading amongst knowledge workers. South African Journal of Business Management, 32 2, 106-111.Lowendahl (1997) Strategic Management of Professional Service Firms Pink, D. H. (2002). Free agent nation the future of working for yourself. New York, Warner Books. Swart, J. & Kinnie, N. (2003) knowledge-intensive firms the influence of the client on HR systems. HRMJ, 13 (3) 37-55 Thompson, M. and Heron, P. (2002). The employment relationship and knowledge creation evidence from R&D based high technology firms. EURAM Conference, Stockholm (May) , 1-10. Williamson, Oliver (1975), Markets and hierarchies, analysis and antitrust implications Word Count 3,242 including references
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Role of Women in Society (the Story of an Hour and a Rose for Emily)
Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour written in 1894 and William Faulkners A Rose for Emily written in 1930 are dickens stories that show major designs of women in society. Although the deuce stories have a different perspective of the women due to their era, they both give a great explanation of how the women were and how they were interact by other people during their time. The women in both of the stories explain how they perceive each of their own roles and how they cope with their own situations, which are much different and like from our society today.For many an(prenominal) years women have tried finding their place in society, which is hard when males are usually perceived as the leaders or ones who control their wives. In The Story of an Hour Chopin explains the freedom of a once married fair sex, and how much she en raptures her freedom from being married, this story is based on the role of women in marriage and relationships. In the scene where Mrs. Mallard believes tha t her husband is dead after receiving the shocking news She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same (Chopin 106), this sentence explains that Mrs.Mallard takes it in differently than well-nigh other women do when they find out that their husband has died. For a while, Mrs. Mallard is piteous but only when she was alone When the storm of grief had spent itself she went a personal manner to her room alone. She would have no one follow her (Chopin 106). When Mrs. Mallard had abandoned herself she caught herself voicelessness over and over again the words Free, free, free (Chopin 107). This sentence showed that Mrs.Mallard was finally free She could see in the open square before her house the go past of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring of lifetime (Chopin 107). The words New spring of life show that Mrs. Mallard had a new spring in life which symbolized freedom. There would be no one to live for during those coming years she would live for herself (C hopin 107), this shows that she has had enough from her marriage and wants to enjoy her freedom and not waste it on someone else, she just wants to enjoy it for herself.Mrs. Mallard was obviously in a bad marriage And yet she bedd him-sometimes (Chopin 107), this phrase shows that she was confused about her love for her husband and only loved him sometimes. Spring days, and summer days, and all sorts of days that would be her own (Chopin 108), explains that she was just so happy to finally spend those days on her own and not have her husband to hold her back from the things that she loves, that she is finally free to do whatever she enjoys to do. At the end of the story when Mrs.Mallards husband shows up at the house and as she looks at him she has a loud screeching cry and that was it. Mrs. Mallard had died of heart disease a joy that kills (Chopin 108). Mrs. Mallard expected to be free for the rest of her life, then after seeing her husband alive she realizes she will not have h er life the way she had imagined and then she died from disappointment of not having her Free body and soul free (Chopin 107) life. In the story A Rose for Emily Faulkner explains the angriness of a lonely, unloved adult female that is desperate for affection but is shocked when she does not get it.This story plays a major role of women in society due to uncontrollable anger and revenge. Miss Emilys lonely life begins from the death of her paternity which left her depressed and unloved. She went out very little after her sweetheart went away, people only saw her at all (Hemingway 117), this shows that Miss Emily cannot handle being outside of her house while she is depressed. When Miss Emily met Homer Barron in the story, she fell deeply in love with him and people said they are married (Hemingway 120).After being with Homer for a while he finally admitted that, he liked men- and it was known that he drank with the younger men in the Elks Club (Hemingway 119). In the scene where Homer had admitted he liked men and threatened to progress the following day, Miss Emily went and bought ratsbane poison which showed that Miss Emily could not handle the fact that he was going to leave her. This is a typical role of women in society today because close to women have a feeling of revenge when a man threatens to leave them.For a long time after that many people were not impress when Homer Barron was not seen for some time. In this story Miss Emily poisons her husband and kills him leaving his body in her bed for many years. The ending of the story shows the biggest serving in the role of women. Miss Emily is believed that she killed her husband due to the revenge of him threatening to leave her. Miss Emily probably would have not killed her husband if it were not for her father leaving her at a young age.As Emily grew up she only knew how to be lonely and when she found Homer she took it for granted that he was not going to leave her, and when he finally did thr eaten to leave her she figured that she would not want to go through loneliness which explains when they found Homers body in her bed. She put his body in her bed because she could not handle being alone the rest of her life and she knew if she killed him that he would have no way of leaving. From the two stories Josephine and Miss Emily both saw death as a solution to their situations.Josephine perceived her own role as being a free woman out of marriage, while Miss Emily saw loneliness as a problem. These women did not handle or cope with their situations well at all, which is like most women today. Most women do not know how to handle situations that are very tough, especially ones that make them disappointed. In both of the stories it is the mens fault for their deaths. work force to this day cause many women to become disappointed because men are controlling and both of the stories Josephine and Miss Emily were controlled by their husbands or, they were disappointed in what the ir husbands did.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Leadership and Nursing
Leadership and view asProductivity Leadership and Nurse ProductivityThis paper pull up stakes review an article by Elizabeth Curtis and Rhona OConnell in Nurse Management-UK. substantial minceership skills for motivating and developing staff reviews the importance of leading skill and empowering staff (Curtis & OConnell, 2011). This article discusses the effect manager has on the staff they supervise, and how a negative attitude open fire produce negative results whereby a positive and supportive environment can produce staff Nursing Leadership and evolution Staff Productivity.In the article, Curtis and OConnell discuss the difference between transactional and transformational leadership. Transactional leadership is based on working on an agreed level of performance for a reward. Managers only intervene when something goes wrong. It is a reactionary type of managing. Transformational leadership, on the other hand, is supportive of the employee. Transformational leadership res ults in higher employee performance, positive relationships and greater employee satisfaction. When employees scram barter satisfaction is leads to increased productivity and retention.Data Analysis In reviewing and analyzing this article, the transformational leader has four main elements. These elements atomic number 18 magnetised leadership, inspirational motif, intellectual stimulation and idiosyncratic consideration (Curtis OConnell, 2011). This leadership style is important in todays healthcare. With all the increasing demands and changes being placed on nursing staff, nurses need a supportive and inspiring leader A charismatic leader is admired and respected by the staff. The leader can affect their staff by being a positive role model.Skilled communication is a strong key in to promote self-confidence and respect in their staff. Inspirational motivation shows a team spirit and enthusiasm for the position. This can affect the staffs development and potential. The staf f is very intimacyable about the role they play. When problems arise, petition the staff for solution encourages participation and motivation. This also shows the staff they are a valuable part of the team. Intellectual stimulation demonstrates the aptitude for creativity and advancing knowledge base. These leaders encourage their staff to move on their knowledge of the field.They provided mentorship encourage nurses to become certified or get advanced degrees. Individual consideration is where leaders are supportive to their staffs needs. In this article, Curtis and OConnell determined that staff volition leave a position because the manager did not show engage for the staff. Managers must realize that staff needs social contact and friendship and should be treated with dignity and fairness. Through these leadership skills a manager can create an environment that encourages staff to behave in a mature way, express creativity and enable participation in decision making processe s.This will increase job satisfaction, staff retention and productivity. Importance of This Article This article discusses skills for motivating and developing staff. This article also discusses transformational leadership verses transactional leadership. Transformational leadership is important because it provides not only direction but it also creates opport social unities for professional development (OBrien et al. , 2008). Through the information here on encouraging staff to participate, to be creative and to continue gaining self- confidence, a manager can excel in leadership.It is important to have excellent leadership skill a manager should strive for the best unit possible. This will include motivated enthusiastic staff and maintain the staff. This will also have an added benefit of decreasing the financial expenses through reduced perturbation and improved job satisfaction. Strong Nursing Leadership In society there are always leaders and pursuit. It is important to know how to lead to have successful followers. Once a leaders has the skills necessary to assure satisfied followers or staff members then the process of job satisfaction will be a natural progression.Followers do not simply follow. Leaders in community nursing should be aware that successful leadership is the result of a cooperative process involving leaders and followers. They argue that leaders who ignore followers and their contribution to leadership do so at the venture of their organizations (Kean Haycock-Stuart, 2011). Therefore, it is important to have skills and guidance how to nurture and develop the followers (staff members) to be productive and satisfied. Conclusion In this review, it was discussed the importance of transformational leadership.With transformational leadership the manager can lead the staff (followers) toward job satisfaction. When a staff member has job satisfaction, productivity increased and staff turnover decreases. Job satisfaction is accomplished throu gh charismatic leader, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration. The transformation leader that understands and nurtures the staff will have a productive effective team. References Curtis E OConnell R 2011 Essential leadership skills for motivating and developing staff. Curtis, E. , & OConnell, R. (2011). Essential leadership skills for motivating and developing staff.Nursing Management UK, 18(5), 32-35. Kean S Haycock-Stuart E 2011 Understanding the relationship between followers and leaders. Kean, S. , Haycock-Stuart, E. (2011). Understanding the relationship between followers and leaders. Nursing Management-UK, 18(8), 31-35. OBrien J Martin D Heyworth J Meyer N 2008 Negotiating transformational leadership a key to effective collaboration Abstract. OBrien, J. , Martin, D. , Heyworth, J. , Meyer, N. (2008). Negotiating transformational leadership a key to effective collaboration Abstract. Nursing Health Sciences, 10(2), 137-143.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Analyse how national & local guidelines Essay
National legislation and guidance influence the development of local policies and procedures that put on every day work with nipperren and preadolescent people. Policies must cover the protection of all children and young people under the age of 18 and the content of the insurance must be reviewed annually. The LSCB (Local safeguarding children board) is responsible for ensuring that all agencies and departments that work with children and young people in the Borough, work in unity to support the welf be and safety of children in that area. To ensure that work is carried out in an effective manner the LSCB coordinate the work of local agencies to provide a more optimistic outcome in regards to childrens safeguarding. Red bridge works in line with the Every Child Matters program which states that each child has a right to Be sanguineStay safeEnjoy and achieveMake a positive contributionAchieve economic well beingWithin childcare reading we must be aware that we have a clear and d efined role in relation to child protection. Professionals working with children/young people i.e. education assistants, volunteers, outside agencies are DBS checked (Disclosure & barring service) previously known as CRB checks. Adults working with children should also be fully trained in safeguarding children by a nominated safeguarding adviser and have the opportunity to receive training in order to develop their understanding of the signs and indicators of abuse or neglect, this training is offered every 3 years. In order for child protection to work effectively we must ensure we have good inter relationships with other agencies and good cooperation from professionals that are able in responding to child protection situations.If a child discloses information that concerns his/her welfare we must make a record of exactly what the child has said in their words and report it to a safeguarding officer, ensuring that these records are kept confidentially and separated from pupils re cords. Guidance on confidentiality and sharing the line manager/head teacher or safeguarding officer will only disclose personal information concerning a child to other members of staff on a need to know basis, nonetheless all staff must be aware that they have a responsibility to share information with other agencies.If a child or young person does disclose information to a member of staff and ask that that information remains a secret, it is vital that the member of staff tells the child/young person sensitively that they have a duty to transfer information to the appropriate agencies in order for other children to be safeguarded. Risk assessments are crucial to any setting and should be carried out regularly to ensure that there is no safeguarding threats to the children.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Trendsetter: Negotiation and Term Sheets
Entrepreneurial Finance Negotiating with Venture Capitalists Trendsetter Inc. TEACHING entrepreneurial THOUGHT & ACTION 20 March 2012 Richard T. Bliss, PhD Trendsetter Inc. Learning Objectives 1. The entrepreneur/VC relationship 2. Exposure to deal bound sheets 3. Moving beyond valuation 4. VC negotiations 2 The Entrepreneur/VC kinship Entrepreneur VC 3 The Entrepreneur/VC Relationship alimentation to address adverse selection ? due diligence ? staging/milestones ? se of convertible favourite(a) shares preparednesss to facilitate monitoring/control ? rights to information and board seat ? employment contracts and termination rights Provisions to enable harvesting Protection of standing ? anti-dilution provision ? preemptive rights and right of first refusal 4 pillowcase Discussion Questions 1. Calculate the pre- and post-money valuations for Trendsetter under both term sheets. 2. What would the payoffs to the founders and the VC be if Trendsetter is acquired in a transactio n that value the firm at $10 million? 25 million? 3. What are the main differences and similarities between the devil term sheets? 4. If you were the entrepreneur and could not negotiate any of the terms in either sheet, which one would you choose and why? 5. How would you seek to alter the terms in each term sheet during negotiations with the venture capitalists? 5 Trendsetter Inc. Overview 6 Term Sheets Key Provisions 1. paygrade 2. Dividends 3. excretion preference 4. Election of directors 7 Valuation Mega 8 Valuation Alpha 9 Dividend Mega 10Dividend Alpha 11 Liquidation Preference Mega 12 Liquidation Preference Alpha 13 $45 Liquidation Preference and Investor care for $40 $35 Value of Ownership Stake $30 $25 $20 Alpha Series A $15 $10 $5 $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 $75 Alpha Founders Mega Series A Mega Founders Venture Value 14 Election of Directors Mega 15 Election of Directors Alpha 16 Scorecard Provision 1. Valuation 2. Dividends Winn er Reason(s) 3. Liquidation 4. Directors 17 Trendsetter Inc. Questions? 18
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Jesus and Mohammad Essay
worship is the food for the soul, a type of food that never spoils or depreciates. It is the vessel of feeling, a vessel that is splinterless and never shudders even from the more or less destructive outside force. It is the cup of morality, the unmatchedness that shapes our character and personality. With these different views, unmatchable can say that religion is an important aspect of one(a)s life. It constitutes and contri merelyes to the spiritual well-being of an individual, which is go about today with different options regarding their religion of choice. There atomic number 18 Methodists, Protestants, Muslims, Roman Catholics, and more.However, the two most influential and general religion are Islam and Christianity. Christianity is believed to be founded by Jesus Christ, the redeemer of humanity. The beliefs of Christians, which are also shared by Roman Catholics, are summarized in a doctrine called the Nicene Creed. In general, Christians believe in the holy Tri nity, that there are three superior beings paragon the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Believers of this religion grew up with teachings about the creation of the world by God in seven days, the fall of Adam and Eve, the spiritual re birthing of Jesus Christ, and the redemption of mankind (Walsh, 2005).On the other hand, Islam is considered to be founded by Mohammad or Muhammad. Its followers are called Muslims and they believe in only one God, Allah. They believe that Muhammad is the last prophet and Jesus is only one of them. Just like in Christianity, they also believe in the final judgment to be passed on to the blessed and the damned (Braswell, 2000). To know better the concept of these two religions, it may be helpful if one will look at the historical background of the turgid personalities of Christianity and Islam.Jesus Christ, also known as Jesus of Nazareth and the Messiah, was the child of Mary and Joseph and born in the humble stable of Bethlehem during the reign of Augustus. The famous virgin birth is described as the birth of Jesus where he was visited by the shepherds and the three kings to give their offerings. He is verbalise to be born without original sin and is said to save humankind from sins. One of the most prominent incidences during his childhood days is when he and his parents visited Jerusalem for the feast of Passover.It was during this time that he was lost for several days and nights, and was found by his parents in the temple teaching about the Word of God. After the incident, Jesus make succeeding visits to Jerusalem allowing him to see how corrupted religion was and the need to reform both its doctrine and suffice during that time. He performed miracles and taught the Word of God through fables. Most of his teachings focused on the kingdom of God, how God loves mankind, and how God forgives mass when they ask. He became well known and was praised by many tidy sum.This caught the attention of the Roman g overnors and the scribes, who ordered his consummation when Jesus claimed that he was God. He was tortured, crucified, and died on the cross. After three days, he resurrected from the dead and ascended to heaven. Thus, it marks the fuck off of the salvation of humankind (Stalker, 2009). Conversely, Mohammad is the most prominent personality in Islam. Mohammad or Mahomet was born in Mecca in 571 during the reign of Khusro Anosharwan. His father was named Abdallah while his mother was named Amina. His father died several days before his birth.He became an orphan when he was six years old. It was during this time that his mother died while they were in a journey to Medina. Abdl al-Muttalib, his grandfather, took handle of him but died when he was eight years old. Finally, he was taken care of by his fathers brother, Abd Manaf, who joined Muhammad on a caravan to Syria (Rodinson, 2002). He became a camel driver on their journey from Syria to Arabia but soon established his career as manager of caravans together with the merchants. On his travel, he met numerous people with various nationalities such as Christians, pagans, and Jews.At the age of 25, he married Khadija whose age is 15 years older than him. Throughout his life, he sought for contemplation and solitude by visiting Mecca and the caves in context Hira. On one of his visits, he was visited by Angel Gabriel and asked him to proclaim the Word of God. He was reluctant at first but later accepted that he was the courier of God after receiving support from Khadija and subsequent visitations of angel. His teachings include worshipping Allah, repenting from evil, and truth about materialism and immortality. He did not perform miracles but only taught what he received.At the start of his struggle as a prophet, he had only 40 followers, who experienced pursuit because his teachings were said to be a great threat to the Meccan life. However, good news came that there was a gauzy group of people supporting h is movement in Yathrib, later called Medina. He established his teachings in Medina and began a movement to reclaim his former land, Mecca. After several battles, he regained Mecca and the entire Meccan population was converted to Islam. He returned to Medina in 632 where he died but Islam had already conquered most of Arabia (Life, 2010).The close of both personalities brought immense squeeze in their respective religion. Without the terminal of Jesus, Christianity will not be born. It was through his death that Christianity flourished as his apostles began to recommend his word across the nation (Ermatinger, 2007). His death became the heart of Christian faith as it became a proof of Gods love for mankind. For God so loved the world that He gave us his one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life (John 316 New King James Version, 1985).His death allowed people to become closer to God. In addition, his death followed by his resurrection a llowed man to have new hope. The first book of Peter stated that conjure be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an heritage which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you (1 Peter 13-4 New King James Version, 1985). The death of Muhammad also allowed Islam to send.It now extends on both sides of the earth stretch the Atlantic on the other side then reaching the borders of China on the other. The success of the spread of Islam can be attributed to the works of the caliphs, Muhammads successor with great political and military abilities (Life, 2010). However, the death of Muhammad brought conflict to the Muslims. Debates conjured and are present up to these days whether leadership must be placed upon Muhammads direct descendants (according to Shia) or upon the caliphs (according to Sunni) (Comparison, n. . ).In Christianity, the life of Jesus was celebrated starting from his birth up to his death and resurrection. The birth of Jesus is commemorated by Christians every 25 December and is marked by the giving of gifts and sharing of love. Before this day comes, Christians celebrate the season of Advent to prepare their hearts for his coming. His death and suffering are also commemorated by Christians through the season of Lent. During this season, people subject themselves to fasting and balancing of their sins.Moreover, Jesus, which is one of the Holy Trinity, is worshipped by most people through the celebration of the Holy eucharist every Sunday. Unlike Christians, Muslims do not worship Muhammad. They only view him as the last messenger of God but worship Allah alone (Comparison, n. d. ). Even after the death of Jesus and Muhammad, their haggle and preaching continuously spread. In Christianity, there is the Bible. Bible comes from the word biblos which means boo k.It is the compilation of the works of prophets congress the good deeds and mercy of God on humankind. The bible is also divided into two testaments the hoary and the New. The Old Testament, which consists of 39 books, contains the writings of the Jewish people that reflect their philosophy through literary compositions such as hymns and songs (Weatherall, 2009). The New Testament, on the other hand, is a collection of 27 books that provide a strong influence on Christianity and is recognized as a Sacred Scripture by the Christian Church.include in this part of the bible is the so-called Fourfold Gospels written by Gospel writers with the books of Mathew and level recounting the biographies of Jesus Christ (Achtemeier, Green and Thompson, 2001). In Islam, the means of spreading the word of Muhammad is through the Quran or Koran. Its contents are revealed to Muhammad in stages for 23 years. It is considered as the holy book of the Muslims where the revelation part is mean to co rrect the error found in the Old and New Testaments. It has 114 chapters but is divided into 30 separate called juz.During Ramadan, the Muslims read one juz per day until they complete the whole month celebration (Quran, 2009). In conclusion, the two most influential religions in the present society have their own similarities and differences. Despite these, what is more important is how people respect and follow the doctrines of their religions. It does not matter whether he or she is a Christian or a Muslim. What matters most is how that people work themselves to build a life of morality and treasures in heaven and not on earth.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Equus: Analysis Scenes 20 & 21
genus Equus ikon 20 Introduction First we forget summarize the bathroomdidate, after that we will analyze the following features. (we will be discussing barb 20 first). thick Dysart and Alan be in the office of Dysart, up to now they are pretending to be at the stables. Dysart bears questions to Alan and Alan answers all of them. Alan tells intimately his ritual in the stable. He does this ritual e actually time before he lambasts a gymnastic horse. In this ritual he gives the horse sandals and the Chinkle-chankle. Later they go to the place of Ha Ha, which is a big report Alan distinguishs to be full of mist and covered with nettles.Setting The place is actually in Dysarts office only if they pretend to be in the stable. This is at night or late in the evening, which we can recognize because Dysart says Dalton may still be awake and because Alan says he doesnt same it so late. In this sentence he refers to he as Nugget the horse and it as the Chinkle-chankle. The sta ble Alan dialog ab push through is collection plate to a couple of horses, including Nugget. P dish development This scene was actually precise certain. During the previous scene, so scene 19, the events in scene 20 were foreshadowed.In scene 19 Dysart asked many questions to Alan about his rituals with the horses. In this scene Dysart goes on with questioning and asks Alan to do the rituals that he told Dysart about in the previous scene. Alan accepted this and that is why they pretend to be at the stable. This scene builds up tension and again foreshadows what will happen in the next scene, because it has an plainspoken end. The next scene will probably be about the rituals too Character development Alan is distinct in this scene. In the previous scenes, he did not like to give answers to Dysarts questions.He wanted to ask him questions in return or he used tools such as the tape recorder. In this scene Alan answers all of Dysarts questions without being ashamed, without usi ng tools and without playing games. side by side(p) to that, he seems to follow all of Dysarts instructions without any hesitation. He is not the only character who has developed. Dysart has overly developed. In the previous scenes he was someone who did not like his job. He said that he did the job because he had to. In this scene, Dysart seems very interested and wants to know much about Alan.He still is careful with Alan, but he has to watch out because he could become too curious and make treats without thin female monarch about them. Themes The theme of this scene is religion, because Alan tells more about his god equus. He tells us about the rituals which he has to do in order to ride on Equus. Language The only striking about the language is that Alan uses the word Ha Ha to describe a place. Alan mysteriously tells Dysart Its his place of Ha Ha. Dysart does not ask for more training about this place, so we dont get to know what happens there yet.Symbolism The sandals in t he scene are used as a symbol. He gives the sandals to the horse and he kisses them before he does that. There can be two views however. One of them is religious. Alan gives Nugget the sandals. Alan is a boy who knows a lot about the bible so he also knew that Jesus always wore sandals. In this way, Alan symbolizes Jesus. He sees the horse as Jesus. Therefore he gives the horse the sandals to wear, just like Jesus. The other view however is simply to reduce the noise that the horse makes. It is night and Alan wants to do his rituals and ride on the horse.This will make a lot of noise. So in order to prevent people from noticing this or prevent to wake them up, he gives sandals to the horse. Equus scene 21 Summary Alan and Dysart move on to the huge theater. Alan goes on with his rituals. He completely undresses in front of the horse. Next to that he gets his Manbit. It is a sacred stick on which he bites. After that he touches the horse everyplace On its belly, ribs, flank, eyes et c. After that Alan offers Nugget some sugar, in order to take his sins away. Then he mounts the horse and he says that it hurts because of little knives in his skin.Alan calls himself The king and says that only he can ride Equus, the mightiest of horses. The king (Alan) tramples all of his foes and after that he says Equus I love you and Make us one person . Finally he drops of the horse to the ground and ends with Amen. Setting Alan and Dysart are still in the office of Dysart, however they are still pretending as if they werent. Now they pretend to have walked to the huge field. This huge field is full of mist. They went from the stable to the field so we can assume that it is still dark outside.We can also assume that it is night because Alan told us in the previous scenes that he does his rituals during the night. It probably is not very cold, other than Alan would have had difficulties to stay outside without his clothes. There is also a gate and a tree in the field. We know this because Alan mentioned it. Plot development This scene is in chronological order with the previous scene. So it was predictable that Alan would go on with his ritual. But the ritual itself was very surprising. It turned from a simple ritual to a very extreme one.We can see that some of these rituals come from Christianity. Alan bows for his god Equus and he talks about sins. The tension from the previous scene gets to its climax where Alan has an intense moment riding Nugget. After that, the action drops significantly when Alan says Amen. Character development Alan was already aroused during the previous scene, but we have not seen him this excited yet. There is no sign left of the shame that Alan had previously. He reveals everything. In the previous scene he just demonstrated a part of his rituals, but now he has shown the extremes of his ritual.He stands firmly behind his thoughts and he shows his love towards his god, Equus. It seems as if he has turned into a radical belie ver of his own religion. Dysart is still very curious and does not show any signs of feeling weird. He acts as if everything is normal, as if he is a child wanting to know more about football. From all the sentences that Dysart says, only 2 do not end with a question mark. This shows that Dysart is very curious. Theme The themes of scene 21 are religion and normality. In this scene we learn a lot about the rituals and the religion of Alan.That is why one of the themes is religion. The rituals can be seen as weird. It challenges our sense of what is normal and what is not. With the help of this scene the writer wants to standardize our view on the strange. That is why the second theme of scene 21 is normality. Language Alans use of the language is very striking. He does not use colloquialism. Instead he uses very holy and sacred words. He has created a lot of names for his religion. When Dysart asks him about who his enemies are, Alan gives a lot of new names. He tells us that he is the king and and then he talks like a king.He also uses heroic language such as Equus the Mighty rose against all and His enemies scatter, his enemies fall . Symbolism The sugar that Alan gives to the horse is a symbol that is coupled to Christianity. By giving the sugar, he offers up his sins to Equus. So the sugar stands for sins. He says that this is his last supper, which refers to the last supper of Jesus. certainty Finally, we could say that scene 20 and 21 are quite strange scenes. We discover what the real Alan is like and we get to understand him better. Especially scene 21 seems to be a very important scene for the whole play,
Friday, May 17, 2019
The Public Needs to Know †Revised Version Essay
Our program against domestic violence provides a unspoiled treasure for victims and their families within our community. In society to support a broad range of issues and diverse root of victims, our program has many an(prenominal) a(prenominal) go available to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Staying at our tax hold dear is usually the outgrowth step towards a normal smell for a family that has a history of domestic violence. It is our goal to practice all aras of our expertise to ensure the safety and rehabilitation of every family that reaches out to us for help. Shelters pack been proved to be a way out for victims who are generally in a more angry situation than victims that would use other assists while still staying at their home (Itzhaky & Ben Porat, 2005). Our program is comprised of many go to provide the greatest amount of help to the victim. Though not every victim or family will need a physical shelter to stay, ensuring that we always defend a s afe assign for victims to stay at is always our primary concern.For the duration of their stay, the victim will work closely with our pro staff to dish out with fixing or finding the safest way out of the victims relationship. Residents of the shelter follow a plan established by our councilors that has been tailored specifi beseechy for each victim. We provide staple fiber necessities that would be needed for day-to-day life at no charge. We can also provide a means for the victim to apply for food stamps since in most situations, the aggressor has the only form of income for a family. Our shelter has a state-of-the-art alarm system, which will succumb the victim a peace of sound judgment that their aggressor will not be able to come after them under our care. Although it is not to be used as a replacement for 9-1-1, we draw out a crisis line for individuals that feel the need to deal to a counselling right away.The crisis line is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our counselors are able to give immediate advice on domestic violence situations, and can assist the victim with sledding the home or residence they are veritablely staying at to safely make it to our shelter. If a counselor feels that thevictim is still in immediate danger, he or she will contact emergency renovations for the victim to ensure that no one is harmed. Child iniquity, whether direct or indirect, is another area in which we offer our services. Many times, the children affected have witnessed domestic abuse happening between their parents, and may have been victims themselves. We have counselors in our shelter that are educated and trained to help children become social, and ensure that their interaction with other children is safe for everyone. Male children that see domestic violence happen in the domicile are three times more likely to apply domestic violence in their own household when they are grown up (Straus, Gelles, & Steinmetz, 1980).During their stay at the shelter, we will provide transportation for the children to get to their current schools. We have an on-site clinic for all domestic violence victims to use at any time, but for hard injuries, we will refer victims to the hospital. Many cuts and bruises can be tended to within our shelter, so using our clinic does not micturate a financial burden for the victim since a hospital will charge for a visit. management services are also offered by our program, and do not require residence within the shelter for a victim to speak with a counselor. Areas of counseling include providing advice to victims that do not want to reach their current residence, help with victims friends or families, and serving victims that have previously stayed at the shelter.We offer one-on-one counseling with trained professionals, and group counseling for victims that have experience similar levels of abuse. It is important for victims of domestic violence to understand that they do not necessarily nee d to stay in our facilities in order to receive help. Sometimes friends or family of victims will suspect that something isnt right in their relationship, and our counselors can assist acquaintances with reaching out to the victims to ensure that the victim receives the help they need. Public education is the final, and sometimes overlooked service that we offer as a domestic violence shelter. Not all victims wish to initiate the call for help, and spreading our word that we are here to help can give them the drive they need for us to provide our services. In order to ensure we reach the most amount of people in our community, we have brochures in almost every public facility in the area. We strive to reach areas that are geographically separated from major cities, since women who are far away from shelters are more likely todelay requesting services from domestic violence shelters (Saftlas, Wallis, Schochet, Harland, & Peek-Asa, 2011).Domestic violence shelters are very important f or the victim to have, benefits of our shelter now affect the victims quality of life. After just three weeks, most victims will already feel an improvement in their situation and have a greater outlook on life (McNamara & Fields, 2000). Without our shelter, victims of domestic violence would have nowhere else in the community to turn for a long-term shelter and assistance. As long as a victim is staying at our shelter, that person is no longer in a situation where they can be harmed, emotionally or physically. Our shelter benefits the community by fortify each victim to become an independent person, and enables each person of the community to turn around and give back to different areas by volunteering to help others.In conclusion, our shelter provides many services that would suit the involve of many victims from domestic violence. We provide housing, crisis support, help for children, basic healthcare, counseling, and public education to help as many victims as possible. The be nefits of our shelter are specifically tailored to assist the victim get back on track to have a normal healthy life again. Finally, it is our goal to provide the highest level of service to each person that reaches out to us, since it could be our very own friend, family member, or colleague. References Itzhaky, H., & Ben Porat, A. (2005). Battered women in shelters inhering resources, well-being and integration.Affilia, 20, 39-51. McNamara, J., & Fields, S. (2000). Psychological Reports. Differential functioning of outpatients and patients of a domestic violence shelter on the abuse disability questionnaire, 56, 893-894. Saftlas, A., Wallis, A., Schochet, T., Harland, K., & Peek-Asa, C. (2011). Prevalence of intimate partner violence among an abortion clinic population. American Journal of Public Health, 100(8), 1412-1415. Straus, M. A., Gelles, R. J., & Steinmetz, S. K. (1980). arse closed doors Violence in the American family. Garden City, NY Anchor Press/Doubleday.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
IT User NVQ – Communication
Most businesses of a certain site leave behind have a family website to ell and advertise their products and services. These companies will often have a staff intranet run on comp either servers for employees only. This gives access to company Information, handbooks, procedures, forms and announcements. Paper ground Information Is found in newspapers, books, maps and other printed literature and materials. merchandising info takes form in posters, billboards, leaflets, business cards and advertisements. procure law applies to all Information that Is unattached to view and be stored.It applies to music downloads, psycheal inside information, medical history, financial records, and retests a company or source from plagiarism and theft of owned ideas and work. When referencing someone elses work it is important to acknowledging sources such as websites or books uptaked. This as well applies to Images taken from Imaging sites unless bought through stock photography. Electronica lly, access to Information butt be restricted and permissions grant to only those chosen by the authority, an example of this is an HRS folder in a company network.Only authorized members of the HRS plane section would have access to the folder and Its contents as It would run personal and confidential Information. A person or a business proven to be breaking the Data Protection Act and Copyright laws will be heavily fined and female genitals face a prison sentence. Bal . 2 Describe a minimum of four different frolics of entropy. Manuals and training guides provide schooling on how to use products and appliances Including manufacturing guidelines and warranty information.Training guides argon tutorials for the use of hardw be and software, these start from a beginner level to more advanced features and functions. These croupe be supplied both paper and electronic format. Books containing factual Information can be bought from specialist bookstores, queasiness or borrowed fr om libraries. These can be history and language books or 1 OFF ordinate survey maps contain information about local, national or international areas and countries, whilst reports are created to show information relating to finance, success, stock and inquiry.These can be presented in a written form or a presentation on video recording or over the radio. Creative work is a vital part of advertising information to take in interest and sales. Companies produce posters, brochures and other marketing materials to appeal to their current customer base and attract tenuity from new ones. Information treated on marketing materials usually relates to discounts, new products, extended sales, company profiles and resourcefulness of goods, ideas and concepts.Live information such as bus / trains times, road traffic news, national news bulletins and weather forecasts are available to provide continuous up to date coverage online, on television and through electronic displays. This is arguably the most widely used and necessary information feature to allow the smooth cognitive operation of transport, businesses and increasing public knowledge on local and worldly matters. 82. 1, 82. 2, 82. 3 & 82. 4 Use a minimum of triad different examples of access, aviation and search, one from each category. Use a minimum of three different search techniques and evaluate if the outcomes are fit for purpose.Access entering a password to access a file or folder, creating a database query, entering an exact web address into an internet browser. Navigate the use of website menu bars, browsing a company intranet, using bookmarks and favorites to store and recall websites and pages of interest. Search the use of a search engine, using the find tool in Microsoft programs, using a wild card in database systems when a range of results is required or the exact search name unknown. Evaluation It is important that the information searched for and the results are relevant and up to date.Som e websites are not regularly modifyd so will contain outdated information, a way to check for this is to check the end date on the copyright notice at the base of most home pages. Other informative sites such as Wisped are contribution based so users all over the world can input information on a topic. This information may not be accurate or be referenced incorrectly. Using a wolf in databases will result in increased data found sort through this for the information required will take time. However it is a useful tool if the name or interpretation of what is being searched is unknown.Level of detail required is fundamental to how information is searched and accessed. For more detailed such as books and magazines on a ad hoc topic. Navigation must be a sufficient option on any commercial website so the user can easily find what they are looking for. Poor intention and limited functionality will dissuade users from using a site. 83. 1 & 83. 2 See Using net armor evidence 83. 3 A minimum of three different examples of managing storage. Managing storage in electronic parley is important to allow for organization ND easy retrieval of information.Creating message folders and suborders with rules attached for incoming mail will assistant to organize busy infixes into different categories such as department, sender name and importance. Suborders can be included for completed tasks or read and replied to telecommunicates. Any important attachments should be downloaded to a specific folder and the email archived or deleted if possible to create more space. Archiving important emails allows them to be saved on an individual computer or on a network. These emails can be retrieved when needed and opened in a compatible email client.Deleting unwanted emails ND regularly clear Junk and deleted items folders will help to increase space and also the running speed of an email program. These folders can be set to railway car empty on close of the program or after a ce rtain number of days. 83. 4 & 83. 5 Describe how to, and respond appropriately to, at least two common IT- based confabulation problems. When communicating through IT some problems can occur which can be rectified by following(a) guidelines set by the network administrator of the manufacturer. Examples of problems that can occur are attempting to send or overhear an email with an attachment that is too large or unreadable.Many businesses set size restrictions on incoming and forthcoming mail for security and space management. Decreasing the size of the file or finding an alternative method of delivery such as a USB stick will allow the recipient to receive without still issues. Sometimes an attachment cannot be opened as it has been created in a program not installed on the recipients computer. Appropriate programs, or the sender and resave in a different format. Emails from unknown senders can be problematic. These can be SPAM or fishing emails attempting to trick the recipien t into entering personal or banking details ender the guise of a legitimate company.They can also be innocent messages that can contain a virus attachment which is intended to damage the recipients computer. Ways to prevent this are to install antivirus software and update it regularly. Increase firewall settings and if possible install spare prevention software also. Be wary of emails from unknown senders, if an email address does not appear legitimate most email clients have a block feature to stop further emails being received from the address. Any emails that appear to be genuine such as from a bank are often not so contacting the company by phone will clarify what is required.
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